Title: Sin ttulo de diapositiva
1Optimisation of Environmental Gamma Spectrometry
using Monte Carlo Methods
Francisco Javier Hernandez Suarez Radioactivity
in the Environment and studies of Environmental
systems group, Department of Physics Uppsala
Environmental Gamma Spectrometry
Gamma Spectrometry Laboratory
Efficiency Calibration of HPGe Detectors
Self-absorption Corrections
Measurement of Radiotracers in Env. Samples
3Environmental Gamma Spectrometry
Use of Radionuclides as tracers of Environmental
Simultaneous and Absolute Measurement of Gamma
Emmitting Radionuclides in Diversous
Environmental Systems
4Environmental Gamma Spectrometry
Use environmental systems as indicators of global
Examples of radionuclides measurable by gamma
U-235, U-238(Th-234), Th-232(Ac-228), K-40, Be-7
Ra-226, Pb-214, Bi-214, Tl-210, Pb-210
Th-231, Th-227, Ra-223, Bi-211
Th-228, Ra-224, Pb-212, Tl-208
Cs-137, Cs-134, Am-241
5Environmental Gamma Spectrometry Laboratory
Dynamic range of measuring possibilities 0.1 -
250 g
Ultra low-level background
6Environmental Gamma Spectrometry Laboratory
7Environmental Gamma Spectrometry Laboratory
8Efficiency Calibration of HPGe Detectors
Absolute measurement of activities
Homogeneous Sources with Minimised absorption
Impractical for the calibration of many
sample-to-detector geometries
9Efficiency Calibration of HPGe Detectors using
Monte Carlo Methods
10Efficiency Calibration of HPGe Detectors using
Monte Carlo Methods
11Self-absorption corrections using Monte Carlo
Semi-empirical method
12Self-absorption corrections using Monte Carlo
13Measurement of Radiotracers in Environmental
Spectrometry of Th-234 (U-238)
Monte Carlo simulations cannot yet completely
replace the experimental determination of the
efficiency of Ge-detectors.
However, Monte Carlo simulations do provide
valuable data to facilitate the calibration of
the efficiency of Ge-detectors without the need
of extensive experimental work.
The main limitation in the simulation of the
performance of Ge-detectors is the inaccurate
knowledge of all the input parameters related to
the sample-to-detector geometry.
Simulating the performance of Well type
Ge-detectors requires the modelling of the charge
collection process in the crystal.
Monte Carlo methods provide flexible means to
perform self-absorption corrections in
environmental gamma spectrometry
The 63 keV peak (self-absorption corrected) is
the most suitable peak for the calculation of the
Th-234 (U-238) activity
Gamma spectrometry can be used quantitatively for
the simultaneous measurement of multitracers in
sediment fractions