Title: Class Management
1Class Management
2Which came firstthe Client or the Class?
3It dependson how you manage your workflow.
4So Lets just start with Clients.
- Prospects
- Applicants
- Class Members
- Administrators
5Prospects may one day apply or enroll in a class.
6Applicants have already applied to be accepted in
the program.
7Class Members are ready to enroll in an already
defined class.
8MGRKS Main Menu
Choose Client Info from the Main Menu To add
new client information.
9Add the new client according to your county
Note you must have A class defined to Directly
add a Class Member.
10Example Prospect
Always Save!
11MGRKS Main Menu
Choose the Data option.
12Data Menu
Choose Class Management
13 Add a new class.
14Define your new class.
Give a meaningful name.
Class end date is a milestone The system uses to
determine When someone becomes a Class Member
drop out. You have 3 months from this date To
update your records.
Always save.
15Now you can assign Prospects and Applicants to
your new class.
16Clients must be in the system to assign them to a
Highlight a name
Click the arrows to Move the name to The roster.
17Use the arrows to assign and unassign.
18Now you can manage your roster.
You can assign more names.
Access or edit Client Info.
19But you MUST tell the system the Class Member
should be a MGVIT.
And Update!
20Queen Mary is now a MGVIT!
21But poor Julie will turn into a drop out!
22System Messages Remind You.