Title: Snmek 1
1(No Transcript)
- Jump the gap je soute, kterou porádá spolecnost
Roca, nejvetí výrobce keramiky na svete (znacky
Laufen, Jika, Roca) - Soute Jump the gap je soucástí Roca
International Design Contest (tretí rocník) - Téma soutee nový design, nápad, funkce cokoli
inovativního v koupelne - Kdo se mue zúcastnit designéri, architekti,
studenti designu a architektury - Podmínka rok narození 1974 a mladí
- Prihlásit se mue jednotlivec nebo dvojice
(pracující v týmu na jednom projektu) - Studentum je doporuceno mít povolení od koly
- Registrace probíhá na webových stránkách
www.jumpthegap.net a to zdarma - Zaregistrovat se je moné do 31.12.2008
- Pokud pracují na jednom projektu dva lidé, oba se
musí zaregistrovat
- Vechny texty v projektu musí být v anglickém
jazyce - Maximální pocet souboru je 4, JPG formát, z toho
jeden soubor je povinný a musí mít minimálne
4000Kb. 3 volitelné soubory musí být v nízkém
rozliení o maximální velikosti 1000Kb. - V prípade videa/animace (jeden z volitelných
souboru) musí mít soubor FLV formát a maximální
velikost mezi 1MB a 10MB a rozmery 400x300. - Povinné Popis projektu v anglickém jazyce
(maximálne 3000 znaku) - Povinné kopie diplomu, certifikátu, kolního
zápisu ve formátu JPG, PNG, GIF(v prípade týmu o
dvou lidech musejí poslat oba) - Projekt musí být vloen na www.jumpthegap.net do
- Kvalita nápadu a inovace
- Kvalita prezentace
- Nápady, které vystihují téma soutee (inovativní
reení koupelnového vybavení vcetne doplnku,
reení budoucnosti bez limitu dnení doby, lepí
design, hygiena, komfort nové technologie, skok
do budoucnosti,) - Netradicní nápady
- V breznu 2009 bude vybráno 30 projektu, které
budou predstaveny porote - Porota vybere jednoho víteze behem dubna 2009
- Porota mue vybrat dalích 9 projektu, za které
souteící obdrí diplom - Roca bude prezentovat výherní projekt na akci
100 Design London 2009, co je velká príleitost
jak prosadit jméno výherce - K podporení výherního projektu a autora bude
velká PR podpora - Autor výherního projektu bude spolupracovat s
firmou Roca na výrobe prototipu projektu, který
firma Roca predstaví na 100 Design London - Autor výherního projektu se zúcastní 100 Design
London zdarma
winning project "liquified", the devious
topography of pleasure by david benito and laia
guardiola. spain
liquefy l?kwIfa? v. tr. liq ue fied, liq ue
fy ing, liq ue fies.To cause to become liquid,
especially to melt a solid by heating. A solid
bar melts and is modeled by body heat. Matter
bends to both the enjoyment and functional needs
of a bathing area. A sculpture that fills the
whole space, playing an important role in all
activities that take place in a hotel room. A
landscape appealing to the pleasure of doing
things at ones own pace, with no rush. In
hotel-room planning, the bathroom is becoming
more important and is better equipped, a fact
which creates a duality between the sleeping and
bathing areas. Liquefy proposes an open,
continuous space, where you can do every single
thing and where every element in the hotel room
answers a need without being in the way of other
8UKÁZKY MINULÝCH ROCNÍKU 04/05- pokracování
- Our proposal is based on a design consisting of
six basic pieces which can be combined together.
Every piece can be easily connected to the others
and can create an infinite sequence. Free
combination of these pieces ensures the creation
of endless bathroom topographies, so that it is
quite simple to find a solution for every room,
every hotel, every need... - BathtubGlass is used for this shape to contain
water, thus obtaining a lateral see-through
bathtub. There is also an elevated surface where
you can rest, or take a foot-bath. - ToiletThe WC and the bidet are integrated in a
shape which is conceived so as to take into
consideration the form of the body when used. All
the pipes and the cistern are also integrated in
the shape. - Single WashbasinAn undulating surface on the
upper level contains the washbasin, while the
lower level can be used to store the bathroom
accessories. - Double WashbasinAn undulating surface on the
upper level contains two washbasins, while the
lower level can be used to store the bathroom
accessories. - ShowerThe shower consists of a high panel with
all the controls, a raised surface on which you
can rest and a glass sliding door. - Lounge aroundAn anatomical shape with a warm
surface that can be used in so many ways. Lets
try it!
winning project waterMassage by alberto nogueras
castillo. spain
A massage is one of the greatest pleasures that
our body can receive. To think of wellness is to
think of relaxation, peacefulness and happiness.
These are the main aspects that Watermassage aims
for, an area dedicated to wellness and
relaxation. We aim to free the body of
accumulated tension, by acting on strategic
points and, with the application of different
pressure, the muscles relax and as a result the
mind relaxes. The pressure of the jets and the
different temperatures of the water also
stimulate circulation, relieve and avoid lesions,
strengthen the muscles and facilitate the
reconstruction of muscle tissue. In order to
achieve an optimum result, it is necessary to
control exterior details such as lighting,
temperature, noise, etc. This way we can achieve
an ideal area for our body and mind to
concentrate fully on the benefits of the
massage. Feelings for all the sensesPressurized
water on specific points brings pleasurable
sensations to all our senses and generates a
complete feeling of psychological and physical
relaxation. The alternative compression and
decompression of the tissues releases endorphins
which stimulate the nerve fibres and generate
varying levels of pleasure. MassageWatermassage
is a massage that is carried out by jets of air
and water while we are relaxing on a comfortable
surface. It is possible to adjust the direction
and the pressure of the jets to suit each person.
From the tactile screen, we can select the type
of massage we wish, even adjusting it to
concentrate on a particularly tense area of our
body and thus relaxing specific muscles. The
adjustable jets are situated in key areas for
massage the head, thorax, abdomen, arms and
upper and lower legs. The variety of sensations
ranges from a gentle relaxing massage to an
intensive massage which activates circulation.