Title: MLA Documentation
1MLA Documentation
- Avoid plagiarism!
- Establish credibility!
2What isdocumentation?
- Giving credit whenever you reference anyone
elses work (writing, research, ideas) - Parenthetical References
- (author )
- immediately after any quoted, paraphrased, or
summarized text - Works Cited
- list of all sources referenced
- last page of document
- see MLA for format
3Works Cited Page
- bibliography
- Last, separate page of your final document
- List of all sources referenced in paper
- Start keeping track from the beginning of your
4Works Cited
Madison 11 Works Cited Silly, Iam. Laughing at
myself. Comedian Quarterly. 16 Sept.
1999 5-11. Smiles, Seymore. Laughter
Really Is the Best Medicine A
Comparative Study. New Medicine. 1 Nov.
2001 35-70. Wright-Moor, Iota.
Emotions Getting Them On Paper So Someone
Can Understand. Nebraska Me Too
Publ. Inc., 1997.
- Double space
- 1 margins
- Center Works Cited at top
- Arrange alphabetically
5What information do I need?
- Refer to an MLA style guide such as
- Language Network (p. 648-655)
- Write for College (sections 311-361)
- MLA Handbook (6th edition is most current)
- Internet sources
- http//www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/DocMLA.html
- http//www.mla.org/
- Style
- Frequently Asked Questions
- http//www.ccc.commnet.edu/mla/index.shtml
- http//owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/print/resea
6Parenthetical References
- You must document
- Summarized or paraphrased information
- Facts, figures, and statistics
- Quoted words, phrases, or passages
- Ideas of another person
- Any reference to another published work
7Parenthetical References
- Generally authors last name page number of
source - (Madison 394)
- Exceptions
- Identifying Madison in text, then (394)
- Citing complete works, then no page number
- Citing anonymous book then (shortened version of
title page number) - Citing an indirect, secondary source, then (qtd.
in Madison) if finding the original source is not
possible - Citing source w/o pagination (author)
no comma
8Research 4 Working Bibliography
- Keep a working, annotated bibliography of all of
the sources you think you might use in your
paper. - Guidelines
- Use MLA documentation
- When you begin writing, mark those you actually
use - See http//english.purdue.edu/handouts/general/gl_
- Note taking Options
- Note cards
- Electronic Bibliography
- Word document
- PDA or handheld
9Sample Source Note Card
Wright-Moor, Iota. Emotions Getting Them On
Paper So Someone Can Understand.
Nebraska Me Too Publ. Inc., 1997.
10Sample Source Note Card
This is where you would write a brief summary of
the source and a few evaluative statements. (How
helpful is this source? Is it credible?)
Finally, you may want to include a few reflective
statements. (How does this source help me
develop my ideas?)
11Sample Source Notes
Title An Annotated Bibliography Wright-Moor,
Iota. Emotions Getting Them On Paper So
Someone Can Understand. Nebraska Me Too Publ.
Inc., 1997. This is where you would write a
brief summary of the source and a few evaluative
statements. (How helpful is this source? Is it
credible?) Finally, you may want to include a
few reflective statements. (How does this source
help me develop my ideas?)