Title: hat is a WIKI
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2hat is a WIKI?
- Hawaiian word for quick
- a web page with an "edit" button allowing users
to add and edit information - useful, powerful way to collaborate
- anyone and everyone (or no one) gets to decide
what will be said (content), how it will be said
(organization), and whether it will be said
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4m not sure what that looks like?
5What an
with this?
6 I want to learn to make a wik
7- OH, thats easy!
- Create a storyboard of your wiki.
- Create a wiki account.
- Format and set options
- Create and populate the pages.
- Link the pages (navigation bar).
- PBWikiAn easy-to-use (but graphically limited)
site. The host site for this ILT Workshop wiki. - WetPaintA fine wiki tool with lots of good
templates--visually pleasing and easy to use.
It's now advertising-free for education. - WikispacesOne of the most popular wiki sites
for educators. - PikiWikiA relative newcomer, it has good "drag
and drop" features for adding and editing photos,
videos and sound. Bright, kid-friendly graphics.
9MORE WIKI INFORMATION http//www.wikispaces.com/
site/tourintroduction This is a very well-done
tutorial on how to create a WikiSpace wiki from
the very folks who bring your WikiSpaces Backgrou
nd articles and information on wikis Glorified
Whiteboard.Edutopia.Edutopia magazine article
focusing on one teacher's exemplary use of wikis
in her classroom. Big 6 Collaborations and
WikisAn article on how to bring Big 6 projects
to life with wikis. DeAnza College Wiki
OverviewA wiki workshop page from DeAnza
Colloege provides an excellent overview of wikis
with links to many additional wiki resources and
tools. Which Wiki is Right for You?Rhonda
Brisco of SLJ evaluates three popular wikis
pbwiki, wikispaces, and wetpaint. Wiki
MatrixCompare dozens of wikis on a multitude of
criteria or do a customized search for the right
wiki for your needs.