Title: Experimental Issues in Quantum Measurement
1Experimental Issues in Quantum Measurement
Lectures Tuesday, 10-11, Kleiner Hörsaal
Aephraim Steinberg
(auf Englisch, es tut mir leid)
- Why does one thing happen and not another?
- When is a quantum measurement?
- Does a measurement necessarily disturb the
system, and how? - What can we say about an observable before we
measure it? - Does a wave function describe a single particle,
or only an ensemble? - Is a wave function a complete description of a
single particle? - Can we predict the past?
2Atoms falling out of a lattice trap
As the trap is lowered, each quantum state falls
out at a different time we can see by eye how
many atoms were in each energy eigenstate.
3The Wigner quasiprobability function
...combining many such measurements, we can
completely describe the quantum state of the
P(0,0) lt 0 ?!
4Some topics well cover
- Must collapse really happen?
- alternate pictures of measurements and
correlations - How much can we say about the past?
- weak measurements and postselection...
- Can we measure the entire state of a particle?
- density-matrix and Wigner function reconstruction
- Can we distinguish between indistinguishable
things? - non-orthogonal state discrimination
- Are there different things we can never
distinguish between? - different preparations of identical density
matrices - Can we measure something without interacting
with it? - Vaidmans bomb experiment
- Can we undo the disturbance introduced by a
measurement? - The quantum eraser
- Can we use the measurement process to accomplish
tasks? - Measurement-induced nonlinearity, LOQC
LECTURES TUESDAYS 10-11, Kleiner Hörsaal