Title: Alexandru C' Telea
1Scientific Visualization
- Alexandru C. Telea
- Eindhoven University of Technology
2 Aim and prerequisites
Study material
Practical work
3Aim (what you shall learn)
- Provide theoretical and practical
- knowledge in
- computer graphics
- data representation
- data visualization
- -implementing visualizations
- -visualization in MayaVi
4Prerequisites (what you should know)
Mathematics -basic 1D derivatives -basic
linear algebra Computer science -basic
computer graphics -basic programming
-more programming (if you take the practical
5Summary (what well talk about)
- 8 main subjects
- Introduction-what is visualization
- -related disciplines-fields of
applications, examples - 2. The Visualization Pipeline
- -definition-importing data-data
enrichment,data mapping
6Summary (what well talk about)
3. Basic Data Representation-sampling and
interpolation -the dataset concept
-color 4. Graphics Rendering -geometric
datasets-lighting, normal vectors -color,
transparency, texture
7Summary (what well talk about)
5. Fundamental Algorithms-scalar algorithms
-vector algorithms -tensor algorithms
-modeling algorithms 6. Volume Rendering
-raytracing, ray sampling -volume
8Summary (what well talk about)
7. Information Visualization-what is relational
(abstract) data -graph visualization
-tree visualization 8. Visualization Software
(to be seen) -visualization architectures
-available libraries, systems, etc
9Study material (what youll learn from)
Theory -the slides
-book (recommended), see next buy
it yourself ? Practice -the assignments
INFO_VIS -the MayaVi tool (optional)
download via the net, find the latest
site with Google
10Study material (what youll learn from)
The book The Visualization Toolkit
An Object-Oriented Approach to 3D
Graphics (W. Schroeder, K. Martin,
B. Lorensen Prentice Hall)
- the only textbook so far for scientific
visualization - contains a lot more than the course does
- (course will address specific parts/chapters)
- contains software we shall not (directly) use
- the CD contains data files for visualization
- try to get it! New edition available in 2003
11Study material (what youll learn from)
The slides Get them at
http//www.win.tue.nl/alext/ COURSES/INFO_VIS
- contain the exact course material, linked to the
book - slides are in principle enough
- book helps though a lot understanding the
12Study material (what youll learn from)
The software MayaVi easy-to-use
visualization tool
- useful for those wishing to practice the
visualization algorithms presented during the
course - not mandatory, but very helpful addition to the
course - doesnt require programming
13Study material (what youll learn from)
- MayaVi
- easy-to-use visualization tool
- well demonstrate it during the course
- no need for programming
- reads dataset files in the VTK format .vtk
(you can read the datasets on the books CD) - has a large number of visualization algorithms
14MayaVi Visualization Pipeline
How do I get my data visualized?
15Grading (how well assess your work)
- Two options
- Research assignment
- -study a number of articles on a chosen
subject -write an essay on that subject - 2) Practical assignment
- -design and implement an algorithm for a
- concrete visualization problem
- -deliver report and operational software
See http//www.win.tue.nl/alext/COURSES/INFO_VIS
16That's it!
Contacts Alex Telea