Title: TITCH
2Which one is Titch?
3Correct This is Titch
4Try again This is Peter
5Try again This is Mary
6Which is Titchs tricycle?
7Correct The yellow tricycle is Titchs
8Try again The blue bike is Marys
9Try again The red bike is Petes
10Did Titch have a kite or a pinwheel?
11Correct Titch had a blue pinwheel
12Try again Mary had a yellow kite
13Try again Pete had a blue kite
14What instrument did Titch have?
15Correct The whistle belongs to Titch
16Try again The drum belongs to Pete
17Try again The trumpet belongs to Mary
18Who do the nails belong to?
19Correct Titch had the nails
20Try again Pete had the big saw
21Try again Mary had the big hammer
22What did Titch have hold of?
23Correct Titch had the tiny seed
24Try again Pete had the big spade
25Try again Mary had the fat flowerpot
26What happened to Titchs seed?
It grew and grew?
It did not grow?
It grew a little bit?
27Correct It grew and grew
28Try again
29Try again
30Here is Pete, Mary, Titch and the huge plant.