Title: Development of Soil Quality Assessment Tools in the US
1Development of Soil Quality Assessment Tools in
the US
- Susan Andrews
- Soil Quality Tech. Dev. Team
2 Soil Quality Tool Development Approach
issue driven
Sustainable Decision- Making
research based
user input
- Concepts and Issues
- Focus Group Results
- Research and Development
4Soil Quality Definitions
capacity of the soil to function -
Karlen et al. 1997
- fitness for use
- - Larson Pierce, 1991
5What is soil function?
- What a soil does
- A.K.A.
- Ecosystem services
6Soil Functions
- Maintaining biodiversity productivity
7Soil Functions
- Regulating and partitioning water and solute flow
8Soil Functions
9Soil Functions
- Storing and Cycling Nutrients
10Soil Functions
- Physical Stability and Support
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12Inherent vs Dynamic Soil Quality
- reflects natural characteristics
- based on soil forming factors
- climate, parent material, topography, and
vegetation, all acting over time Jenny, 1941 - describes status or condition of soil
- result of land use or management practice
- after Pierce and Larson, 1993
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16US Farmers Definitions
17US Farmers Definitions continued
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21Soil Quality A Component of Sustainability
22What US Farmers Wanted
- research showing the relationship between soil
quality and economics
Is there real economic value you can place on a
certain level of measurable of soil quality?
SVJ farmer
23Cost of SQ loss via Erosion
- Degrades organic matter levels and other fines
Off-site values
24Dissatisfaction with Available Tools
It is astonishing to me that they're still
only giving me a one page soil test.
You need a more sophisticated tool than that.
SJV farmer Â
 I might as well be speaking to crop
advisors in Russian, about worrying about carbon
levels or C to N ratios.
SV farmer
25Soil Quality Assessment
26What US Farmers Wanted
- predictions of management practice effects on
soil quality - If I switched to no-till, what outcomes can
I expect?
IL-IA farmer
- ability to make soil quality comparisons over
time, including changes in carbon - site-specific interpretations for indicators
27MAP 40. Soil Quality Degradation Indicator for
Predictive Tools
28Soil Conditioning Index (SCISoil
DisturbancePlant ProductionErosion)
Carbon (lbs)
29Practice Based Indices
Do you use conservation tillage? Do you rotate
crops? Do you use cover crops? Do you use
rotational grazing?
SQ Score
30Comparative Tools
31Soil Health Scorecards
- Qualitative
- Self Assessment Tool
- Developed by Farmers for Farmers
- Uses Farmer-Based Descriptive Terms
- Promotes Awareness of Soil Quality
- Based on Wisconsin Health Card
- - Romig et al., 1995
32Soil Quality Card Design Guide
- How to develop health cards with local farmers
- Focus group and consensus building techniques
- Interpretation limited
33Semi-Quantitative Kits
34Soil Quality Test kit Guide
- Test procedures
- General interpretations
- Spreadsheets available
- Who performs?
- Lacks C assay
35Site Specific Tools
Inherent SQ
Soil Function
Soil A Soil B
36Site-Specific Interpretation
GA Ultisols IA Mollisols
37Soil Management Assessment Framework
- Andrews et al., 2002
38Step 1 Indicator Selection
Management Goals
- In addition, selection depends on Crop
Practice Inherent Soil Region Scale
392. Interpretation
Ecosystem Function
Nitrogen Added (kg/ha)
- after DeFries et al., 2002
40Step 3 Integration
Low score for bulk density suggests impaired
rooting and aeration due to aeration Consider
controlled traffic, reduce tillage, sub-soiling,
no traffic when soils are wet
41What do farmers think?
42Comparison of SQ Indices with Farmer Perceptions
- Biologically Integrated Farming Systems Project
- 14 participating farms
- side-by-side fields with organic amendment
43Index Results Over Time
BIFS Farm 2
Index Value
Nov 95 Nov 96 May 97
Nov 97 May 98
Sampling Date
denotes significance at 0.005
-Andrews et al., 2002
44Survey Question 1
45Farm-Specific Indexhanded out after question 1
46Survey Response 2
How well did the index reflect your perception of
soil quality?
N 12 Mean 8 Std. Dev. 1 Range min. 6
max. 10
-Andrews et al, 2003
47Farmers Responses
- Most felt the calculated index scores reflected
their perceptions - ... the overall soil quality score indicates
what I was thinking - it came out exactly the way I scored it
- All used yield as their metric of soil quality
- US farmers wanted comprehensive management tools
- Research needed
- Tie SQ and economics,
- Qualitative indicators and management
prescriptions - Develop in-field carbon measures
- Interpretation of indicators must be
site-specific - SQ assessment tools can meet this need
- Continued development is needed
49Before researchers become researchers they
should become philosophers. They should consider
what the human goal is, what it is that humanity
should create. Masanobu