Title: A Journey on the Hudson River
1A Journey on the Hudson River
2How long is the Hudson River?
- The Hudson River starts at Lake Tear of the
Clouds in the Adirondacks, and travels about 480
Km (300 miles) to empty into the Atlantic Ocean. - The river drains New York, and parts of
Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, and New
3Why is the Hudson an estuary?
4Which part of the River do you live
in Upper Mid Lower?
5How does the river change as you move along its
- In the Adirondacks, the River is surrounded by
forest and metamorphic rocks, making the water
clear and cold.
6What does it look like?
Cooper et al.
7The Federal Dam at Troy halts the tidal action of
the river.
Source www.clui.org
8As you move past the Troy dam, the river changes
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16The River is used for fishing, boating, and
Source www.dec.state.ny.us
Source www.hrfa.net
17Here is an example of a Hudson River food pyramid.
3 consumer
2 consumer
1 consumer
18Where would the Atlantic Sturgeon fit in our food
19Biodiversity abounds throughout the watershed.
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21Least Bittern Photo Credit Alan W. Wells
Least Bittern
Photo Credit Alan W. Wells
22American Goldfinch Photo credit Alan W. Wells
American Goldfinch
Photo Credit Alan W. Wells
23Wood Duck Photo Credit Alan W. Wells
Wood Duck ?
Photo Credit Alan W. Wells
24Water flea
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26Tides are constantly changing the nature of the
At low tide in Peekskill, NY
27and at high tide!
28Location of the salt front change depends on?
29The Hudson River is an important habitat for
diadromous (di two, dromous direction) fish,
which migrate between fresh and marine waters.
American Eel
Atlantic Sturgeon Rob Ann Simpson
White perch
30As an estuary, it is very productive
31What controls primary productivity in the Hudson?
- River flow too much water
- Light not enough, and they cant grow
- Predators grazers
- Every part of the food web will have different
32Whats in the water? A lot of mud.
33Although the health of the Hudson River has
improved in the last 40 years, problems remain.
Source www.epa.gov
Source www.filthyimages.com
34Development pressures are changing the landscape
along the river from large single-family homes
Source www.scenichudson.org
35to condominium development projects in wetland
Source www.scenichudson.org
36to housing development projects.
Source www.scenichudson.org
37Chemicals called PCBs (polychlorinated
biphenyls), which cause cancer and other health
problems, were released into the Hudson River
starting in the 1950s by GE.
PCB cleanup has begun at Fort Edward, about 40
miles north of Albany. The project is expected
to remove about 10 of the contaminated river
Source dnr.wi.gov
38Invasive species, such as the water chestnut seen
below, have changed the ecosystem.
39Water celery is the native species that is being
replaced along shorelines by water chestnut.
40Zebra mussels have spread rapidly in the Hudson
since their introduction around 1985.
41Sept 90- June 91
Sept 91 Dec 91
42Population growth of zebra mussels from 1991-2002.
43Many scientists are working to learn more about
the river. For example, scientists at Lamont
Doherty are mapping the bottom of the river to
learn more about sediment transport and the
rivers history.
Source F. Nitsche
44Scientists at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem
Studies are working on invasive species in and
around the Hudson River.
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46They also study nutrient budgets, and look for
changes over time in different habitats along the
47You will be researching the Hudson as well!