Title: Health
1Welcome to Health and Safety at UWIC
2 Health Safety at UWIC
3Health Safety Policy
4Heads of Schools/Units
- Produce a School/Unit health safety policy and
health safety committee - Develop effective health safety systems
ensure that responsibilities are devolved through
school/unit structures - Make arrangements for workplace assessments
5- Risk assess activities and ensure that safe
systems of work are applied - Ensure that accidents are reported, investigated
and that measures are taken to prevent or reduce
6Head of Estates
- Arranging for statutory tests, inspections to be
undertaken maintaining the fabric of the
building and services - Consideration of health safety implications on
new or refurbished installations, plant
7Head of Facilities
- Catering
- Residences
- Campus Services
- Security
8- Fire Risk Assessment
- Fire Evacuation Procedures
- Access/Egress
- Traffic Control
9Everyone at UWIC has a part to play in reducing
the risk of accidents or ill-health
- Take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of
yourself of other persons who maybe affected by
your acts or omissions - things you do, or things
you neglect to do. - Co-operate wherever necessary to help ensure
compliance with Health and Safety requirements
10Health Safety Management Structure
Deputy Principal - chair of HS Committee All
Heads of Schools, Head of Estates Head of
Facilities, Trade Union Representatives Student
Union President
HEALTH SAFETY TEAMS Workplace inspections
HEALTH SAFETY TEAMS Workplace inspections
11General Information
- Fire Action notices are displayed throughout UWIC
and identify the action to take on discovering a
fire or on hearing a fire alarm. Please read this
information and commit the instructions to
memory. - Designated Fire Wardens are located throughout
UWIC and will assist in all evacuations.
12First Aid
- Supplies of first aid and trained First Aid
Officers are located throughout UWIC. - Emergency First aid may be summoned by dialling
222 from an internal phone
- Please ensure that the electrical equipment you
use at UWIC is safe. Do not operate portable
electrical appliances unless you have first
carried out a visual inspection and are confident
of how to operate the equipment safely. - All UWICs portable electrical appliances are
tested on a periodic basis by Estates and should
carry a green label identifying the test date.
14Reporting Hazards
- Please follow your School/Units procedure for
reporting any unsafe act or condition. If you are
unclear as to when or to whom you should report,
ask your Line Manager.
15Accident Reporting
- Accident report forms (AR/99) are available from
Campus Receptions and all Medical rooms.
16Find Out More!