Title: Begins immediately after activity ends
1Recovery period
- Begins immediately after activity ends
- Pyruvate from lactate requires O2
- Glucose back to muscle (stored as glycogen)
- Oxygen debt (excess post-exercise oxygen
consumption) - Amount of oxygen required during resting period
to restore muscle to normal conditions - Heat Loss- Body temperature regulation role
2Types of skeletal muscle fibers
- Fast fibers
- Slow fibers
- Intermediate fibers
3Figure 10.21 Fast versus Slow Fibers
Figure 10.21
4Fast fibers
- Large in diameter
- Contain densely packed myofibrils
- Large glycogen reserves
- Relatively few mitochondria
- Produce rapid, powerful contractions of short
5Slow fibers
- Half the diameter of fast fibers
- Take three times as long to contract after
stimulation - Abundant mitochondria
- Extensive capillary supply
- High concentrations of myoglobin
- Can contract for long periods of time
6Intermediate fibers
- Similar to fast fibers
- Greater resistance to fatigue
7Muscle performance and the distribution of muscle
- Pale muscles dominated by fast fibers are called
white muscles - Dark muscles dominated by slow fibers and
myoglobin are called red muscles - Training can lead to hypertrophy of stimulated
Hypertrophy- increased mitochondria, glycolytic
enzymes, glycogen, and myodibrils - opposite
of atrophy
9Physical conditioning
- Anaerobic endurance
- Time over which muscular contractions are
sustained by glycolysis and ATP/CP reserves - Aerobic endurance
- Time over which muscle can continue to contract
while supported by mitochondrial activities
10Structural characteristics of cardiac muscle
- Located only in heart
- Cardiac muscle cells are small
- One centrally located nucleus
- Short broad T-tubules (no triads)
- Dependent on aerobic metabolism
- No terminal cisternae (flattened membrane disks)
of SR SR tubules contact PM - More myogloblin (O2 storing protein in muscle
cells) and mitochondria - Intercalated discs where membranes contact one
11Figure 10.22 Cardiac Muscle Tissue
Figure 10.22
12Functional characteristics of cardiac muscle
- Automaticity- due to pacemaker cells of the
Sinoatrial node - Contractions last longer than skeletal muscle
- Do not exhibit wave summation
- No tetanic contractions (s. tetanus) possible
13Structural characteristics of smooth muscle
- Nonstriated
- Lack myofibrils and sarcomeres
- Thin filaments anchored to dense bodies
- Involuntary
- No T tubules
- loose network of SR
- Thick filaments scattered with more cross-bridges
- Thin filaments anchored to dense bodies (desmin)
- Adjacent cells bound at dense bodies
14Figure 10.23 Smooth Muscle Tissue
Figure 10.23
15Functional characteristics of smooth muscle
- Contract when calcium ions interact with
calmodulin - Activates myosin light chain kinase
- Functions over a wide range of lengths
- Plasticity
- Multi-unit smooth muscle cells are innervated by
more than one motor neuron, thus are motor units - Visceral smooth muscle cells are not always
innervated by motor neurons - Neurons that innervate smooth muscle are not
under voluntary control