Title: Digital Geographic Information Working Group DGIWG
1Digital Geographic Information Working Group
- Background Information for the Joint Steering
Group on Spatial Standardization and Related
Herman Dohmann, C/TC
- Quasi-NATO organization established in 1983
- NATO emphasis -Membership beyond NATO
- Standardization to support Interoperability, data
exchange, data access, and burden sharing - Creating, adopting, profiling, and maintaining
standards and product specifications - Harmonization/migration military, national,
regional, and international standards - Coordination of National Initiatives
- Forging co-production opportunities
3DGIWG Organization
Steering Committee - Chaired by UK (Brig P.
Walker) (Steering Committee Strategy
Sub-Group) Technical Committee - Chaired by US
(H. Dohmann) Specific Working Parties (WP) -
Chaired by various nations
Current membership 17 nations (membership is
anticipated to expand to 20 over the next year)
4DGIWG Activities
- Current WPs - DIGEST, FACC, Metadata, Data
Quality, Portrayal, Services, (Hydrographic) - Other technical activities - Coordination of
national initiatives (digital reproduction
materials, sample data, matrix data requirements,
modeling and simulation, transport and logistics
dataset, gateway services- data warehouse
access, and various STANAG product development,
etc) - Liaison/support - NATO Geographic Requirements
WG NATO Geographic Conference Interservice
Geographic WG (STANAGs) NATO AG IV 5 Nations
Conference ISO TC 211 Open GIS Consortium
International Hydrographic Organization and VMap
Co-production WG
5DIgital Geographic information Exchange STandard
- In 1991 DGIWG developed DIGEST to support
interoperability, data exchange, and
co-production - STANAG 7074 US - DIGEST Custodian
- Comprehensive and evolving family of standards
supporting current and emerging requirements - Supports raster, vector, and matrix data exchange
- Consistent metadata across various encapsulations
- Backed by production
- DIGEST 2.0 (June 1997) DIGEST 2.1 (end of Sep
6DIGEST has been the Basis
- Harmonizing military, national, and
international standards - Supporting Interoperability, data exchange,
burden sharing - Co-production VMap, DNC, raster formats
- Various national and commercial developments
- Supporting Geo-referencing requirements
- NATO Secondary Imagery Format (NSIF)
- Shuttle Radar Terrain Mission
- Addressing a number of common emerging
requirements - New products - FFD, TOD
7Parts of DIGEST
- Part 1 - General description/overview
- Part 2
- Theoretical model
- Exchange structure
- Encapsulations
- Part 3 - Geodetic Codes and Parameters
- Part 4
- Feature and Attribute Coding Catalogue (FACC)
- Over 400 features, 500 attributes, 3600 values
- Supports a wide variety of applications
8Encapsulations of DIGEST(defined in DIGEST Part
- Annex A
- Run-length encoding (ISO 8211)
- Producer to Producer exchange
- Annex B
- Based on ISO 8824 format
- Support exchange via telecommunication
- Annex C
- Vector Relational Format (VRF) - table structure
- US Vector Product Format (VPF) subset of VRF
- Support end users (through products)
9Encapsulations of DIGEST(defined in DIGEST Part
- Annex D
- Image Interchange Format
- Based on the NATO Secondary Imagery Format
- Consistent to ISO Basic Imagery Interchange
Format - Defines the parameters to Geo-reference imagery
- Annex E
- Standard ASCII table on contents
- Contents of transmittal
- Defines DIGEST database
10DGIWG Goalsin ISO TC 211
- "DGIWG participation in ISO TC 211 - Geographic
Information/Geomatics is consistent to the
overall DGIWG goals of Interoperability and
Burden Sharing - Promoting DIGEST use / data availability
- Promoting ISO based Commercial applications in
the Military - Influencing the ISO development to support
interoperability - Utilizing ISO developments to satisfy emerging
requirements - Redefining DIGEST based on ISO/TC 211 standards
- Achieving ISO compliance of DIGEST
- Supporting the maintenance and evolution of
DIGEST - Encouraging cooperation between ISO TC 211 and OGC
11DGIWG interoperability interests
- Relationship/compatibility of FACC to EDCS
- Relationship/compatibility of DIGEST to SEDRIS
format - Overlap of SC 24 BIIF activities with ISO/TC 211
- NSIF - DIGEST Geospatial support extension
- Certification activity at JITC
- SEDRIS activity in NATO
- DGIWG New Work Item proposals in ISO/TC 211
touches both ISO communities - Geodetic Codes and Parameters
- FACC Data dictionary