Title: Ervin Ruzics, M'D'
1Ervin Ruzics, M.D. Director, Renal Transplant
Program St. Joseph Hospital, Orange
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14Longest Living Transplants
40 years
33 years
24 years
20 years
Lung (double)
17 years
Lung (single)
16 years
Source Source Clinical Transplants 2000, P.I.
Terasaki, PhD J.M. Cecka, PhD
15Robert A. Wolfe, PhD, US Renal Data System
Coordinating Center (N Engl J Med 1999
163 Year Cost of ESRD Management
Source USRDS
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20Legislation ?
- 1968 Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
- 1972 ESRD (Social Security Act)
- 1980 Uniform Determination of Death
- 1984 National Organ Transplant Act
- 1987 National Organ Transplant Act
Reauthorized -
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27Evolution of Success
1 Year Follow-Up
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30Patients on the UNOS Waiting List
Source UNOS As of 10/28/07
31Increasing Donors
- Related
- Unrelated
- Sensitized
- ABO Incomp.
- Peds En-Bloc
- Horseshoe
- Vascular injury
- HEP to HEP
32The Organ Donation Breakthrough Collaborative
- Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G.
Thompson - Committed to saving or enhancing thousands of
lives a year by spreading known best practices
to the nations largest hospitals, to achieve
organ donation rates of 75 or higher in these
33The Organ Donation Breakthrough Collaborative
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Health Resources and Services Administration
- American Hospital Association
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care
Organizations - United Network for Organ Sharing
- Coalition of Donation
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Neurocritical Care Society
- National Kidney Foundation
34Unprecedented Month-by Month Increases in Number
of Organ Donors
Collaborative Starts Here
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36Our Future
- 75 conversion rate
- 3.75 organs transplanted per donor
- 10 DCD in each DSA
- 35,000 deceased donor organs transplanted annually