Title: Globalization and the Indian Working Class Movement
1Globalization and the Indian Working Class
- Venkatesh Athreya
- M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai,
INDIA - MAY 27, 2008, Paris, FRANCE
2Indian Economy under Globalization and Neoliberal
Reforms, 1991-2007
- Key Elements
- Economy opened up to imports of
goods, services and capital - Privatization vigorously pursued
- Deregulation accelerated
3Some facts about India
- Huge country, large numbers, big territory
Billion plus people over 2.5 million square
kilometers - Diverse languages, ethnicities, religions
- Caste and other pre-capitalist relations
4Indias Working People
- 72 live in rural areas (2001)
- 73 of rural labour force in agriculture and
allied activities. (Males 66.5 , Females 83.6 )
(2004-05) - As of 2004-05, estimated employment was 457
million, of which 70 million were regularly
employed, 130 million casual and 257 million
self-employed - 86.32 of the employed were in the unorganized
sector, rest in organized sector
5Impact of Globalization Some numbers
- Between 1999-2000 and 2004-05, the number of
workers in the unorganised sector went up from
343 to 397 million - In the organised sector, the number of workers
went up from 54 to 93 million. But the entire
increase in was accounted for by informal workers - Daily earnings of workers have declined for most
6Average Daily Earning of Workers in the Age Group
15 to 59 Years (1993-94 Prices), Rupees
7Growth rate of Average Daily Earning of Workers
in the Age Group 15 to 59 Years (1993-94 Prices)
between 1999-2000 and 2004-05
8 of emoluments wages to gross value added in
organised manufacturing sector
9Nature of reform policies
- Dismantling controls and freeing private
players - Privatization, with related incentives
- Opening up the economy to free cross border
flows of capital and commodities - Exclusive focus on reducing the fiscal deficit by
reducing expenditure
10Agricultural Policy Deflationary
- Focus on fiscal deficit reduction Subsidies cut,
leading to rise in input costs - Import controls removed, resulting in a sharp
rise in agricultural imports and crash in output
prices - Financial liberalization leading to reduction in
institutional credit and rise in interest rates - Reduction in rural development expenditure
affecting both supply infrastructure and demand - Collapse of the PDS from ill-advised targeting
11The Agrarian Crisis/Distress
- Tens of thousands of farmers suicides since 1998
- Slowing down of agricultural growth
- Stagnation in foodgrain output since 1999-2000
- Little increase in farm productivity
12Annual Rates of Growth
13 Area, Production and Yield of Food Grain,
1996-97 to 2006-07
15(No Transcript)
16Net availability of Food Grains, grams per person
per day
17Imports of Agricultural Products into India
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19Globalization and the challenges before the
working people of India
- Fight attack on basic trade union rights in the
name of labour flexibility - Organize the unorganized workers
- Fight to reverse neoliberal policies
- Build wider trade union unity through joint
struggles - Unite with the peasantry and the rural labourers
to build a wide coalition to fight globalization - Develop instruments and struggles of
international solidarity