Title: Brainstorming
1 Brainstorming Organizing Content
Audience Needs
2 Types of Presentations
Marketing Presentations Seeking approval and
support for ideas, programs, facilities
Orientation to new product or procedure,
classroom lecture, status report.
3 Types of Presentations
Motivate/ Inspire
Fire up or move people. General Pattons address
to his troops is an example.
Welcoming new employees, presiding at a
retirement, contributing at a roast.
4 Brainstorming Organizing Content
Audience Needs
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7 Use Ordinary, Everyday Language
- Keep what you say simple and straightforward.
- Use simple, concrete words.
- Use short direct sentences.
8 Use Ordinary, Everyday Language
- Use words your audience expects to hear.
- Use active rather than passive verbs.
9 Use Active Verb Forms
- In active sentences, the subjects of the
sentences act. - I hear the sound.
- In the passive sentences, the subject of the
sentence is acted upon. - The sound was heard.
10 Active Passive Voice
- Dave invested 2,000 in the stock market.
- Two thousand dollars was invested in the stock
market by Dave.
11 Active Passive Voice
- My lamp was broken during the move.
- The movers broke my lamp.
12 Active Passive Voice
- The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens destroyed
millions of dollars of property.
- Millions of dollars of property was destroyed by
the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.
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