Title: Integrating Language Education and Training into Military Career Development
1Integrating Language Education and Training into
Military Career Development
2English Training for Treaty / Interoperability
- Todays Lingua Franca
- What?
- International English
- EFL speaker to EFL speaker
- Where?
- Country and service specific
- When?
- All throughout career
- E-learning
3Language Training to Meet National Social /
Political Requirements
- How much and when
- General and overall policy approach (concerning
at least one or more languages) of the nations - Incentive programs for the less common languages
- Constraints
- Age (earlier the better and more efficient)
- Design of the national school system
- Time
- Teacher quality availability for certain
languages - Sustainment of the language acquired
- Attitudes
- Social, national and international trends
(internet, generation differences) - Personal and national benefits after retirement /
4Foreign Language Training for Specific
- Definition of Specific Appointments
- e.g. Defence Attache, Defence Diplomacy posts
- Two Approaches
- Just in Time
- Long Term Investment
5Foreign Language Training for Specific
- Just in Time Approach
- 1. Selected for Appointment (with language
requirement) - 2. Provided Training in Language
- 3. Carry out Appointment
- 4. Return and Forget
6Foreign Language Training for Specific
- Advantages
- Only train those who will use language
- No skill fade
- Disadvantages
- Selectee may not have aptitude/motivation
- Lack of training time appointed
- sustainability
7Foreign Language Training for Specific
- Long Term Investment
- 1. Language training to all from beginning of
training - 2. Candidates with good language ability
eligible to apply for specific language related
post - 3. Carry out Appointment
- 4. Return usually into another language specific
8Foreign Language Training for Specific
- Advantages
- - language is the driver
- - linguist career path language as a core
competency - - sustainability
- - specialists produced
- Disadvantages
- - initial and maintain cost involved
- - initially training all in a language
- - complexity of career planning
9Foreign Language Training for Operational
Determine the Requirement
10Foreign Language Training for Operational
- Low Numbers / Low Proficiency
- Just-in-Time (JIT) training
- High Numbers / Low Proficiency
- JIT training or even On-the-Job training
- Low Numbers / High Proficiency
- Language drives the assignment
- Specific assignments e.g. DAtt, SF
- Targeted training for targeted individuals
- Career requirement / option
- Proactive approach for possible / probable
eventualities- seed corn training
11Foreign Language Training for Operational
- High Numbers / High Proficiency
- Operational requirement drives the language
- Requires strategic guidance to allow proactive
training - Uncertainty inherent
- Keys for High Numbers / High Proficiency
- Start early in the career of the individual
- Require language for service entry / career
progression - Not a cost but an investment in the future
- Use indigenous capability
- Maintain core teacher capability
12Foreign Language Training for Continuous
Professional Development
- Reference point
- EU recommendation states that all European
secondary school graduates should have a good
command of one foreign (European) language and
survival skills in another foreign (European)
13Foreign Language Training for Continuous
Professional Development
- This recommendation is applicable for the
military environment as well. For the
military/NATO English would be the first choice
in most cases. However, this EU recommendation is
not yet fully met by all nations.
14Foreign Language Training for Continuous
Professional Development
- The entry (joining the army) language proficiency
level varies from nation to nation - e. g.
Austria has level 2 as the kick-off level,
whereas Italy does not have any initial English
language requirement. - Certified proficiency levels for personnel before
graduation are required.
15Foreign Language Training for Continuous
Professional Development
- Support and development of language skills
- Continuous training should be built on existing
skills - Refresher courses
- Individual training (different resources
learning packages by topics, the Internet, books,
SAC / virtual helpdesk / distance learning etc.) - Specific operational language courses built up to
a career-long system - Periodical testing (depending on how long the
certificate is valid) - Full immersion in a foreign country
- Financial incentives
- Individual language portfolio
- Integrated language training (military exercises,
courses, classes, etc)