Title: Leo Jensen
1- Leo Jensen
Queensland Annual Conference October 2008
2- Thank you for the opportunity to present
- PIA National Inquiry
- National Skills Shortage Strategy
- Qld Local Government Careers Taskforce
- Planner Attraction Retention Survey
- PIA Response
- LGAQ Diploma
- My Team
- The Disclaimer Stuff
- The opinions expressed today are my personal
opinions and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Local Government Careers Taskforce, nor my
employer being the Moreton Bay Regional Council.
3- 2003/04 PIA conducted a National Inquiry into
Planning Education and Employment. - Testing of anecdotal evidence
- Dire shortage of planning professionals
- Planning graduates was in decline
- Skills did not match workplace needs
4- Wake Up Call for Local Government
- Local government planners were under particular
pressure - High stress levels low morale
- Unmanageable workloads
- Being understaffed
- Lack of awareness of the seriousness of the issue
- Ethical dilemmas concerns about quality being
compromised - But equally there was strong support
- From employers wanting to improve
- For mentoring/supporting professionals and young
5- The statistics remain remarkably similar
- 12,000 planners
- 47 in Local Government
- Vacancy rates of 13 19
- Demand - increase by 28 (over 5 10 years)
- 46 of profession under 35 years of age
- 1 in 4 women work part-time / 1 in 10 men
- 5 female professionals over 35 have left
planning - 40 employers have engaged planning assistants
- Salaries growing faster than CPI
6- Most critical shortage in 2004 unchanged
- Critical shortage exists in most areas - major
cities and regional areas - Longer term shortages exist in rural and regional
- difficulty in attracting/retaining staff - Sea-change communities volumes of work
- Key problem of professional leakage to
alternative roles (particularly women)
7- Volume of work new /or complex legislation
- Skills transferable
- Rural/regional unattractive
- Demand has pushed salaries beyond local
governments reach - Overseas demand
- Women leaving for work choice / family reasons
- Unacceptable work environments
- Conflict
- Ethics
- Workload
- lack of flexibility, work/life balance
8Can Local Government afford this type of
publicity? Negative Image Reputation (toxic!)
9- Four Strategic Objectives
- Local Government Career Pathways
- Leadership in Local Government
- Local Government Employer of Choice
- Image Building
- Five Key Initiatives
- Local Government Centre for Excellence
- New Ways of Working
- Training Professional Development
- Attracting New Workers
- Promoting Local Government Employer of Choice
10- LGSFS commenced Feb 2007
- DETA Qld Skills Plan
- Skill Shortages in Key Professional Areas
- Mid 2006 already started via fmr DLGPSR
- LG Career Taskforce estd Feb 2007
11- Priority Areas
- Town planning
- Building certification
- Engineering
- Environmental health
- Stakeholders
- Local ATSI councils
- Peak Professional Associations
- Vocational Educational Training
- Higher Education Sector
- Government Agencies
- Schools
12- LG Skills Shortage Survey HR Managers (August
2007) - Queensland Planners Attraction Retention
Survey (August 2007) - Environmental Health Practitioners Attraction
Retention Survey (August 2008) - Building Certifiers completed October 2008
- Engineers linking in with other work
13- 60 Councils shortage of DA planners
- 49 Councils shortage of Strategic planners
- Skills shortage in Qld worse than 2004
- unprecedented growth,
- popn migration no. of applications
55 respondents in LG 28.6 Private Sector 50/50
Male Female Ratio 44 DA 12.7 Strategic 33
14(No Transcript)
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17- So what can local government do?
- Planners nationally tell us that what they want
in the workplace is - Reduced workplace conflict and toxicity
- Respect for their professional opinions and
advice - Flexible conditions / part time work
opportunities - Stronger internal support induction, team
building, mentoring, training - Identifiable career paths / encouragement to
progress in LG - Confidential help with ethical issues
18- Active support for training development
- Formal Codes of Conduct
- Clearer planning schemes / strategy / policies
- Recognition of professional status senior job
descriptions requiring CPP status - DAF leading practice
- eDA
- Avoiding blame
20(No Transcript)
21- 21 Recommendations
- Professional development programs
- Design jobs for variety of work
- DA / Strategic / State / Local
- Retention Strategy targeting planners 21-29 yo
- Stress management program workload and burnout
- Flexibility, part-time etc being responsive
22- Advocating for e-DA including additional
commonwealth/state - Encouraging elected representative training
- Promoting Codes of Conduct
- Providing ethics advice (Ethi-call St James
Ethics Centre) - Supporting de-politicising of decision making
through panels (SA) - The professional competencies and standing of
planners (CPP) - Raising profile with government, the community
and within industry - National Education committee
23Young Planners via LG Careers Taskforce -
Planning is Awesome DVD Recently launched
Mentoring Program for Planners in
Queensland Promotion of Ethi-Call - offered to
all PIA members Certified Practising Planners
(CPP) Education Awards
24- 15 Courses delivered since 2007
- 142 graduates
- 70 female/30 male
- Councils from all over Queensland.
- Demand from private sector
25- Planning Environment Unit
- Great People, Great Team, Great Culture
- 60 staff in Administration, DA, Strategic,
Environmental Infrastructure Planning - High workloads, no new positions, turnover low
- Need to diversify skills base to assist in the
assessment areas.
26- Council committed to ongoing training
professional development - Investment in Staff and our future
- 8 staff completed the LGAQ Diploma course since
2005 - Range of professional backgrounds, ages lets
meet some of them!
27- Its all about people
- Its all about relationships
- Its all about respect
- Its all about empathy
- Its also about anticipation
- about being responsive
- about future proofing the workplace and our
industry, and meeting stakeholder expectations
28- Last 8 years
- Steve Lundins FISH Principles
- Resource Analysis and Capacity
- Staff Lunches/Team Challenges
- more FISH
- Business Excellence Framework
- Self Awareness Programs Steve Griffith
Leadership Development Program - Team Development for whole Unit
29- Identified Training Budget wisely investing in
staff - Sabre Corporate Development
- www.SabreHQ.com
- Belbin Individual Team Profiling
- Team event over two days
- Communications
- Understanding how people tick
- Social, friendly and fear free environment
- Everyone has a say, and is listened to
- Finale The Big Picture
30- Flexibility as needs basis
- Job Share Arrangements in place
- Secondments with both State Private
- State Planning Department
- Large Private Planning Consultancy
- Cadetships study support
- Annual Staff Surveys
- 360 feedback
- Open honest conversations
31- Retained talented staff
- Quality Relationships
- Great Team Culture
- Open Conversations
- Loyalty
- Returns speak Volumes
- Low turnover
- Employee commitment engagement
- No Fear
- Family oriented
- Job Satisfaction - BIG time!
32- The secret to higher performance is through
lifting employee engagement levels. The more
engaged the worker, the more intellectually
committed they are to the organisation - Perspective - Financial Review, 2006
Source S. Jardine, 2006 Used with Permission
33- Branding
- As an industry we dont do it all that well, do
we? - Individually some great marketing Whats
Advert courtesy of Brisbane City Council
34- Got to get Smarter
- Industry Summit on Skills Shortages
- Disconnect between HR Managers
- Trade secrets
- Unwillingness to share
- LG is competing with itself - improved sharing
- Recruitment - proactive and informed
- Centre for Excellence
35- Smart people pick organisations,
- not vice versa
- Understand your employees needs and build a
culture to retain the best - Are we as an industry doing this well?
36- Leaders are credible accessible
- Reward recognition for good performance _at_ all
levels - Communicate frequently open manner
- Deliver on promises to staff (ie Walk the Talk)
- Have HR policies that support organisational
objectives rather than fads - source - DEWR
Source S. Jardine, 2006 Used with Permission
37- The Challenge
- Industry of Choice
- An industry that competes for talent
- and consistently wins.
- It recruits, engages, and keeps the talent it
needs to meet or exceed its changing business
Adapted from Source S. Jardine, 2006 Used
with Permission
38 39- Thank you
- Leo Jensen
- Member - Local Government Careers Taskforce
- Member National Skills Shortage Committee
Steering Committee - leo.jensen_at_moretonbay.qld.gov.au
- More information
- Planner Survey Results
- www.planning.org.au/qld
- LG Careers Taskforce Project Manager
- gabrielle_dorward_at_lgaq.asn.au