Title: Ecology and the Biosphere
1Ecology and the Biosphere
the study of the interactions of organisms with
one another and with their physical environment
3What is the Biosphere?
Study these pictures of the biosphere and write a
complete definition for it in your notes
4The Biosphere
The Living Globe
The Biosphere is the part of the Earth in which
life exists
5Dimensions of the Biosphere
Includes all land, air, and water
Extends from about 8 km above the Earths
surface to as far as 8 km below the surface of
the ocean
Living organisms are not distributed uniformly
(few in polar regions and many in tropical
Small ecological units that consist of an areas
physical features along with living organisms
Nonliving Physical Features are called abiotic
Water, sunlight, soil type, rocks, temperature,
humidity, elevation, and rainfall
Living organisms are called biotic factors
Bacteria, reptiles, fish, birds, animals, plants,
and fungi
7There are many different types of ecosystems in
8All Ecosystems are Interconnected!!!!
9Community and Population
Ecologists who study ecosystems identify the
living organisms as a..
Population a collection of individuals of the
same species in a given area who can breed
with one another
Community all the populations of
organisms living in a given area
10Ecological Succession
What Does it Mean to Succeed???
11Ecological Succession is the process by which an
existing community is gradually replaced by
another community
Every organism affects environmental conditions
around it
Burrowing worms change the texture of the soil
Trees shade an area making it cooler and darker
12Ecological Succession of a Pond Community
Begins as a thriving pond community.
13Ecological Succession of a Pond Community
The pond begins to fill with organic matter like
leaves, and silt, a fine soil..
14Ecological Succession of a Pond Community
Over a period of time, the pond fills and becomes
a marsh..
15Ecological Succession of a Pond Community
Eventually the marsh becomes dry land inhabited
by a stable community called a climax community
16Succession often leads to a fairly stable
collection of organisms
Climax Community
The Biomes of the World are Large Climax
Communities with a Stable Collection of
Characteristic Plant and Animal Life!
17There are 2 types of succession that occur in
Primary Succession
Secondary Succession
18Primary Succession
- Occurs in places where no living community
existed before (ie. On a newly formed volcanic
- Hardy organisms that can tolerate harsh
conditions colonize these areas (Pioneer species)
- The pioneer species begin to change the area and
make it suitable for life (Lichens that grow on
bare rocks produce acids which break down the
rock. After many years, a thin soil of broken
rock and dead lichen allows other species to grow)
19Secondary Succession
- Occurs in areas where natural disasters or human
activities have wiped out a living community
- Pioneer species colonize the area and gradually
change conditions so that they are favorable for
other species