Title: The NotSoObvious Job
1The Not-So-ObviousJob Internship Search
- Alternative Paths to Finding Opportunities.
- Holly Duke, Assistant Director and Career
Counselor - Racquel Williams, Director of Alumni Career
Service - Duke Career Center
2None of these jobs appeal to me!!Does the Career
Center help people like me?
Financial Advisors Applied Predictive
Technologies Bain Company Bates White LLC
Boston Consulting Group Brown and Caldwell
Capital One Central Intelligence Agency CGI-AMS
Cintas Corporation Clark Construction
Cornerstone Research Corporate Executive Board
Deloitte Touche Department of Game Inland
Fisheries Duke Army ROTC Duke HR Recruitment
Talent Management EMC Gap Inc. Goldman, Sachs
Co Guidant IBM Corporation Jane Street
Capital, LLC Kurt Salmon Associates Lehman
3There are only 2 ways to find a job!1. Job
Postings 2. Who You Know
4Number 1.Not-so-obvious Job Postings
- Association Websites
- Example PRSSA
- Industry-Related Job Boards
- Example Playbill.com
- Online Publications
- Example Chronicle.com
5Career Center Hidden Gems
- E Leads
- Electronic Job Leads for Liberal Arts students
- Career Search
- Database with information on almost all US
companies - Where to find them
- http//career.studentaffairs.duke.edu/
6ShhhhhTricks of the Trade
- Search Agents
- Example Monster.com
- Other School Websites!!
- Example NYU Internship Listings
7How do I find out about these websites?
From Us!!! See your Career Counselor. And see
our Industry Insights.
But also try
8Number 2. Networking. Yes, Networking.
9What is Networking
- Connecting with people and then nurturing the
resulting relationships. - Tapping into the hidden job market (learning
about job opportunities that are never
advertised!) - Learning about career fields and jobs.
- Pooling resources from an ever-growing number of
sources. - Being creative in expanding your contacts.
- The most effective means of finding a job!
10Why should you network?
- Explore opportunities
- KNOWLEDGE! Learn about positions, companies,
industries, career fields, career paths, current
trends and predictions NOT with the primary
focus to getting hired! - Get the edge above the rest.
- Get the inside scoop.
- Gain confidence in your ability to describe your
interests, skills, values AND articulate in
subsequent real interviews why you are the
ideal candidate for a given position.
11Whos in your network?
12Networking Web
13Career Center Resources
- DukeConnect volunteer alumni network
- Duke Career Week alumni who return to campus in
the spring - Alumni in Residence Experienced alumni who
return to campus - Resource Room Lots of internship directories
14The Approach
15Informational Interviews
- What is it? - like a job interview without asking
for a job, simply information - Who should do it? - anyone who is trying to make
decisions about their career or job searching - Why should you do it? - get the inside scoop
- How do you prepare for it?- conduct some research
on your own and prepare questions to ask
16Prior to the Informational Interview
- Do your homework!
- Think about what you hope to learn or gain from
the interaction - Brainstorm questions you want to ask
17Sample Questions
- How did you get started in this field? What has
your career path been? - What was your major at Duke? Graduate work? How
is your education related to your career? - What influenced your career most?
- What do you most enjoy about your work? Least
enjoy? - What is a typical day like?
- What is the future for this industry?
- What qualifications/competencies/skills are
needed to break into or advance in this
field/industry? - What other skills are valued in this industry?
- What types of experiences do you look for in
candidates? - What next steps do you recommend?
- Would you critique my resume?
- Whom else should I contact?
18During the interview
- Arrive on time
- Dress appropriate
- Arrive prepared with notepad, writing tool,
resume, and prepared list of questions - Relax! Youre just asking for information, not a
job. - Ask for additional contacts
- Get business card and repeat anything you
promised to follow-up on
19After the Informational Interview
- Write a thank you note within 24hrs
- Follow-up again after you have done things you
said you would - Continue to check-in bi-weekly or monthly
20Final Dos
- Do
- Get advice and support from your career counselor
- Make contacts using DukeConnect Career Week
- Use your networking web
- Your homework
- Follow-up, Follow-up, Follow-up!
- Maintain your new relationship
- Be patient, networking takes time
21Final Donts
- Dont
- Call every and anyone
- Be obnoxious, learn how to respond to cues
- Expect to get all the answers if you havent done
your part - EXPECT to get a job
- Do anything you wouldnt want done to you