Title: Intelligent Communications Research in the Electronic Engineering Department
1Intelligent Communications Research in the
Electronic Engineering Department
- Applying advanced information communication and
network management techniques to real world
applications. - Interdisciplinary research
- Maths, CS, EE, Eng
- Nov 5th meeting
2We are unique! - we combine
- knowledge of intelligent systems
- worked on AI and agent systems for many years
- knowledge of how communication systems work
- know how IP, wireless networks, electrical
systems work - Normally tackle large-scale industrial or
commercial problems where autonomous components,
communication and distributed intelligence, give
leverage - information management, telecoms network
management, tourism, environmental data
management, security, e- commerce..
3What is going on?
- NM, e.g.distributing intelligence through
heterogeneous networks to support QoS and QoE
- Real time cooperative coverage in mobile and WLAN
- Security and survivability of critical
- Semantic information retrieval
- Thematic network on electronic trust management
- Funded by EU
- customisable, component-based road maps to aid
the early discovery of security vulnerabilities,
inconsistencies and redundancies - experimentation in the fields of e-commerce and
tele-medicine. - Funded by EU
- Security and survivability in large scale
critical infrastructures - Distributed intelligent components for anomaly
detection and correlation of information - Electricity telecom networks
- Funded by EU
quote-driven automated market as a means of
facilitating trading of real-time
products. Validate in in the telecommunications
domain for trading bandwidth EPSRC
- using a common interface to data mine the most
complete set of information sources independent
of physical or logical location of the databases,
the database languages used, or of the specific
nomenclature used in a particular database - without knowing which database or databases
contain the relevant information - Funded by EU
In operation at Athens airport for the
Olympics Location based services over wireless
LANS Cooperative shaping of WLAN radiation
patterns for priority management in emergencies
and classes of service Funded by EU
QoS in heterogeneous military networks Using MCDM
techniques to rank calls based on priorities and
context combat, logistics, Applies to
transport of multimedia in commercial networks
Funded by Office of Naval Research Washington
QoS in residential access to multi-service
networks mapping service characteristics to
network performance parameters Funded by EU
- Quote-Driven Automated Market
- 5.5 Academics
- John Bigham Eliane Bodanese Rachel Bourne Laurie
Cuthbert Stefan Poslad Eric Sharfe - 9 RAs
- 1 Post-Doc visitor
- 12 RSs
6Potential Synergies Cooperation
- Much of our work on agents in network management
is a form of distributed decision support (CS and
Maths?) - in dynamic, non stationary environments
- e.g. utility can be lost in some data connections
- Relating conventional QoS to QoE (CS?)
- human factor considerations, multiple sensors,
feedback control to guide transmission management
, use of content context - Using stored data, e.g. recommendation systems,
on a large scale in a very dynamic context, to
find and guide - Work on trust, security on survivability (CS and
Maths?) - Uncertain reasoning with temporal dependencies,
non monotonic logics - Formalising notions of trust
- Novel anomaly detection mechanisms invariants
and quasi invariants