Title: PowerPointPrsentation
1MATERNA Magic aamiainen 9.11.2005
Dick Lindertz
Account Manager
Phone 358 9 525 904 40 Mobile 358 50 374
8357 E-Mail Dick.Lindertz_at_materna.com
2Company Information
MATERNA Information Commumications Oy
Perustettu vuonna 1992 nimellä Delphi Remedyn
VARpartneri vuodesta 1995 Henkilöstömäärä 25
MATERNA Group Established 1980 120 mil. Euro
2004 1.050 employees 2004
Hrádec Králové
Subsidiaries inthe USA
Subsidiary in Austria first projects for
Deutsche Telekom
Subsidiaries inBenelux, England, France,Czech
Repub., Denmark
Outline agree-ment BundOnline 2005 (content
Subsidiaries in Sweden and Finland Acquisition
of SAP specialist cbs
Start of Remedy (BMC)partnership
First projects for Siemens and Nixdorf
Start of ATLAS project (automated customs
World market leader in SMS distributionlisted
in EuropesTop 500
First projects for public authorities
3MATERNA Business Units
1980 founded by Dr. Winfried Materna and Helmut
an de Meulen
Business Unit Information
Customer Service Support
Business Service Management
Vertical Solutions
The focus of the Business Unit Information is the
optimisation of processes based on professional
IT solutions. The solutions portfolio is tailored
to the needs of corporations and clients in
public administration this includes the issues
of business service management, customer service
support, business portals and vertical
Dr. Winfried Materna
Business Unit Communications
Mobile Communications
Managed Services
Aviation Transport
Company Solutions
Fixed Net
The Business Unit Communications offers products
and solutions for network operators, service
providers and companies in the
telecommunications field under the Anny Way
trademark. This includes SMS and MMS value added
services, conventional network SMS and Premium
SMS as well as mobile java services.
Helmut an de Meulen
4Portfolio MATERNA Nordic
5Miksi toteuttajana Materna?
- Materna on johtava IT Service Management
järjestelmätoimittaja Suomessa. - Asiakkaina merkittäviä kotimaisia ja
kansainvälisiä organisaatioita - Vahva IT Service Management liiketoiminnan
ymmärrys - Pitkäaikainen kokemus olemme toimittaneet Remedy
järjestelmiä jo yli 10 vuotta. - Hoidamme Remedy tuen suomessa
- 8 konsulteistamme ovat Remedy Approved Consultant
sertifioituja - Olemme kokeneita hyvinkin kompleksien ja
vaativien järjestelmien toteutuksessa - Meilä on vahva ITIL osaaminen ja
6 Business Service Management Consultancy / Finland
- We have defined skill levels for our technical
consultants which are based on the amount of
their project experience in complex projects. - Senior consultant
- has attended to several projects in different,
complex customer environments - has defined responsibility area.
- Application consultant
- has good experience of projects in different
customer environments, but doesnt have as wide
experience as senior consultant. - Process Consultant
- BSM and ITIL process consultants with a wide
experience in different projects. - We have 12 consultants with the following
experience - 1 senior consultant 8,5 years (working time in
Materna) - 1 senior consultant 7 years (working time in
Materna) - 1 senior consultant 6 years (working time in
Materna) - 3 senior consultant 5,5 years (working time in
Materna) - 1 application consultants 5,5 years (working
time in Materna) - 1 senior consultants 5 years (working time in
Materna) - 2 application consultants 4 years (working time
in Materna) - 1 process Consultant 4 years (working time in
7Partnership Details BMC Software / Remedy
Partnership Presentation
Partner Presentation
- Since 1995, MATERNA is a Value Added Reseller of
BMC Software / Remedy products - MATERNA is the leading partner of BMC Software /
Remedy in Germany an among the leading partners
in Europe - approx. 450 projects
- at approx. 300 customers
- more than 250 satisfied support customers
- MATERNA has more than
- approx. 200 IT service management consultants
- approx. 65 Remedy Approved Consultants.
- Common projects are implemented in the following
areas - Service Support and Service Delivery Disciplines
(according to ITIL) - Service Desk, Incident and Problem Management
- Change, Configuration and Release Management
- Service Level Management
- Headquarters in Houston, Texas, USA
- Founded in November 1990
- Approx. 6,500 employees worldwide
- Approx. 1.4 billion US Dollar
- More than 15.000 customers worldwide
- More than 10 years of product development
know-how in the field of IT service management
und customer service - BMC Software / Remedy is positioned as a Leader
in the Gartner Group Magic Quadrant IT Service
BMC Software / Remedy enables organizations to
automate and manage internal or external service
and support processes"
8MATERNA BSM-Certification Customer Benefits
- MATERNA is currently the only BSM-certified
BMC-Solution Partner in DE, AT, DK, SWE, FIN and
therefore the Single Point of Contact for all BSM
related requests - Customers who are interested in BSM have a
guarantee that MATERNA is a competent Partner for
BSM projects in terms of consulting and
realisation - Customers now have access to the in-depth MATERNA
ITSM (Remedy products) and IT-Infrastructure (BMC
products) expertise
9Magic Service Desk 8.0
- MATERNA Information Communications Oy on
lokakuun alusta laajentanut BMC-Remedy
tuotevalikoimaansa Remedy Magic Deskillä. - Materna tarjoaa Magicille suomenkielisen
konsultoinnin ja tukipalvelut.
10BMC 1 In Service Desk Market Share Worldwide
- 10,000 globally
- 75 of the Fortune 100
- 60 of the Global 500
- Remedy IT Service Management for the Enterprise
- Magic Service Desk
- Customer Service and Support
- Action Request System
The leader of Service Management software
solutions designed to automate internal and
external service and support processes
Best-practice packaged applications easily
adapted to both unique and changing requirements
12Remedy Service Management Solutions
Preferred out-of-the-box solution for managing
the delivery of customer support and service
Unique and cost effective solutions for
automating and managing other service related
business processes
Comprehensive IT Service Management Applications
for the Enterprise
The Service Desk for the Small Medium Business
- Help Desk
- Asset Management
- Change Management
- Service Level Agreements
- Customer Support
- Quality Management
- Service Level Agreements
- Citizen Response
- Partner-Built Solutions
- Customer-Built Solutions
- Magic Service Desk
- Knowledge Services
- Change Management
Enables applications to be quickly created and
deployed as needed to improve operational
13ITSM product portfolio
IT Service provider Industry corporates Companie
Company scope
14The Leader in Service Management
15Kenelle Magic Service Desk?
- Magic Service Desk on vahvimmillaan ympäristöissä
joissa on alle 30 asiakaspalvelijaa/teknikkoa
(Itsepalvelukäyttäjien määrällä ei ole
periaateelista ylärajaa) - Soveltuu myös suurempiin yrityksiin kun
räätälöinnin tarve on vähäinen tai kyseessä on
täsmäratkaisu - Pienen tai keskisuuren yrityksen kokonaisratkaisu
HelpDesk- tai asiakaspalvelu- käyttöön
16Ei ainoastaan IT service Desk!
- Magic Service Desk sopii monenlaiseen käyttöön
- IT- Help Desk
- IT- Hankinnat
- Asiakaspalvelu
- Käyttöomaisuuden hallinta
- Laadunvalvonta
- Jälleenmyyntiketjun hallinta
- Kiinteistöjen käyntioikeuksien hallinta
- Käyttöönottoprojektien hallinta
- Sarbanes-Oxley hallinta
17Magic Service Desk yleiskatsaus
- Nopea käyttöönotto (keskimäärin 3 viikkoa)
- Helppo kustomoida (Point, Click, Drag Drop)
- 100 Selainpohjainen
- Lisensointi perustuu yhtäaikaisiin käyttäjiin.
18Magic Service Desk yleiskatsaus
- Osa BMC-Remedy tuoteperhettä
- ITIL Verifioitu
- Ensimmäinen selainpohjainen ITIL verifioitu
Service Desk tuote - Yli 4000 asiakasta maailmalaajuisesti
19Magic Service Desk
- Magic Service Desk Suite sisältää
- Incident Management
- Service Level Agreements
- Asset Management
- Crisis Management
- Business Rules (2 types)
- Active Directory Integration
- Self-ServiceTicketing for 100 users
- Knowledge Management
- Enhanced Email Integration
- Work Orders
- Purchase Requests
- Customized Forms
- Work Flow Engine
- Real-Time Reporting
- Crystal Reports
- Magic Test to Production (MTTP)
- Magic Management Console (MMC)
- SMS Viewer
- Wizard tyypinen konfigurointi
21Active Directory
- AD integratio
- The suite integrates with Active Directory (AD)
out-of-the-box. It provides the ability to easily
leverage and access AD information from within
22Magic Service Desk
- Self Service
- Allows end-users to log track issues
- Analyst time saved if Incident logged directly by
end-user - End-user can also search FAQs and Knowledge Base
self-resolution capabilities - Incident Management
- Logging tracking of user issues
- Assignment between users groups
- Service level tracking
- Quick Ticket templates
- Whiteboard
- Asset Management
- Ability to store manage IT assets
23Magic Service Desk
- Service Level Agreements
- Improve service by keeping everyone informed of
escalating requests and customer issues. - Crisis Management
- Ability to log track major issues
- Can link multiple Incidents to a major issue
- Can close all linked issues automatically
- Provides optional display of major Incident in
- end-user self service
- Purchasing
- Ability to track manage company Purchase
24Magic Service Desk
- Work Order Management
- Improve efficiency by automating repetitive tasks
with Magic Service Desk Suites work order
software. - Knowledge Base
- With the Magic Statistical Information Retrieval
Tool, information can be recorded and stored for
instant retrieval. - Crystal Reports
- Circa 120 standard reports shipped with Magic
- 1 Developer license for Crystal Reports
- Report config. utility to create / modify reports
display using Magic -
25Magic Service Desk Suite
- Magic Test to Production (MTTP)
- Allows the transfer of customisations from a test
to production environment - Table changes, form changes, support group
support user changes, business rules all
transferred - Magic Management Console (MMC)
- Real-time graphical reporting package
- Allows managers team-leaders to view current
statistics - Ability to display multiple reports in one window
- SMS Viewer
- Viewer interface to Microsoft SMS inventory
26Magic Service Desk Business Rules
- Business Rules
- Escalations notifications
- Condition based event generation
- Access across all modules
- Includes real-time validation - CSBR
- Powerful Workflow Software
- Magic Service Desk Suite comes with an MBA (Magic
Business Automation) that enables you to validate
fields as they are entered. - Both Server-based and client-side business rules
- Advanced Business Rules
- Access to all Magic modules
- Unlimited number of business rules
27Reports Provide Business Value
- Magic Service Desk 8.0 Value and Trend based
28Magic Service Desk Main Option Packs
- Magic Desktop Automation Suite
- Remote Desktop
- Inventory Manager
- Magic Change Configuration Mgt (MCCM)
- Magic Client Services (MCS) (self service
palvelun laajennus) - With Client Services you can create MULTIPLE
versions of the Incident form (i.e. have a
different form for a different organisation).
Customers can also access the following using
Client Services Purchasing, Work Orders, and
29MCCM (Magic Change and Configuration Management )
- Change Console
- From this single screen you can review
assessments, approve requests, - attach files, and dispatch work orders.This is
the central point of control for - all aspects of the change management process.
- Problem Management
- A change can be initiated because of a problem,
or it can be the cause of - one. Magic Service Desk problem management is
tightly integrated into the - change management process.
- Assessments, Approvals and Impact
- With Magic Change Management you can track cost
estimates, business - risks, and business impact in a centralized
repository that is easily - accessible by key stakeholders. Utilize email or
pagers for approvals - and notification of change plans.
- Change Schedule
- You can ensure resources are available and the
- timing is right.The change schedule visually
30Magic Desktop Automation Suite (MDAS)
- A comprehensive, integrated system management
solution that's easy to use. Enabling proactive
management of desktop and laptop devices across
heterogeneous IT environments
Software Distribution
Software License Monitoring
Remote Control
31Magic Hinnoittelua
- Magic Service Desk Suite Windows
- Kampanjahinta per yhtäaikainen käyttäjä
3000 (listahinta 4273.50) - Magic Change Management for the SMB bundle
- Hinta per yhtäaikainen käyttäjä
4017 - (Magic Service Desk suite MCCM).
- Lisämoduulit
- Magic Client Services (MCS)
- 9 per named user
- Magic Change and Configuration Management moduuli
(MCCM) - Erikseen ostettuna 8000 per server ja 900 per
käyttäjä - lisää ITIL verifioidun Change and Configuration
Managementin - Ylläpito
- 15 listahinnasta
- Basic System Setup konsultointi 5-10 päivää.
- Sisältää esim.
- Järjestelmän asennuksen
- Esimerkki roolien määrittely
- Esimerkki työkulun määrittely
- Admin koulutuksen
- .
- Basic system setupin jälkeen asiakas voi itse
jatkaa määrittelyjä - System Setup
- Sisältää koko järjestelmän määrittelyn yhdessä
asiakkaan kanssa - Magic Konsultointi
- Projekt manager palvelut, näyttöjen muokkaus,
integrointi muihin järjestelmiin.
34OnLine Demo
- Magic Demo
- Magic Demo löytyy seuraavasta linkistä
- http//magicdemo.bmc.com/magicdemo/
- User is 'demo', password 'demo'.
Release Management
Change Management
Configuration Management
Problem Management
Incident Management
Request for change.
Service request.
Known error.
Classification Planning
Financial Management
Capacity Management
Service Level Management
Availability Management
Continuity Management