Title: SCIPC
Breese Quinn, Ela Barberis, Bill Cooper, Eric
Kajfasz, Elizaveta Shabalina, Taka Yasuda,
Eckhard von Toerne
Agenda Monday 17 May 2004
- 1530 Introduction (05') Breese Q.
- 1535 L0 Design Review (20') Andrei
N. - 1555 Pre-Inst. Plans (Fall shutdown) (20')
Bill C. Lyn B. - 1615 L0 Geometry MC (15') Lisa S.
- 1630 Review Inst. Comm. Schedule (30') All
- 1700 Run IIa What went right/wrong? (30')All
2L0 Design Run IIa status
- We expect Layer 1 Micron sensors to begin to fail
at exposures of 3-4 fb-1 - We are seeing continuing failures of readouts in
the current detector (84 currently enabled)
3L0 Design Physical
- Detector must fit between radii of 16mm beam
pipe flange and 22.8mm SMT support structure
openings - 6 phi segments, 8 z segments
- 48 HDIs x 256 channels
- Phi acceptance 98.4
4L0 Design Expected Enhancement
- Layer0 will recover b-tagging
efficiency to original values
before irradiation - If no loss model is assumed
improves b-tagging
jet by 15 - Improvement in vertex
resolution allows
considerable increase of
Bs mixing reach
5L0 Design Pitch Adapter Concern
- Change wrt Run2B design pitch adapter
- 1st prototype failed, vendor is trying again (due
in a few weeks) - 2nd vendor is being brought in to give it a try
6L0 Design Noise Control
- CDF L00 had negative experience using analog
cables large noise - Concluded that source of noise are poorly
grounded conductors near sensors and analog
cables - Weve done a lot of RD trying to avoid same
mistakes - Found that low inductance ground connections are
very important to equalize potential between
different parts - Found a solution when Carbon Fiber support
structure is forced to be at ground potential
providing low inductance path
7L0 Design Noise Control
8L0 Design Noise Control
- L0 module
- L0 modules on
grounded support
9Fall Shutdown Plans Mechanical
- H disk removal/repair
- Only two H disks will remain once L0 is installed
- All four H disks have many unusable wedges
- H wedges will be redistributed to make two good
H disks - Should the rebuilding of the H disks be done
during this years fall shutdown or during next
years upgrade? - Pro try to get as much done work ahead of time
as possible - Con difficult job dont remove the H disks
twice if you dont have to - Considerations
- Beam pipe risk would have to be disconnected,
not cut - Do the H disks have to be removed for clearance
measurements anyway? - Likely see next slide
- Is there enough time/manpower to get it done in
13 weeks? - Lisa will ask Moscow for schedule estimate
- What are the physics risks of failure?
- Eckhard is pursuing this
- General consensus is we want it done now if at
all possible
10Fall Shutdown Plans Mechanical
- Measuring beam pipe region clearances
- There is some uncertainty about the reliability
of the clearance numbers in hand - One extreme or the other
- Open heart surgery remove the beam pipe and
probably H disks for direct measurement access - This does require that the beam pipe be cut
- MRI may be possible to map the membrane
openings with tracks - This needs to be determined soon by whom?
- There is risk involved with beam pipe work, but I
believe it comes down to two things - If the mapping doesnt work, this will be the
last time to check the aperture. If we dont and
find out next year that its too small, the game
is over. - There are very careful and capable people to do
the work.
11Fall Shutdown Plans Electrical
- Install 1-4 L0 modules
- Hardware installation (Bagby, Foglesong)
- Sensor modules in gaps on the horseshoe
- Power supplies in the cathedral
- SEQC firmware installed
- Software
- Download GUI needs to handle SVX4 chips (Bucholz)
- Install more HV for L0
- Hardware (Prague?)
- Have new HV pods and fanout boxes for L0 bias
voltages - Need more cabling
- Software
- Lots more mapping (Quinn)
- Modify GUIs
- Almost all of this work is in MCH2 it can start
12L0 Geometry in Simulation
- Implement new SMT geometry in D0gstar (D0 Geant)
- Modify SMT hit storage interface (simpp)
- Modify SMT hit digitization package (d0sim)
- Modify SMT hit packing (into raw data chunk)
(smtraw, smtutil, pack_reco) - Modify SMT cluster reconstruction packages
- Modify reconstructiongeometry and track
13L0 Software Overview
- Huge number of tasks ZERO names!
14L0 Software Physics Commissioning
- Huge number of tasks ZERO names!
- Need a non-trivial number of workers
- Lisa Ela are putting together a task
list/manpower estimate - Will require push from management ala calorimeter
group expansion - Need a L0 Physics Commissioning leader (Quinn
find, not be!) - Responsible for encouraging tool development, but
even more so for implementing a plan for studies
using those tools to get physics quality data - Within the SMT/L0 group, parallel to Installation
leaders (Bill, Lyn) - Integrated to the Algorithms/Tracking groups
15SCIPC WG5 (L0) Summary
- Two major areas of concern
- Planning for Fall 2004 shutdown activities
- Get as much done as is reasonably possible
- Clearance measurements
- H disk removal/repair
- Cooling system studies
- Photography
- Many decisions to be made in the next couple of
weeks - L0 Physics Commissioning
- Run IIa did not provide a good model here
- Enormous number of software tasks and no one is
working on them - Need a person responsible for physics
commissioning studies program within the group - Other
- Review of existing Installation schedule taking
place asynchronously offline. Will address it
before Fresno - Revise Installation status
- Include Commissioning schedule
- SMT/L0 Integration needs to happen on a short