Title: Convener: Yori Nagashima OU
1Organization of Physics Working Group
Convener Yori Nagashima (OU) Council members
Debbie Harris (FNAL), Pilar Hernandez (UV),
Manfred Lindner (TUM), William Marciano (BNL),
Mauro Mezzetto (INFN), Liason w/ Detector Group
Hitoshi Murayama (LBL), Kenzo Nakamura (KEK)
Subgroup conveners S.King(USH)
Theoretical O.Yasuda(TMU) Phenomenological
K.Long(ICL) Experimental L.Roberts(UB)
Slow Muon
2- Neutrino factory is a Major facility
- close to LHC and ILC
- In its scale.
- Is the physics case equally strong?
3Mission of the theoretical subgroup Issue a
message to global community
- Describe the impact of the neutrino and related
researches - towards the understanding of the matter
unification, the synergy of particle physics,
astro-physics and cosmology.
4The neutrino opens the way to
many new frontiers
Super Beam
n factory
Courtesy Brian Foster NuFact02 Manfred Lindner
5Mission of the phenomenological and
experimental subgroups
- 1st step
- Critical review of physics performance of future
options - Superbeam (SB)
- Beta beam (BB)
- Neutrino Factory (NF)
- On common base.
- Define strengths and weaknesses of each facility
- Perform critical comparisons
6NF always outperforms SB except for very large
values of sin22q13 gt0.01 (large uncertainties
from matter effect)
P.Huber et al., hep-ph/0412199
7Indicator for risk minimization of CP precision
P.Huber et al., hep-ph/0412199
CP coverage is a range of fitted values of dCP
8- 2nd Step
- Towards a consensus
- Identify the need for complementary measurement
- Make a scenario w/wo staging approach to achieve
scientific goals - Establish the physics case for (or against! ) a
NF - Outstanding questions
- Can we achieve precision to go beyond the
standard 3-flavor oscillation scheme? ?Unitarity
issue - Is a NF needed if sin22q13 is large ?
- What is the minimum NF energy that will deliver
the physics (cost issue)?
9 Slow Muon Physics
Sensitive probe for SUSY
Muon facility Pre-requiste for NF. Should be
considered as one package
- Plenary Meetings and workshops
- 1 CERN September 23-25 (done)
- Phys. Workshop 1 Nov. 14-21 _at_ICL
- 2 KEK 23-25 January 2006
- Phys. Workshop 2 March 4-12(tbc)_at_Boston
- 3 RAL 27-29 April 2006
- 4 Irvine 21-23 August 2006 (just before
11(No Transcript)