Title: Developed by the National Safety Council
1Developed by the National Safety Council In
cooperation with OSHA and funded by a Susan B.
Harwood Grant
Prevention Strategies for Constructions Focus
Four Hazards
Complimentary Enrollment!
Identify the Focus Four Hazards and take steps
towards a safer work environment. According to
National Safety Council Injury Facts 2007
Edition, in 2005 there were an estimated 414,9000
nonfatal injuries and illnesses in the
construction industry. Learn how to prevent
these common accidents and keep your business
- If youre a small business owner, employer,
manager or employee in the construction or
contracting industry, this is the program for
you. It will help you - Identify the Focus Four Hazards falls,
electrocution, excavation and trenching, and
stuck-by. - Define commonly used terms relating to and
recognize regulatory standards and requirements
pertaining to the Focus Four Hazards. - Identify specific prevention strategies for the
Focus Four Hazards that cause the most injuries
and fatalities. - Identify specific prevention strategies for the
Focus Four Hazards by incidents. - Recognize risk-taking behaviors relating to the
Focus Four Hazards and identify methods for
addressing them.
Your enrollment fee for this course has been paid
for by an OSHA Grant.
SPACE IS LIMITEDFax your registration to ltINSERT
FAXgt. For more information call ltINSERT PHONEgt.
Name Organization Address City Telephone Fax