Title: Adjunct Faculty Orientation
1Adjunct Faculty Orientation
- Coordinated by
- Karen Cherwony, Assoc. VP
- Eric Brunner, Manager
- Learning Development,
- Human Resources Department
- Share current and future University mission,
vision, and strategic initiatives - Introduce relevant people, services, resources
and policies related to - Academic Affairs and Teaching
- IT and Computers
- Human Resources
- Campus Safety
- Detail our commitment to diversity and prevention
of discrimination and harassment
3Introductions of Adjuncts
- Name
- Department
- Classes You Teach
- Years Working at Temple
4Welcome from the President
5President Harts 6 Strategic Initiatives
- Expanding Access to Excellence
- Nurturing Community Partnerships
- Increasing Global Reach
- Creating a Sustainable Future
- Advancing Research and Innovation
- Developing a Culture of Philanthropy
6Temple Today
- Temple University is the 28th largest university
in the United States - Temple is a Comprehensive Research University,
which has more than 36,000 students,
approximately - 3,935 full time employees and 1,750 full time
faculty and approximately 1,400 adjunct faculty. - Temple is the 5th largest provider of
professional education (law, dentistry, medicine,
pharmacy, and podiatric medicine) in the country
and the largest provider of professional
education in PA.
7Temple Today
- Temple University consists of
- 17 schools and colleges, including schools of
Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Podiatry, and Dentistry,
and a renowned Health Sciences Center with nearly
300 academic programs - 7 Pennsylvania campuses
- Main Campus
- Health Sciences Campus (HSC)
- Temple University Center City (TUCC)
- Temple University Ambler (TUA), PA
- Tyler School of Art Elkins Park, PA
- Podiatric Campus
- Temple Harrisburg
- Temple also has campuses in Tokyo, Japan Rome,
Italy and educational programs in China, Israel,
Greece, Great Britain and France
8Temples Senior Leadership
- Ann Weaver Hart President
- Lisa Staiano-Coico Provost, Sr. VP Academic
Affairs - Edmond Notebaert Sr. Exec. VP Health Sciences
- Anthony Wagner Sr. VP, CFO Treasurer
- Larry Lemanski Sr. VP Research Strategic
Initiatives - Stuart Sullivan Sr. VP Institutional
Advancement - George Moore Sr. VP, University Counsel,
Secretary - Kenneth Lawrence Sr. VP Government,
Community and Public Affairs
9TLC Contact Information
- Location
- The TECH Center, Suite 1121101 Montgomery Ave.
- Philadelphia, PA 19122TU Zip 286-09
- Website www.temple.edu/tlc
- Email tlc_at_temple.edu
- Phone 215.204.8761
10Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Faculty
Development and Faculty Affairs
- Comprised of two departments
- Faculty Affairs
- http//www.temple.edu/vpfaculty
- Retention, tenure, and promotion faculty
recruitment and hiring professional development
opportunities and more. - The Teaching and Learning Center
- http//www.temple.edu/tlc
- Provides programs and resources designed to
promote teaching methods that are consistent with
the research on how people learn - Provides opportunities for faculty and TAs to
reflect on their work, and to share, and learn,
from the experience and expertise of their
11(No Transcript)
12Adjunct Faculty Handbook
- The adjunct faculty handbook is available online
at http//www.temple.edu/vpfaculty/Documents/Adju
nct_Handbook_08_09.pdf/ - The adjunct faculty policy is NOT available
online as it is currently being revised -
13Adjunct Faculty Handbook Highlights
- The syllabus (policy 02.78.13)
- Text Book
- Cancelling class
- Class Lists
- Class attendance policy
- Grade Inflation
- Problem(s) with a student
- Using Temple Technology
14Adjunct Faculty Handbook Highlights
- 5.8 Reporting Final Grades
- 5.8.1 Incomplete Grades
- 5.8.2 Changing Grades
- 6 Teaching and Learning Resources
- 12 Academic Calendar
- Academic Policies (undergraduate)
olicies_part1/policies_part1.shtm - Academic Policies (graduate) http//www.temple.edu
15Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) Mission
- Promote the value and practice of excellent
teaching to facilitate student learning and
growth. - Provide programs and resources designed to
promote teaching methods that are consistent with
the research on how people learn. - Provide opportunities for faculty and TAs to
reflect on their work, and to share and learn,
from the experience and expertise of their
colleagues. - Integrates scholarly research and student
assessment into effective teaching and learning
16TLC Staff
- Pamela Barnett
- Associate Vice Provost Director
- Carol Philips
- Associate Director
- A. Baris Gunersel
- Assistant Director
- Mary Etienne
- Lead Administrative Specialist
17Complementing Teaching, Learning, Technology
Gail Gallo, Seminars Training
18About Computer Services
- Academic Computer Services
- Administrative Computer Services
- Computer Business Services
- Computer Recycling Center
- Data Center/Enterprise Systems
- Information Security
- Technology Support
- Telecommunications
19Academic Computing
Who we are
- Service Desk
- Information Services
20Acadmic Computing
What we do
- Provide 24/7 Learning Technology Support
- Deliver Collaborative Technologies
- Support the Delivery of Face-to-Face Instruction
We Listen to Your Technology Concerns to Offer
Provide Solutions
21The TECH CenterProviding 24/7 Learning and
- Student Computer Center
- Social Spaces Collaboration
- Service Desk
- Faculty Instructional Support
- Seminars Training
- Classroom Technology Support
Largest Facility of Its Kind in the Nation
22The TECH Center
- Offering a collaborative friendly pathway . . .
leading to . . .
23Social Spaces A Place to Study Relax
Social Spaces
24Specialty Labs to Produce Music, Graphics, Video
Social Spaces
25Breakout Rooms for Collaboration Study
26Digital Recording Booths For Vocal Narration
27Computer Labs with Over 600 PCs MACS
Social Spaces
28Technology Support
Service Desk
- Offering Technology Support by Professionals
- 24/7 Walk-in, Call-in, E-mail, or Web chat
support - PC Clinic
- Statistical Software Support
- Desktop Office Support
- Virus Protection
- Identity Management
29Faculty Support
The Faculty Wing
- Instructional Support Center (ISC)
- Offering One-On-One Consultation by Instructional
Designers - Online Teaching Learning Materials
- 24/7 Instruction Classroom Interactivity
- Instructional Production Services
- Faculty Presentation Rooms
- Seminars Training
30Instructional Support Center (ISC)
Online Teaching Learning Materials
- Blackboard - Offering access to
- Turnitin
- Scholar
- e-Portfolios
- Learning Objects Blogs Wikis, Search LX
- Expo LX
- Gallery
- iTunes/Podcast
- Instructional Production Services
31Instructional Support Center (ISC)
24/7 Instruction Classroom Interactivity
- TUCapture
- Acrobat Connect
- TurningPoint
- Horizon Wimba
- Voice Tools
- Live Classroom
32Instructional Support Center (ISC)
- Digital Imaging
- Presentations
- Web Site Authoring
- Production Services
- Poster Printing
- CD DVD Duplication
- Scanning
- Audio/Video Editing and Duplication
Return to Online Teaching Materials
34Faculty Wing
- Faculty Presentation Room (111)
- Breakout Room (107)
- Faculty Lounge with E-mail Terminals
35Seminars and Training
- Free Hands-On Seminars for Faculty, Students, and
Staff of All Skill Levels - Blackboard
- TurningPoint
- Microsoft Office
- Dreamweaver
37Classroom Technology Support
- Smart Classrooms
- Touch panel
- Remote access and management (Meeting Manger)
- NetOps School
- Share screen with class
- Monitor student activity
- Prevent students from accessing Web sites
- Remote control student screens
39Thank you!
- Questions?
- ggallo_at_temple.edu
- Prevent plagiarism
- Instantly identify papers containing unoriginal
material - Improve student writing skills
Return to Online Teaching Materials
- Search for information by discipline, or
institution - Browse other users resources and collections
- Subscribe for information that is relevant to you
and sign up to receive the most recent bookmarks
via RSS - Students can access Scholar resources chosen by
an instructor
Return to Online Teaching Materials
- A place to store and organize a collection of
documents and multimedia - Showcase student work and development
- Reflect out of class learning and accomplishments
- Review student outcomes for improvement in
Return to Online Teaching Materials
- Web-based, asynchronous journal
- Created by one or more authors on a topic
- Appear online in reverse chronological order
- Groups can comment on one or more topics
similar to a discussion board but without the
organization of comments according to threads
Return to Online Teaching Materials
- Web-based collaborative authoring tool
- Any number of people create and edit information
- Teams solve problems and negotiate together online
Return to Online Teaching Materials
45Search LX
- A search engine that operates within Blackboard
to quickly find - Blog posts
- Wiki pages
- Microsoft Word documents
- and much more
Return to Online Teaching Materials
46Expo LX
- Expo LX is a dynamic personal website builder
and blogging tool. Participants can - easily build interactive websites relevant to
their personal interests and activities - create blogs and wikis within a site and allow
others viewers to comment and contribute content - create shared workspaces to suit their particular
objectives - collaborate on discipline-specific sites
- publish departmental information
Return to Online Teaching Materials
- A Digital Image Database
- Store scanned images
- Package into slide show
- Display in Smart Classrooms
- Enable student access for self-study
Return to Online Teaching Materials
- Classroom Response System
- Collect anonymous responses
- Engage your audience
- Encourage classroom participation
Return to Online Teaching Materials
49Temple University Pays byDirect Deposit
- Two Options for Banking on Temple Campuses
- PNC Bank offers many perks for Temple faculty
- Philadelphia Federal Credit Union
50Health Benefits for Adjuncts
- Specific eligibility requirements letters have
been mailed to eligible part time faculty - For further information on eligibility, plan
features, etc. - visit the HR Benefits website
http//www.temple.edu/hr/faculty/adjuncts.htm - Call 215-204-1321 and ask for Geri OKane or
Renee Larson
51Independence Blue Cross and Campus Recreation
- 200 workout stations
- 314 meter indoor track
- large aerobics room
- martial arts room
- 4 racquetball courts
- outdoor multipurpose court
- locker rooms, support areas
52Employee Access Fees for Usage of Recreation
Term Payment Plan
- Valid Temple ID
- 55/semester (Fall/Spring)
- 30 Summer Session I II
- Pay at Bursars office or Campus Recreation main
office, 102 McGonigle Hall
- Policies and procedures apply to all faculty and
staff (including student workers, temporary
employees, TAs RAs, Post Doctoral Fellows and
volunteers) - Employees are required to learn procedures in
manual and abide by them all new faculty/staff
sign form - The University may make changes periodically in
the policies - The official copy of the manual can be found _at_
www.temple.edu/hr or http//policies.temple.edu
5410.9 Expectations for Work Related Behavior
- All employees must conform to certain basic
standards of behavior - Abide by all policies and procedures set forth in
the Employee Manual and official Temple policies. - Meet established expectations of job performance.
- Comply with attendance policies.
- Meet stated standards of efficiency.
- Respect the personal and property rights of
Temple, other employees, students, patients,
clients visitors. -
5510.9 Expectations for Work Related Behavior
- Follow University and departmental rules and
policies including, harassment/discrimination/
retaliation policies, Conflict of Interest
Policies, and NCAA policies. - Maintain a courteous and professional demeanor.
- Engage in appropriate conduct in the performance
of duties. - Support managements goals and objectives.
- Observe all safety policies, regulations
procedures. - Rules of Conduct are a guide to violations of
expected behavior
56Sections of the Employee Manual that Apply to You
- Some of the terms and conditions of your
employment are detailed. - Please make sure you read sections
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 About Temple University
- 3.4 Academic Personnel
- 4.1 Employment Applications and Other Forms
- 4.3 Accuracy of Personnel Information
- 4.5 Employment Eligibility
- 8.0 The Unforeseen Injury (Workers
Compensation) - 9.0 Your Paycheck and Expenses
- 13.0 University Standards
- 14.0 Employment Standards
5713.0 Conflict of Interest
- 13.5 Conflict of Interest Employees
- All employees are required to use good faith in
all transactions involving their duties - Disclosure to chair of any potential conflict of
interest. - 13.6 Gifts and Conflict of Interest
- Disclose gifts gt 50 (lunches, concerts, gift
certificates, sporting events). - Special limitation on sponsorships of dept
programs prohibited if dept/unit has decision
making authority over vendor selection/business
relationship. - See University policy on Gifts and Conflict of
Interest at http//policies.temple.edu. -
5813.0 Conflict of Interest
- 13.7 Conflict of Interest Faculty
- Must avoid any conflict or appearance of conflict
in dealing with organizations or individuals
having or seeking to have business relationships
with the University. - Disclosure to chair and/or Dean
5913.0 University Standards
- 13.8 Drug Free Workplace
- Everyone is responsible for ensuring that Temple
is a drug-free, healthful, safe and secure work
environment - 13.9 Drug Alcohol Abuse
- Use of unlawful drugs or abuse of lawful alcohol
or drugs is prohibited - 13.10 Drug Alcohol Testing
- Pre-employment
- Reasonable suspicion/after an accident
- 13.11 Gambling in the Workplace
- prohibited
- 13.12 Political Activities
- May not use position or university connection in
any way - If elected, duties cannot interfere with work
60University Safety Standards
- 13.14 Safety
- Employees must follow all safety regulations
promulgated by EHRS - Employees responsible for reviewing EHRS website
- You can be Temples Safety Net
- Civility on Campus a practical guide and
step-by-step process for dealing with incivility
on campus or in the classroom. - Referral Guide for Faculty Staff
- Tuttleman Counseling Center Care Team
- www.temple.edu/counseling
6114.0 Employment Standards
- 14.1 Weapons on Campus
- Prohibited except for Temple Police/Campus Safety
- 14.2 Violence in the Workplace
- Threatening or violent behavior towards anyone
prohibited - Physical, written, oral, expressions, behavior,
email, telephone, stalking - Reporting of such required
6214.0 Employment Standards
- 14.5 Confidential Information
- Everyone must abide by policy
- Everyone will sign a confidentiality form
- Failure to sign/abide termination
- Student information is confidential
- 14.6 Workplace Surveillance and Searches
- Employees on notice that Temple may
- For safety related concerns
6314.0 Employment Standards
- 14.7 Use of Communication Systems
- For lawful TU purposes only
- TU has right to investigate concerns regarding
unlawful use - 14.8 Monitoring and/or Recording of Telephone
Calls - For business purposes
- Employees will be notified if department monitors
- Employees must consent.
- HR will try to move if consent withheld but no
guarantee - 14.9 Voicemail and E-mail
- Notice to employees that Temple has right to
review for business purposes including
investigation of inappropriate use.
6414.0 Employment Standards
- 13.13 Software and Computer Usage
- Policy governing software, hardware, and computer
related equipment/resources owned by Temple
usage strictly for Temple purposes - Any Temple employee, student, retiree, consultant
who has access to or uses a TU system to conduct
TU business must abide by TU policies - 14.10 Computer, Internet and Computer Games
- Not in a way that violates harassment policy
6514.0 Employment Standards
- 14.16 Severe Weather
- If classes are canceled, all admin/staff expected
to report - Employee is responsible for checking status of
Temple - Faculty responsible for checking if University is
closed - 14.17 Emergency Closings
- Policy pertains to closure of University for
extreme conditions - May not pertain to cancellation of classes
- Emergency Notification System update ESS
66What is Workers Compensation?
- A state mandated law
- Defines the liability of an employer to pay
medical and indemnity (wages) benefits for work
related injuries - 100 Employer Sponsored
- Speedy remedy
- No-Fault System
- Pays a percentage of income and non taxable
- To notify your chair when you are injured even
if you do not require medical treatment and
complete an incident report - To proper medical care - treat with the posted
panel of physicians for 90 days - Switch medical providers
- Second opinion for surgical procedures
- Notify your chair/Temple of any changes in your
medical or employment status. - Fraud provisions for non-compliance
- 215.204.1234 or 1-1234
- 215.204.3328 or 1-3328
69Campus Safety Services Facts
- Campus Safety Services operates 24 hours a day, 7
days week and 365 days a year - Includes Police and Security Officers
- Officers are responsible for calls for service,
periodic checks of all campus buildings, crime
prevention, medical escorts, traffic regulation,
manual vehicle lockouts along with many other
duties. - www.temple.edu/safety
- For help, emergencies, or
- to report a fire or crime, call
- 215-204-1234 or 1-1234
70Temple Universitys Non-Discrimination Policy
- Academic Community that respects diversity
- Committed to the principles of affirmative action
to ensure equal opportunity for those
historically excluded and to foster diversity - Does not discriminate on the basis of
- Race, color, religion, gender, sexual
orientation, national origin, ancestry, age,
disability, marital status or veteran status - Report discrimination to your Chair, Office of
Multicultural Affairs or HR - (Employee Manual, Section 13.1)
71Temple Universitys Non-Discrimination Policy
- Allegations are promptly investigated.
- Confidentiality protected as much as possible
- Retaliation is prohibited against all employees
participating in an investigation. - Discrimination in violation of this policy is
subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including discharge. - Supervisor, who has knowledge of discrimination
but takes no action to end it, is also subject to
disciplinary action, up to and including
72Anti-Harassment Policy
- Temple University is committed to creating and
maintaining an academic and work environment free
of all forms of harassment - Includes harassment based on
- Sex /Gender
- Race/Color
- Sexual Orientation
- Religion
- National Origin
- Age
- Disability
- Marital Status
- Pregnancy
- (Employee Manual, Section 13.3)
73Enforcement of Anti-Harassment Policy
- Actions will be taken to
- Prevent, Correct, and if necessary Discipline
behavior which adversely impacts the academic or
work environment - Use of University communication, voice mail or
email/computer system in a harassing manner is
prohibited and will result in disciplinary
action, up to and including discharge - Retaliatory actions will be subject to
disciplinary action
74Harassment Awareness Quiz
75What is Harassment?
- A type of unlawful discrimination
- An educational or work environment that is
permeated with discriminatory intimidation,
ridicule, and insult that is sufficiently severe
or pervasive to alter the conditions of the
victims educational or work environment by
creating an abusive environment. - Examples
- Vulgar Language/Off Color Comments or Jokes
- Inappropriate Materials/Visual Displays
- Offensive emails
- Inappropriate touching
- Work-related off-premises conduct
76What is Sexual Harassment?
- Unwelcome
- Sexual advances
- Requests for sexual favors
- Dissemination of sexually offensive
- or suggestive written, recorded or
electronically transmitted messages - Other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual
nature when
77Sexual Harassment
- Submission to such conduct is made explicitly or
implicitly a term or condition of instruction,
employment, or participation in a University
activity or - Submission to or rejection of such conduct is
used as a basis for evaluation in making academic
or personnel decisions affecting an individual
or - Such conduct has the purpose or effect of
unreasonably interfering with an individuals
performance or creating an intimidating, hostile,
or offensive University environment.
Quid Pro Quo or This for That
Hostile Environment
78Illegal Harassment ...
- May be Quid Pro Quo or Hostile Environment
- Severe or Pervasive
- As judged by a Reasonable Person
- Alters the conditions of victims educational
environment - Includes conduct by people of same sex and peers
- Based on common sense and social context
79Faculty/Student Relationships
- No instructor shall
- make a sexually suggestive or intimidating remark
- ask a student for a date or sexual favor
- Sexual or romantic relationships are prohibited
even if consensual between - instructors and students in their courses
- instructors, advisors, coaches, physicians, or
other similar individuals and students they are
advising, supervising or evaluating or whose
academic or career opportunities they are
directly or indirectly effecting - (Employee Manual, Sections, 14.3 and 14.4)
80Prohibited Consensual Relationships
- If a consensual relationship develops between a
student and instructor, the instructor should not
evaluate the student without prior permission by
the Dean - Relationships between supervisors and their
subordinates are also prohibited
81Contrapower Harassment
- Harassment of those with more organizational/form
al power by those with less. - Students harassing faculty
- Behaviors include
- Suggestive looks, physical harassment, verbal
remarks, anonymous, inappropriate phone calls or
letters, negative comments about a professor - Source Contrapower Harassment and the
Professorial Archetype Gender, Race, and
Authority in the Classroom, Buchanan and Bruce
82Retaliation is Prohibited
- Temple Policy prohibits adverse action against
- Complainants
- Witnesses/other participants in investigations
- May occur regardless of whether charge of
harassment is founded or unfounded - http//www.temple.edu/hr/departments/employeer
83What to do if You are Harassed
- Confront the Harasser let him/her know that the
behavior is unwelcome - Keep a Record
- Immediately report it to
- Your supervisor
- An ombudsperson
- The Office of Multicultural Affairs (Ground
floor, Mitten Hall,1-7303) - Human Resources/LR (203 USB, 1-1319)
- The Office of Multicultural Affairs will conduct
a prompt investigation - Contact SACE, Tuttleman Counseling Center, for
counseling (ground floor, Sullivan Hall, 1-7276)
84Office of Multicultural Affairs
- Mitten Hall, Lower Level
- 1913 N. Broad Street
- Philadelphia, PA 19122-6092
- phone 215.204.7303 fax 215.204.8052
- omca_at_temple.edu
- Staff
- Rhonda Brown, AVP
- Sandra Foehl, Director, Affirmative
Action/Compliance Investigation - Tracey Hamilton, Assistant Director, Affirmative
Action/Compliance Investigation, 215.204.7438
- Tiffenia Archie, Faculty Recruitment Retention
85Offices to Contact for
- Harassment/discrimination
- Office of Multicultural Affairs
- Employee misconduct/Union issues/Inappropriate
supervisor conduct - Human Resources
- Faculty misconduct/Conflict of interest/Academic
fraud - Provost Office
- Student academic misconduct
- Student Affairs
- Criminal activity/Threats of risk
- Campus Safety Services
- Misuse of university computer and network systems
- VP Computer Services
- Data privacy issue
- Information security and privacy officer
86Important Temple Web-Sites
- TUportal your door to all electronic systems
- https//tuportal3.temple.edu
- Human Resources
- www.temple.edu/hr
- Employee Self Service
- ess.temple.edu
- Policies
- http//policies.temple.edu
- Office of the Provost
- http//www.temple.edu/provost
87Please complete
- Evaluation
- Workers Comp. Form retain pink copy
- Confidentiality Form
- Receipt of Employee Manual and Rules of Conduct
- Thank you for your contributions to Temple and
for attending this evening!