Title: Neutrons in Science
1Neutrons in Science
2Research Reactor vs Power Reactor
Power 20 MW 3000 MW Uranium
30 kg 100,000 kg Temperature
60 ?C 100 ?C Uses Generates
neutrons for Generates steam for
Radioisotopes, Si and Science
3Performance of Neutron Scattering at OPAL
Neutron scattering enhanced by 10 - 1000 times
relative to HIFAR
An international scientific user facility
4Why do ice cubes float?
5Hydrogen vs Deuterium
6OPAL at 20 MW
7Neutrons Faster than a speeding bullet?
450 m/s
8Neutron Transport
Neutrons travel 80 m in 0.04 s
9Neutron Transport
Neutrons in air lose 10 of their intensity per
metre We transmit neutrons under vacuum through
supermirror neutron guides
10Supermirror Neutron Guides
Supermirror coatings reflect neutrons at
glancing angles (lt 5?).
Transmits neutrons from the reactor to
instruments (like a fibre-optic transmits light)
11White Beam vs Monochromatic Neutrons
Just like visible light, our white neutron
beams are comprised of a range of wavelengths
12How do Neutrons Interact with Matter?
Neutrons scatter from an atoms nucleus, not the
electron cloud
13What Happens When a Neutron Hits Something?
14What Happens When a Neutron Hits Something?
Mostly nothing!!!
15What Happens When a Neutron Hits Something?
16What Happens When a Neutron Hits Something?
Sometimes, it scatters
17Elastic Scattering
18Inelastic Scattering
19Key Strengths of Neutron Science
20Key Strengths of Neutron Science
Investigations of atomic structure under extreme
21Key Strengths of Neutron Science
Studies of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
22Key Strengths of Neutron Science
Cell membrane physiology
23Key Strengths of Neutron Science
Structure and Dynamics of Hydrogen Storage
24Key Strengths of Neutron Science
Non-Destructive Testing for Materials Engineering
25Key Strengths of Neutron Science
Structure and Function in Molecular Biology
26Key Strengths of Neutron Science
Studies of NanoscaleSoft Condensed Matter
27Key Strengths of Neutron Science
Food Science
28Key Strengths of Neutron Science
New Energy Technologies
29Key Strengths of Neutron Science
Conducting Polymers and Liquid Crystals
30Lengthscales for Neutron Scattering
Human Hair 100,000 nm
Deposited Nanostructures500 nm
Red Blood Cells7000 nm
Si Atoms0.2 nm
DNA2 nm
Influenza Virus100 nm
31Why Use Neutrons as a Probe of Atomic and
Nanoscale Structures?
1. Have the right wavelength 2. See the
nuclei not the electron cloud (Contrast between
H and D) 3. See light atoms next to heavy ones
4. Measure the velocity of atoms 5.
Penetrate deeply into matter (Non-destructive)
6. Interacts with magnetic materials
32Hydrogen Deuterium Contrast What Neutrons See
When the monster came, Lola remained
undetected. Harold, of course, was immediately
33Neutron Instruments at OPAL
Quokka (SANS)
Platypus (Reflectometer)
Wombat (Hi-Intensity Powder)
Koala (Single Crystal)
Pelican (Polarization Spectrometer)
Kowari (Residual Stress)
Sika (Cold TAS)
Kookaburra (USANS)
Echidna (Hi-Resolution Powder)
Taipan (Thermal TAS)
34Three Axis Spectrometers
Neutron Scattering Instruments at OPAL
Taipan / Sika
Polarization Spectrometer Pelican
Ultra-SANS Kookaburra
High Speed Diffractometer Wombat
High Resolution Diffractometer Echidna
Reflectometer Platypus
Residual Stress Kowari
Quasi-Laue Diffractometer Koala
Small Angle Scattering Quokka
35Atomic Structure Diffraction and Braggs Law
l 2dsinq
incoming neutrons
diffracted neutrons
36Energy TechnologiesCorrelating Properties with
Atomic Structure
Gives the location of light elements such in the
presence of heavy metal atoms.
Battery Materials
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Monitoring of atomic structure during device
Hydrogen Storage
37In-situ Diffraction of Li-ion Battery Cycling
Location and quantity of Li ions can be tracked
duringcharging and discharging.
38In-situ Diffraction of Li-ion Battery Cycling
39Hydrogen for Transport
40Hydrogen Fuel Cells A Much Better Way
41Hydrogen Storage in Solid Metal-Organic Frameworks
- MOFs consist of metal oxide clusters linked by
organic molecules - High surface area
- Crystalline nano-porous material with tunable
pore size - Functionality of the linker can also be varied
42Formation of Methane Hydrates
Wealth From Oceans
43Non-Destructive Testing of Engineered
MaterialsStress Determination in Crystalline
Improve the reliability and safety of critical
Non-destructive mapping of mechanical stresses.
Welds, joints, hardening, quenchingMetals,
alloys and compositesFrom the production line
or after use.
44What Happens When Pipelines Get Stressed
45What Happens When Pipelines Get Stressed
predicted stress
measured stress in weld
400 kg branch section
critical crack size is increased by a factor of
3. Unnecessary weld repairs are avoided
46Neutrons and Nanotechnology
Materials used in countless industrial
preparations are based on molecular
Stabilised Polymer Emulsions
47Understanding Biological Signaling
If DNA damage is detected, Sda binds
to Histidine Kinase (KinA), preventing it from
initiating a phosphorelay
Protein Kinases Regulate the majority of cellular
pathways, especially those involved in signal
transduction Up to 30 of all proteins may be
modified by kinase activity
A. E. Whitten, D. A. Jacques, et al. J. Molecular
Biology 368, 407 (2007).
48Neutron Reflectometry
Depth profiling of nanoscale systems with atomic
resolution Film thickness (1 nm - 100 nm) Film
composition Hydration of surface
coatings Molecular self-assembly Biological
structure and function
49Enzyme-Membrane Interactions(Death by Cobra)
Neutron reflectometry allows us to observe
molecular interactions with biomimetic cell
Studies of disease mechanisms cholera,
diphtheria, Alzheimers, pneumonia,
50Magnetic Thin Film Memory
Data in modern digital devices is stored on
nanoscale magnetic thin films
Neutrons can probe both structure and magnetism
in thin films
51Explosive Sensing Using Dendrimer Films
Centre for Organic Photonics and Electronics (U.
52Better Than X-ray Vision...(Neutron Radiography)
Penetrating ability of neutrons is sensitive to
different nuclei
53Better Than X-ray Vision
Neutron radiography is more penetrating and has
better contrast
54Any Questions? (michael.james_at_ansto.gov.au)
55(No Transcript)