Title: The Inner Planets are Out of this World
1The Inner PlanetsareOut of this World
2The sun is the center of the solar system. The
energy from the sun, which is called solar
energy, gives light and heat to the planets. The
closer a planet is to the sun, the more light and
heat it gets.
3Now Onto the Inner Planets
4The closest planet to the sun is Mercury. It is
very small. A night on Mercury is much colder
than the coldest night on Earth. A day on Mercury
is much hotter than the hottest day on Earth. No
living things could survive in such cold or such
heat! It takes Mercury only 88 Earth days to
travel once around the sun.
5The second planet from the sun is Venus. Venus is
about as big as Earth. It also has mountains and
plains like Earth. However, Venus is different
from Earth in many ways. It is covered by thick
clouds of acid. The clouds hold in the sun's
heat, so it is very, very hot on Venus. It is too
hot and dry there for plants or animals to live.
It takes Venus 225 Earth days to travel once
around the sun.
6Earth is the third planet from the sun. Almost
three-fourths of Earth's surface is covered by
water. Water allows plants and animals to live.
As far as we know, no other planet has liquid
water. Earth has one moon. It takes Earth 365
days -- one year -- to travel once around the
7The fourth planet from the sun is Mars. It is
smaller than Earth. Mars is much colder than
Earth. Mars does not have blue patches of liquid
water like Earth, but does have some ice that is
solid water below its soil. Mars has ice "caps"
like those at the North and South Poles of Earth
on its surface. Mars has been nicknamed "the red
planet, because it has red soil. Mars has at
least 2 moons and takes 2 Earth years to travel
once around the sun.