University of Utah Staff Recruitment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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University of Utah Staff Recruitment


– PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: University of Utah Staff Recruitment

University of Utah Staff Recruitment
  • Standard Recruitment Process

Standard Recruitment Process
  • Our shared objective is to create a positive
    candidate experience from
  • initial application through completion of
    probationary period (and
  • beyond)
  • Roles
  • Key Questions
  • Hiring Profile Selection Criteria
  • Job Posting
  • Recruitment Channels
  • Interview Evaluation
  • Essential Elements of a Successful Recruitment

Key Roles in the Recruitment and Hiring Process
  • Hiring Manager
  • Define job
  • Create Hiring Profile and Selection Criteria
  • Evaluate applications
  • Organize interviews
  • Make final selection
  • Check references
  • Offer job
  • Schedule orientation
  • Human Resources
  • Provide tools training
  • Expertise on crafting effective job postings
  • Review and approve job postings
  • Maximize job exposure through use of multiple
    recruitment channels
  • Provide guidance on pay

Standard Recruitment Process Key Questions
  • Is this a new or replacement position?
  • What is my target and/or maximum salary?
  • Need to review and update Job Description?
  • Shall we convene a formal Search Committee?
  • Who will participate in interviews and evaluation
    of candidates?
  • What recruitment channels will we use?

Building a Hiring Profile Characteristics of top
job candidates
  • Executive Middle Management
  • Strong cultural fit with organization
  • Proven track record in successfully meeting goals
    (professional personal)
  • Strong industry experience
  • Work experience at a top-tier organization
  • Nonmanagement (e.g. Assistant, Coordinator,
  • Ability to be a team player
  • Strong cultural fit with organization
  • Exemplary work performance
  • Strong technology skills
  • Source SHRM Staffing Research Recruiting Top
    Performers (2007, October-December

Building a hiring profile that reflects your
  • What special unique attributes of your
    Department make it attractive to your ideal
  • Supervision hands on/hands off
  • Structure Rule bound/flexible
  • Interdependence team based/individualistic
  • Pace Fast/slow and steady
  • Communication Formal/informal
  • Risk-taking Encouraged/discouraged
  • Decision Making Top down/participative
  • Humor Important/irrelevant
  • Roles Fixed/variable
  • Accountability Clear/ambiguous

Developing Selection Criteria
  • Here is an example of a set of Selection Criteria
    for the position of
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Knowledge of office management techniques.
  • Ability to practice effective communication
    techniques both orally and in writing including
    ability to coordinate a variety of resources in
    gathering information and independently answering
  • Knowledge of effective supervisory practices and
    ability to plan and supervise the work of others,
    if applicable.
  • Ability to analyze and interpret policy and
    procedural guidelines and to resolve problems and
    questions, independently.
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective
    working relationships with associates, officials,
    the press and the general public.
  • Skill in organizing work flow and coordinating

Standard Recruitment Process Job Posting
  • Update and clearly define minimums and
  • Clearly define equivalent
  • Specify Recruiting Timeframe
  • Set hard Closing Date not to exceed 30 days
  • Set Application Review Date (first cut review of
    applicant pool)
  • Package the opportunity and emphasize value
    points such as learning opportunities or flexible

Advantages of Setting a Closing Date and
Minimizing Time-to-Fill
  • Creates a sense of urgency
  • Hire the best before someone else does
  • Encourages the active engagement of current staff
    in the hiring process
  • Uses University resources in the most efficient
    and cost effective manner
  • Enhances the Universitys image in the
    competitive employment marketplace
  • Positively impacts employee morale

Incorporating elements of the University of
Utahs Brand Image in Job Postings
  • Career opportunities
  • Opportunities to expand job skills
  • Professional development opportunities to expand
    your skills and grow your career
  • Image as the leading firm among teaching and
    research institutions
  • Top ranked teaching and research institution
  • World class healthcare facilities including
    University Hospital, Huntsman Cancer Institute,
    Brain Institute, John A. Moran Eye Center, and
    Community Clinics
  • Benefits
  • Comprehensive benefits including tuition
    reduction, health, and retirement
  • Tuition reimbursement
  • Free UTA TRAX/Bus pass for all employees
  • Work/life balance options
  • Wellness program to promote health and quality of
  • Beautiful location nestled at the foothills of
    the Wasatch mountain range
  • Learning and growth opportunities
  • Academic environment in which the highest
    standards of scholarship and professional
    practice are observed
  • Awards and honors it has received
  • Broad variety of exceptional athletic programs
    which have earned over 80 national championships
    and 64 conference team championships since 1983

Standard Recruitment Process Recruitment Channels
  • Identify appropriate recruitment channels in
  • with your recruiter
  • (online SL Tribune)
  • Chronicle of Higher Education
  • Rocky Mountain Career Consortium
  • Utah Technology Council Job Board
  • Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce Job Board
  • LinkedIn Groups
  • Professional Association websites
  • Utah Division of Workforce Services

Standard Recruitment Process Interview
  • Conduct a first cut review two weeks from
    posting date.
  • PeopleAdmin Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
    provides applicants with the opportunity to track
    their application status
  • Assess quality of applicant pool
  • Work with your HR Recruiter to expand recruitment
    efforts as needed
  • Identify any applications flagged VET or RIF and
    process appropriately

Standard Recruitment Process Interview
  • Evaluate Tier 1 Short List Candidates
  • Conduct Telephone Prescreening Interviews
  • Summarize information gathered in telephone
    prescreening interviews
  • Determine which candidates to invite for a
    personal interview
  • Schedule conduct peer interviews
  • Allow time for interviewing team to discuss
    candidates and reach consensus

Prohibited Pre-Employment Questions
  • Interviewing teams should avoid questions
    designed to elicit
  • information regarding the applicants membership
    in a
  • protected class
  • Race
  • National Origin
  • Color of Skin
  • Age (40)
  • Gender
  • Religion
  • Disability
  • Veterans Status
  • Sexual Orientation

Guidance on Interview Questions
  • Race - There are no job-related considerations
    that would justify asking an applicant a question
    based on race.
  • Religion - There are no job-related
    considerations that would justify asking about
    religious convictions, unless your organization
    is a religious institution, which may give
    preference to individuals of their own religion.

Guidance on Interview Questions
  • Gender - Generally, there are no appropriate
  • based on the applicant's gender during the
  • process.
  • Specifically
  • a) Women are no longer protected under state
    wage/hour laws re
  • number of hours worked, lifting restrictions,
  • b) It is unlawful to deny a female applicant
    employment because she is
  • pregnant, or planning to have a child at some
    future date.
  • c) Questions on marital status, number of
    children, child care arrangements,etc. are not
  • d) Questions as to availability to work should be
    job-related What hours can you work? What
    shift(s) can you work? Can you work on weekends?

Guidance on Interview Questions
  • Sexual Preference - Under certain state and
    municipal laws, there are no permissible
    questions regarding an applicant's sexual
  • Height and/or weight restrictions - These
    questions may support gender or national origin
    discrimination claims unless their relationship
    to specific job requirements can be demonstrated.

Guidance on Interview Questions
  • Age - Under the EEOC's Age Discrimination
    Interpretive Rules issued in 1981, as amended, a
    request for date of birth on the employment
    application is permissible, with an appropriate
    disclaimer shown. In practice, this is not asked
    on applications.
  • Any recruiting effort that is age-biased such as
  • graduate", or any question during the interview
    process that
  • deters employment because of age is unlawful. The
  • Discrimination Act of 1967 bars discrimination
  • persons age 40 or over.

Guidance on Interview Questions
  • National Origin - You may not ask an applicant
    where he/she was born, or where his/her parents
    were born. You may ask if the applicant is
    eligible to work in the United States.
  • Financial Status - An interviewer should not ask
    if the applicant owns or rents a home or car, or
    if wages have been previously garnished, unless
    financial considerations for the job in question

Guidance on Interview Questions
  • Military Record - You may not ask what type of
    discharge the applicant received from military
    service. You may ask whether or not the applicant
    served in the military, period of service, rank
    at time of discharge, and type of training and
    work experience received while in the service.
  • Disability - You may not ask whether or not the
    applicant has a particular disability. You may
    only ask whether or not the applicant can perform
    the duties of the job in question.

Interview Evaluation Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) Practices
  • The ADA allows for reasonable accommodation
  • The application process. An example of a
  • Accommodation would be an interpreter providing
  • American Sign Language for the interview. If you
  • an accommodation request, advise the candidate
    that you
  • will check on the Universitys procedures
    regarding this
  • process.
  • Please contact the OEO/AA for assistance
  • accommodation requests, 581-8365.

Use Behavioral Interview Questions(S-A-R Model)
Behavioral Interview Questions
  • Accountability
  • Describe a situation when your work did not meet
    your coworker or supervisors expectations. What
    happened? What action did you take?
  • Have you ever been in a situation where your role
    or responsibilities havent been clearly defined?
    What did you do?
  • Tell me of a time when you disagreed with a
    customer, supervisor, or coworker. What did you
    do to resolve the conflict? What was the outcome?

Behavioral Interview Questions
  • Assertiveness
  • Tell me about a situation when you had to speak
    up (be assertive) in order to get a point across
    that was important to you or crucial to your
  • Tell me about a time when you felt compelled to
    immediately address a difficult situation with
    your boss or supervisor when others wouldnt.
    (You had to do the right thing.) What happened?
    What was the outcome?

Behavioral Interview Questions
  • Communication
  • Tell of a time when your active listening skills
    really paid off. Perhaps a situation when others
    missed a key idea or issue.
  • Describe your most successful experience in
    delivering a presentation or giving a speech.
    When did this happen?
  • Describe a complex writing assignment (longer
    than 10 pages) you had to complete. Tell me how
    you organized the document and what help you had
    (if applicable) finishing it.

Behavioral Interview Questions
  • Customer Focus
  • Tell me about a time when your success depended
    on your prior working relationship with a
    customer. Describe the situation and the outcome.
  • Tell me about a time when you went the extra
    mile to meet the needs of a customer.
  • Tell me about a time in your previous job when
    you accommodated the client or customer even
    though it was more work for you or went against
    your instincts. What was the result?
  • Tell me about a situation where you had to
    remain quiet when dealing with a hostile
    customer. How did you handle the situation?

Behavioral Interview Questions
  • Detail Orientation
  • Describe a situation when you coordinated several
    events or people at
  • the same time. How did you handle it? What was
    the result?
  • Tell me about a task that was tedious or boring
    to youbut had to be
  • done. How did you approach and tackle the task?
  • When have you found it valuable to use a detailed
    checklist or
  • procedure list to reduce potential errors on the
    job? What as the
  • outcome? What would you do differently today?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to manage large
    amounts of
  • paperwork. How did you keep things organized to
    maintain order and
  • accuracy?

Behavioral Interview Questions
  • Flexibility
  • Tell of a situation where you had to adjust
    quickly to changes over
  • which you had no control. What was the impact of
    the change on
  • you?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to change your
    point of view or
  • your plans to take into account new information
    or changing
  • priorities.
  • Describe an example of a time when you had to
    approach people
  • (with different perspectives) for support or
    cooperation. How did you
  • appeal to each person? What was the result?

Behavioral Interview Questions
  • Problem Solving
  • What was the most difficult work problem you ever
    faced? How did you
  • address the problem? What were the results?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to step away
    from traditional
  • methods to solve a difficult or complex problem.
    Can you describe your
  • approach? What was the outcome?
  • Give me an example of a project you personally
    planned, implemented,
  • measured, and evaluated. What problems did you
    solve along the way?

Candidate Evaluation
  • Learning to score interviews is one of the most
    challenging aspects of
  • the behavioral interview. This skill requires
    practice and a clear
  • understanding of how to make quantitative
    judgments from qualitative
  • information.
  • You must
  • Stick to your selection criteria and job
  • Prepare questions in advance (structured).
  • Engage the candidate with attentive and active
  • Keep accurate notes.
  • After the interview when you are reviewing your
    interview notes, ask yourself how well the
    answers reflect the behaviors documented in your
    selection criteria.

Candidate Evaluation continued
  • Are the behaviors
  • Recent, within the last 18 months?
  • Frequent, repeated in a variety of situations?
  • Successful, with a favorable outcome?
  • Similar to the desirable role in this position?
  • You should carefully evaluate each answer and
    make a measured judgment of the candidate. Assign
    a score based on evidence of the behaviors in
    question. Total up the score and the candidates
    suitability is revealed.

Candidate Evaluation Worksheet
Making Final SelectionOffering the Position to
the Top Candidate
  • Select top candidate
  • Conduct at least two employment references
  • Request Salary Calculation set pay rate
  • Create a customized Offer Letter (or make a
    verbal offer)
  • Offer position. If necessary, provide candidate
    with time to decide (1-3 days)
  • Candidate accepts offer (typically on the phone)
  • Invite candidate in to go over Offer Letter and
    complete any necessary hiring paperwork (drug
    screen, background check)
  • Wait for Clear to Hire from HR Representative (if
  • Submit e-PAF to create uID

Essential Elements of a Successful Recruitment
  • Bring a sense of urgency to the recruitment
    process. Top candidates have a limited shelf
  • Clearly define your expectations for the position
  • Set a target fill date, first cut application
    review date, and schedule interview time block
    well in advance
  • Conduct thorough telephone prescreening
    interviews prior to scheduling personal
  • Conduct structured peer interviews utilizing
    behavioral based questions
  • Manage candidate expectations regarding
    compensation, expected start date, etc.
    throughout the recruitment process
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