Title: United Way PowerPoint Presentation Template
1Inviting Gen Y to LIVE UNITED
3Campus Gen Y Engagement Overview Benefits
- Involving and engaging 18-24 year olds in our
work - Advance the common good
- Help young adults grow as leaders
- Develop lasting relationships
4Campus Gen Y Engagement Overview Benefits
- College and university campuses
- Where greatest plurality of 18-24 year olds are
- Infrastructure for engagement
- Valuable partners generally
5Campus Gen Y Engagement Overview Benefits
- Business Case
- Long-term
- Future supporters
- Brand enhancement
- Talent recruitment
- Immediate-term
- Give. Advocate. Volunteer.
6Campus Gen Y Engagement Session Objectives
- Session objectives
- Understand the business case
- ID ways United Way partners have worked with
Gen Y - Draw on stories from young adults themselves
- Identify ways to implement campus engagement work
- Access implementation tools and resources
7Campus Gen Y EngagementAgenda
- Introduction
- Deloitte Talent
- Student perspective Adam Harris
- FedEx Strategic Philanthropy
- UW of Central Iowa Campus Cohort
- Q A
8Deloitte Talent Recruitment
9Deloitte Talent Recruitment Deloitte is
- Professional services organization and United Way
partner - One of the nations leading professional services
firms - Community Involvement Highlights
- Impact Day is an annual day of volunteerism
- 19.8 million United Way campaign (13 increase)
- 50 Million Pro Bono program launching in June
10Deloitte Talent Recruitment Why did we get
- Gen Y prefers
- Companies that give them opportunities to
contribute their talent to nonprofit
organizations - 2007 Volunteer IMPACT survey by Deloitte Touche
USA LLP - Learning the culture and values of a potential
employer - want to see the initiatives in action - Getting to know Deloitte professionals and feels
more comfortable asking questions in an informal
11Deloitte Talent Recruitment Why did we get
- Our goals
- Host an Alternative Spring Break program in
2008 - Both students and Deloitte professionals
- A week long immersion service project
- Sponsor and participate in campus based service
- Enhance brand, highlighting commitment to
12Deloitte Talent Recruitment What we did
- Maximum Impact Deloittes Alternative Spring
Break - Modeled off of past United Way ASBs with a twist
- Students from strategic schools
- Professionals with a commitment to community
- Six days in Biloxi, MS providing hurricane
Katrina relief - 80 students 35 Deloitte employees 3860 vol.
hours - Skilled and unskilled projects
- Students learn more about a Deloitte career
13Deloitte Talent Recruitment Survey Results and
Participant Feedback
- Student survey highlights
- Post ASB, 98 of participants think they can make
a difference by volunteering in their communities
- 95 would recommend ASB to a friend
- 95 are very favorable of Deloitte after ASB
- 87 are very interested in pursuing career
opportunities with Deloitte - Prior to the ASB program, I did not realize the
extent to which organizations such as Deloitte
partnered with communities and non profits. I
now better recognize that there are simple ways
to get involved and make a difference in the
community through my employer. - ASB Student
14Deloitte Talent Recruitment Survey Results and
Participant Feedback
- I've already started campaigning to be a part
of next year's ASB, so obviously I was very
impressed with the entire program. To be
perfectly honest I loved everything about it.
ASB was a life changing experience, and I've had
a hard time getting it out of my mind - - ASB Deloitte Professional
15Deloitte Talent Recruitment Future
- Year-round engagement opportunities
- 88 of ASB students are interested in
participating in a community service event with
Deloitte in local communities in the coming year - Develop opportunities for local recruiters to
host community based events at strategic campuses
- Identify year round campus engagement
opportunities with United Way
16Student Perspective Adam Harris
17Student Perspective Adam Harris Introduction
- From plane flights to ASB host sites
- Just graduated from Univ. of Michigan - Dearborn
- My story of involvement with United Way
18Student Perspective Adam Harris What we did
- Alternative Spring Break 2007
- My ASB Experience
- Transformative Moment (Phone Call)
- Returning Home
David, son of homeowner
19Student Perspective Adam Harris What we did
- Post ASB 2007 Community/Campus Engagement
- Students Working Onward Together (SWOT)
- Involvement with United Way for Southeastern
Michigan (UWSEM) - Leadership Next
- Stealth Team
- UWSEM showing appreciation (4)
20Student Perspective Adam Harris What we did
21Student Perspective Adam Harris What we did
- Alternative Spring Break 2008 and beyond
- Franklin Wright Settlements (video)
- Following ASB Detroit
- Participants staying involved
- ASB Detroit Reunion
- Immersion experience and other 2008 work
ASB Detroit Reunion
22Student Perspective Adam Harris My vision
- In the future, I hope to see
- United Way reaching out to participants
- Volunteer. Advocate. Give.
- National Blog (liveunited.org)
- continuous involvement within community
23FedEx Philanthropy
24FedEx Philanthropy FedEx is
- Shipping and logistics expert and United Way
partner - Shipping, logistics, and supply chain
organization - One of worlds most admired companies
- National Corporate Leader for United Way
- Multi-year ASB sponsor
- Extension of Gulf Coast commitment
25FedEx Philanthropy Why we got involved
- Gulf Coast recovery
- After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
- Community commitment
- Developing Gen Y strategy
- Potential for new customers
- Potential for new talent
- Reputation in community
26FedEx Philanthropy What we did
- Alternative Spring Break 2008
- Seven programs, five weeks, three communities
- 616 participants serving nearly 24,000 hours!
- 35 houses renovated or prepped and much more
27FedEx Philanthropy What we did
- On the ground
- FedEx Internet Cafe
- FedEx Refueling Station
- Staff in-person and participating
- Shipping (first shipping experience for many
28FedEx Philanthropy What comes next
- Continue to develop our strategy
- Participants loved the program!
- Maintaining our Gulf Coast commitment while
driving our additional priorities - Determining our approach to Gen Y
29United Way Campus Cohort
30United Way Campus Cohort We are
- The 2007-2008 Campus Cohort
- Ten early adopter United Ways
- Working to develop a college and university
United Way student organization for the system - Student-led, with partner UW and host campus
- Year-round Give. Advocate. Volunteer.
31United Way Campus Cohort We are
- United Ways and campuses
- United Way of Greater Toledo University of
Toledo - Centre County United Way Penn State University
- United Way Capital Area University of Texas
Austin - United Way of El Paso University of Texas El
Paso - United Way of Utah County Brigham Young
32United Way Campus Cohort We are
- United Ways and campuses
- United Way of the Bluegrass University of
Kentucky - United Way of Central Iowa Drake University
- United Way for Southeastern Michigan University
of Michigan Dearborn - United Way of the Big Bend Florida State
University - United Way of Delaware County Ball State
33United Way Campus Cohort
- United Way of Central Iowa Drake University
- Activities around Education, Income, and Health
- With an eye to Give, Advocate, and Volunteer
- Participation in 10,000 Hours and ASB
- Importance of a student intern
34United Way Campus Cohort United Way of Central
Iowa Drake University
- I like the idea of making a positive impact on
the community around us and increasing a sense of
self-worth. Drake says we should graduate with
strength in responsible global citizenship and
meaningful personal lives, and giving to the Des
Moines areas through SIA is a great way to do
so. - -Brian Lundeen, Jr. Drake University, Chair UW SIA
35United Way Campus Cohort
- Centre County UW Penn State University
- 5 years running
- Volunteering focus
- Trash to Treasure 66 tons 50,000
- Students on board of directors
36United Way Campus Cohort United Way of Utah
County Brigham Young University
- Brigham Young University
- Connected to campus
- Charity Ball - 20,000 raised, hundreds of
students - Student interns
- Importance of an organization
37United Way Campus Cohort United Way of the Big
Bend Florida State University
- Florida State University
- Student leadership board
- Organized by student intern
- Electronic banking opt-in donation for student
38United Way Campus Cohort Cohort findings
- We learned
- There is an opportunity here
- United Way positioned well
- Need to designate staff time
- Student leadership key (consider an intern!)
- Having a concrete experience ASB, DOA, etc
39Question Answer Session Discussion
- Consider
- What more would you like to know about this work?
- What additional information do you need to get
started in your own organizations? - (PICTURE REMOVED)
40Question Answer Session Follow-up
- For materials and additional resources, please
visit - United Way Online Young Adult Page
- http//online.unitedway.org/site/uwaservices/teamp
age.cfm?AID4794 - For more information, please contact
- Mike Brooks mike.brooks_at_uwa.unitedway.org
- Randy Punley, UWA Director of Corporate Media
Sponsorships randy.punley_at_uwa.unitedway.org
41(No Transcript)