Title: United Way PowerPoint Presentation Template
110 Steps to a Successful Campaign
21. Make Your Plan
- Evaluate Past Performance
- Set Goals
- Get Management on Board
3Evaluate Past Performance
- Know Your Numbers
- Employee Participation
- Employee Per Capita
- Corporate Participation
4Evaluate Past Performance
Know what community issues are important to your
5Set Goals
- Review your evaluation of last years campaign
and decide what you want to tackle. - Increase employee participation
- Increase employee per capita
- Increase number of Leadership Givers
6Plan Strategies
- What does your campaign include to help you get
to your goal? - How are you going to increase employee
participation? - Devise a campaign that includes incentives that
will motivate your co-workers to get involved - Day off if they pledge 1 hours pay
- Free ticket to come in late to work for a week
- Lunch with the boss if they become a leadership
giver - Free Diet Coke for a week
- Gas Cards
- Chance to win tickets to football games
7Get Management on Board
- This is crucial.
- If the boss is not on board, the employees wont
be either. - Ask for a meeting with the boss.
- Share your numbers.
- Ask what their goal is for the company campaign.
- Ask for their involvement from day one.
82. Recruit and Train Your Team
Recruiting the right members and training them is
very important to the success of your
campaign. Be inclusive in your recruitment and
creative in your training and you will be
93. Develop a Leadership Campaign
10Leadership Giving is 33 of the total UWBB
Community Campaign.
Alexis de Tocqueville Society (10,000 ) The
Community Society (5,000 - 9,999) Live Oak
Circle (4,000 - 4,999) Magnolia Circle
(3,000 - 3,999) Dogwood Circle (2,000 -
2,999) Azalea Circle (1,000 - 1,999)
11Leadership Outreach Areas
What is POWER of the PURSE? An incredible
group of women committed to significantly
improving the quality of life in the Big Bend
through philanthropic giving, advocacy and
Its about more than just raising funds to meet
and prevent human need. Its about networking
with other women through a mutual commitment to
and relationship with United Way.
12Leadership Outreach Areas
African-American Leadership Outreach (ALO)
This effort promotes, advances and supports
collaborative efforts aimed at addressing the
diverse needs of the African-American community
in the Big Bend through leadership giving,
advocacy and volunteerism.
13Leadership Outreach Areas
For Young Leaders Only (FYLO)
- FYLO provides a forum for 20 40 year olds to
actively participate in philanthropy in our
community. - Through volunteering, networking and personal and
professional growth opportunities, FYLO members
are helping United Way make a lasting, positive
impact in peoples lives and in our community.
144. Promote and Educate
- Folks cant involved if they dont know about it.
- Be sure that during your planning process, you
build in how you will get the word out to your
co-workers about your campaign, about what UWBB
does in the community, and how they can get
involved - Payroll stuffers
- Did You Know Emails
- One to One Meetings
- Employee Presentations
- Community Volunteer Project
- Agency Tours
15Make it FUN!
165. Conduct Employee Meeting
- This is the time to educate employees about UWBB.
- Use Agency Speakers and Employee Testimonials.
176. Report the Results to Co-Workers
186. Report the Results to UWBB
197. New Hires Program
Dont forget those new hires that come in
throughout the year. Include your United Way
campaign in your New Orientation Materials!
207. Retiree Giving Programs
Do you have a Retirees Program? Your United Way
Campaign is a opportunity for them to stay
involved in the community.
218. Say Thank You!!!!!
You cant say it enough! Have a plan on how YOU
want to say it.
229. Evaluate the Campaign
Have a Debriefing Session with your CEO and your
Team. Discuss what worked and what didnt.
2310. Tailor Year-Round Activities
Awareness Keep your employees updated on what
is going on with United Way throughout the
year. They might find themselves in need of the
2410. Tailor Year-Round Activities
Activities Communications
Agency Tours Company Volunteer Projects Get
Involved!!! Use Employee Newsletters and Emails
to update them on what is happening at United
Way. Where did the dollars go? Who is being
25- THANK YOU!!!!!!!
- THANK YOU!!!!!!!
- THANK YOU!!!!!!!
- 2007 Campaign Results
- 7.2 million to United Way for community needs!