Title: Chapter 2 Figures
1Chapter 2Theories of Human Development
2- Theory Ideas proposed to describe/explain
certain phenomena - Organizes facts/observations
- Guides collection of new data
- Falsifiable hypothesis can be tested
- Generates additional hypotheses
- Supported by data
3The Psychoanalytic Perspective
- From Freuds theory which proposes that childhood
sexuality and unconscious motivations influence
4The Psychoanalytic Perspective
- Psychoanalysis
- Freuds theory of personality that attributes our
thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and
conflicts - techniques used in treating psychological
disorders by seeking to expose and interpret
unconscious tensions
5Freud Psychoanalytic Theory
- Instincts and unconscious motivation
- Id, Ego, and Superego formed from psychic energy
(Libido) - Id Instinctual nature of humans (anger and sex).
Operates on the pleasure principle - Superego internalized moral standards
- Ego rational and objective (reality principle)
- A dynamic personality system
- Regular conflicts between the three parts
6Freuds Psychosexual Development
- Child moves through 5 stages
- Stages result from conflict between Id Superego
- Conflict creates anxiety
- Ego defends against anxiety with defense
mechanisms - Early experiences have long-term effects on
7Personality Structure
- Freuds idea of the minds structure
8Personality Development
- Psychosexual Stages
- the childhood stages of development during which
the ids pleasure-seeking energies focus on
distinct erogenous zones - Oedipus Complex
- a boys sexual desires toward his mother and
feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival
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10Strengths and Weaknesses of Freuds Theory
- Strengths
- Awareness of unconscious motivation
- Emphasized important early experience
- Neo-Freudians have been influential
- Weaknesses
- Ambiguous, inconsistent, not testable
- Ideas based mainly on case studies
- Not supported by research
11Erik Erikson
12- Most influential neo-Freudian
- Some differences with Freud
- Less emphasis on sexual urges
- More emphasis on rational ego
- More positive and adaptive view of human nature
- Believed development continues through adulthood
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14Strengths and Weaknesses of Erikson
- Strengths
- Emphasis on rational and adaptive nature
- Interaction of biological social influences
- Focus on identity crisis of adolescence still
most relevant - Weaknesses
- Sometimes vague and difficult to test
- Does not explain how development comes about
- Behaviorism Conclusions should be based on
observable behavior. Psychological aspects of
development are determined by the environment.
(Watson) Did not believe in Mental Processes
The observable thoughts, feelings, and motives
that we experience -
16Classical Conditioning
- Ivan Pavlov
- 1849-1936
- Russian physician/ neurophysiologist
- Nobel Prize in 1904
- studied digestive secretions
17Classical Conditioning is a type of learning in
which an organism learns to connect or associate
stimuli. A neutral stimulus becomes associated
with a meaningful stimulus and acquires the
capacity to elicit a similar response.
- Association learning (Theories of Pavlov)
- NS causes no response
- UCS built-in, automatic unlearned stimulus
- UCR automatic, unlearned response
- CS causes learned response
- CR learned response
18Behavioral Approaches
19Behavioral Approaches
Skinners Operant Conditioning Operant Behavior
- operates (acts) on environment produces
consequences Consequences (rewards and
punishments) are contingent on the organisms
behavior. Reinforcement (reward) increases the
probability that a behavior will occur.
Punishment decreases the probability that a
behavior will occur.
20Types of Reinforcement
- Positive reinforcement giving something that
the person wants that increases the behavior - Examples
- Praise
- Teacher attention
- Rewards
- Negative reinforcement taking away something
that the person does not want that increases the
behavior. Something unpleasant is reduced. - Time-out
- Insomnia medication
21Types of Punishment
- Presentation Punishment (type I or positive
punishment) adding/giving something that the
person does not want that decreases the behavior - Detention
- Extra work
- Spanking
- Removal Punishment (type II or negative
punishment) taking away something that the
person wants that decreases the behavior - Loss of recess
- Loss of playing video games
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23Bandura Social Cognitive Theory
- Formerly called social learning theory
- Humans think, anticipate, believe, etc.
- Cognitive emphasis observational learning
- Bobo doll studies
- Model praised or punished
- Child learned to imitate rewarded model
- Vicarious reinforcement
- Observational Learning occurs when a person
observes and imitates someone elses behavior.
24Learning Theory Strengths Weaknesses
- Strengths
- Precise and testable theory
- Carefully controlled experiments
- Practical applications across lifespan
- Weaknesses
- Inadequate account of lifespan changes
- Ignored genetic and maturational processes
25The Ecology of Human Development
- Bronfenbrenner Bioecological Model
- How nature and nurture interact to produce
development - The biological, psychological, person
- Four environmental systems
- Microsystem family
- Mesosystem school
- Exosystem society
- Macrosystem culture
- Chronosystem time
26Bronfenbrenners Ecological Theory