Title: DEEEP 2
Development Education Exchange in Europe Project
Elements for a CONCORD EP election campaign
DEEEP Summer School 2008 Putting poverty on the
political agenda Outcome of Working Group 3
European Level
This project is co-financed by the European Union
Under the general topic How to put global
poverty and social inclusion on the political
agenda, through development education, advocacy,
campaigning, about 100 NGO representatives from
38 countries and 4 continents came together for
one week in the Netherlands to learn, share and
create during the 8th DE Summer School. Working
group three, in charge of the European level,
elaborated a possible CONCORD European elections
campaign, which might be partly realised for the
elections to the European Parliament 2009. This
document provides an overview on the outcomes of
the working group, and by this an example on how
a election campaign strategy may look like.
Overall objective The new European Parliament is
aware of development challenges and willing to
work constructively for poverty reduction during
its mandate. Specific objectives 1. CONCORD
members (and members of members) get ownership
and participate actively in the election
campaign 2. EU global responsibility is on the
election agenda 3. Members of the new EP actively
engage for poverty reduction
4Target Groups
Primary target - the MEPs in the next EP, as
CONCORD will have to deal with these for the
next 5 years. They will be addressed directly
before the elections as candidates and through a
post-election campaign. They will be addressed
indirectly through the secondary target groups
media and general public. Secondary
targets - CONCORD members and members of
members. They have to actively involve in order
to touch the other target groups. - General
public. They should (a) directly question
candidates on poverty reduction in order to
sensitive for the question and to get commitment
from the politicians, and (b) through their
massive involvement interest the media in the
topic. - European and national media. They
should set poverty reduction on the election
5Target Groups
Five tracks towards the general objective 1
Activate involve CONCORD members 2 Involve
public 3 Raise profile within media 4 Engage
with parties candidates 5 Follow-up with
elected MEPs
secondary target CONCORD members
secondary target media
secondary target general public
primary target candidates
primary target new MEPs
The content of the election campaign is defined
by the CONCORD election manifesto, which was
approved by the stakeholders of the
confederation. Its central messages are 1.
Sustainable Development The EU should put in
place coherent, social, economic, trade and
security policies that promote the right to
sustainable development and responsible
citizenship both for citizens of Europe and the
rest of the world. Particular attention needs to
be paid to climate justice and gender issues. 2.
More and better development aid The EU has
already identified the objective of poverty
eradication for its development cooperation in
its legal frameworks. The commitments for more
and better aid must be based on approaches that
respect Human Rights and contribute to the
reduction of social inequalities as well as to
strong, informed and actively engaged civil
society. 3. Democratic Accountability The EU
institutional and financial framework promotes
democratic accountability, transparency, and
strengthens participation of civil society
organisations and citizens in policy definition
and implementation.
7Two linked campaigns
Track 1 to 4 (target groups CONCORD members,
public, media and candidates) will take place
before the elections (July 08 to June 09). Name
of the pre-election campaign EU and me to end
poverty Track 5 (target group elected MEPs)
will take place after the elections (June to
December 09). Name of the post-election direct
lobbying campaign vis-Ã -vis the newly elected
MEPs Dialogue for Development - D4D
8General timeline
European elections
EU and me to end poverty
Dialogue for development - D4D
Track 1 Activate involve CONCORD members
Track 5 follow-up with elected MEPs
Track 2 Involve public
Track 3 Raise profile within media
Track 4 engage with parties candidates
December 09
July 08
June 09
November 08
January 09
March 09
9Campaign elements
Track 1 Activate involve CONCORD members
Strong ownership not only from CONCORD members,
but also from members of members for the election
campaign is essential for success. CONCORD has to
establish clear mandates and responsibilities,
assure smooth information flow, provide necessary
tools and material to members and monitor the
process carefully. Action points - formal
decision by CONCORD GA on election campaign - a
steering group from within the CONCORD Policy
Forum is mandated to lead and monitor the
election campaign - one European training day as
part of autumn GA on election campaign Why are
EP elections important, and what can CONCORD
members do? Presentation of campaign
tools. - NP organise national training days to
create ownership among their members
10Campaign elements
Track 1 Activate involve CONCORD members
Action points (2) - CONCORD produces a campaign
toolkit to be disseminated among members,
including o one page briefing paper on why the
EP elections are important for the
members o Arguments and demands for candidates
(e.g. Did you know that xxx million EU
citizens consider ending poverty as a priority?
Do you represent the people?) o translations
of the manifesto o A set of possible
actions o A commitment form, to be filled in by
each CONCORD member at least three activities
out of a (non-exhaustive) list of 10 items shall
be marked. To be sent to the steering group,
which will document and monitor
actions. - Establish a central European election
calendar with ongoing input on activities from
members (e.g. Google calendar or
actionforglobalhealth.eu/calendar, to be
published on the CONCORD website)
11Campaign elements
Track 2 Involve public
The public is a secondary, but important target.
Under the campaign title EU and Me to end
Poverty it should be involved in order to
pressure candidates directly, and to attract
media attention through a mass online
mobilisation. The public will be involved mainly
through internet. Action points - viral online
marketing through a fun tool o one minute
flash movie, funny, surprising, clear o Once
seen, the viewer knows why EU elections are
important to end poverty, he forwards the
movie to his friends and connects to the
website o ideas for Funtool a mascot like
Calico Electronico in Spain very popular
series of animation movies as a marketing tool
for an online store, the Meatrix movies for
sustainable agriculture, story of a Martian
observing the world, a walking globe (Globo)
suffering from desequilibrium,... but no cute
animals! o Creation by a professional
PR-agency o Distribution through existing
platforms (Facebook, YouTube, MySpace) and
member websites, NL, etc.
12Campaign elements
Track 2 Involve public
- Action points (2)
- - Online and community platform www.euandme.eu
- o Simple and clear website
- o Available in all European languages. Language
versions are not identical, but contentwise
adapted to national contexts - o Only very view elements on the home page
- Funtool
- learn more on EU responsibility what you can
do Arguments, manifesto, individual
responsability - Global justice championship (see next slide)
- A section with links to partner sites on the
election, e.g. national election machines or
simulators (Who is the "closest" candidate
regarding opiniones/perspectives on development?)
13Campaign elements
Track 2 Involve public
Action points (3) - Global justice
championship o online competition of 6 months
(12/08-5/09) on euandme.eu o public can learn
more about candidates, nominate them for the
competition and write them (a template with
main arguments for a responsible Europe and
the question for a statement is provided in all
languages. Users can modify the text) o
candidates can publish statements on how to
fight poverty o With the first mail sent to a
candidate, he or she gets the first point and is
nominated for the Global Justice Championship.
Photo pops up on a map of Europe. o If the
candidate answers to the public and provides a
statement on poverty, to be published on the
website 10 Points o If the candidate
participates in the CONCORD Action Day against
poverty (e.g. in a panel discussion) 50
Points o If he commits to the CONCORD manifesto
100 Points o Finals one week before elections in
a bar in Brussels The three best candidates
debate how to reduce poverty.
The audience decides
on the winner.
14Campaign elements
Sketch of a Global Justice Championship website
links to candidate homepagesprogrammes
the more points a candidate has, the bigger the
with the first mail, the photo of the candidate
pops up on the map he is nominated
points can gained through - number of emails
received - number of emails answered -
commitments made (manifesto) - participation in
debates etc.
This is just a draft to visualise some ideas.
Final version has to be more elaborated and
15Campaign elements
Track 3 Raise profile within media
The media are a secondary target, but essential
for influencing the election agenda especially in
the hot phase May/June 2009. One main positive
central message should focus on EU global
responsibility and the opportunity of EU
elections to affect change. All CONCORD
activities (e.g. conference, press releases, Aid
Watch report launch 2009) should be strategically
linked to the election campaign. Action
points - continuous media work o CONCORD and
national platforms identify partnerships on
coverage and content (ONE World, IPS, café
babel..) on European and national level o
CONCORD Press release and press pack with clear
message developed and disseminated. o Produce
news e.g. commission a survey on Europeans
attitude towards poverty o Use news to link
to election campaign (e.g. Doha, G8) o
National platforms adapt press release and press
pack to national context and disseminate
16Campaign elements
Track 3 Raise profile within media
Action points (2) - European Day against
poverty o one day of Europe-wide action six
weeks before the election o debates,
demonstrations, events all over Europe, e.g.
workshops, press conferences, breakfasts with
candidates/MEPs/MPs o link to Aid Watch 2009
release o link to website and Global Justice
Competition campaign o coordinate with other
sectors (environment, social movements etc.) o
cooperate with EU permanent representations/info
points o joined action and massive
mobilisation should help to putting
development high on the agenda of the hot
phase before the elections
17Campaign elements
Track 4 engage with parties candidates
The candidates for the EP elections and their
political parties are primary target Dialogue
started and commitments made before the elections
are the basis for the follow-up with the newly
elected EP. Aside indirect engagement with the
candidates (through media and citizens, see
before), also direct dialogue between CONCORD,
its members and the candidates/parties is
necessary. Action points - vis-Ã -vis political
parties on EU level o identify individuals
working on the election programmes for the main
political parties o meet them, present
CONCORD manifesto and cross-check with their
positions and plans o lobby, follow-up and
establish continuous relationships. Attend events
to influence parties manifestos o monitor
websites and feed in CONCORD positions (e.g.
through consultation processes, comments)
18Campaign elements
Track 4 engage with parties candidates
Action points (2) - vis-Ã -vis political parties
on national level o coordinate with national
platforms and identify leading contact persons o
develop national strategies and action plan
(timing etc.) o adapt CONCORD manifesto to the
national level (translation, content) o
identify EU election key persons in main
national parties. Meet to find out positions
and plans, present CONCORD manifesto and build
continuous relationships o attend their
events to influence party manifestos. Feed in the
discussion through their websites o organise
theme events (linked to international events such
as MDG forum), involving also MEPs. Use
media. o link with other NGOs, CSOs, platforms
(e.g. GCAP, green movement)
19Campaign elements
Track 4 engage with parties candidates
Action points (3) - vis-Ã -vis political parties
on local level o Local CONCORD members identify
local election campaign manager of main
parties. Meet to find out positions and plans,
present CONCORD manifesto and build continuous
relationships. o build a media strategy for
local level. Organise local cross-party events on
topics like migration, food crises. Link to
constitutency, national and European agenda
(e.g. European Day against poverty) o ally
with local NGOs/CSOs, platforms (e.g. GCAP, green
movement) - vis-Ã -vis candidates on EU
level o clarify the MEPs going to re-election,
present the CONCORD manifesto to them and make
links with their own interests o offer
visibility to candidates who support the
manifesto, through CONCORD website, euandme.eu,
and members websites at national level. Offer
support and put them into contact with
national/local focal points, involve them in
national events - vis-Ã -vis candidates on
national level o Identify new candidates likely
to be elected o Present them the CONCORD
manifesto and offer visibility if
they are supportive
20Campaign elements
Track 5 follow-up with elected MEPs
The newly elected MEPs are a primary target of
the campaign In a 4-months dialogue for
developement, the basis for a constructive
collaboration with the new parliament over the
next five year shall be strengthened. Besides
direct dialogue with the MEPs, also EP staff
(DEVE secreteriat) and outgoing MEPs as
ambassadors should be involved. Action
points - mapping of MEPs o objective analyse
the target group and see where the MEPs stand o
establish a database with information on all
MEPs information on their poticial postition
towards development issues, position in party and
group, inerests, CV, age, status, residence,
political trouble in the past, previous
involvement in civil society, religious
beliefs, presence in committees, reports,
assistants etc. - relation with DEVE
secreteriat o build up dialogue on the manifesto
and the DEVE agenda, with the aim to become a
unavoidable information source for DEVE on a
growing number of topics
21Campaign elements
Track 5 follow-up with elected MEPs
Action points (2) - digital platform o relaunch
of www.euandme.eu after elections as a versatile
communication and knowledge tool on development
policy issues o website should include
discussion forums, blogs for MEP ambassadors,
surveys, newletters, calendars of EP and
meetings, glossary, background information on
ongoing debates (as aid effectiveness, PCD), EU
development policy wiki, interviews with MEPs
(podcast/video), intranet with MEP
mapping - general post election
letter o objective open dialogue with elected
MEPs, seek support of outgoing MEPs o to be
sent to all outgoing and newly elected MEPs in
July 2009 o to outgoing thank for their work,
inform about manifesto, invite them to become
supporter/ambassador on national or European
level. Propose a concrete thing they can do,
e.g. join the CONCORD advisory group. o to
elected gratulate for election, inform about
CONCORD manifesto, information day, invite to
dialog and announce they will hear from us again
22Campaign elements
Track 5 follow-up with elected MEPs
Action points (3) - specific post election
letter o to be sent to members and substitutes
from the following committees AFET, DROI,
FEMM, CLIM and the regional groups, such as ALA
and ACP-EU JPA etc. o The letter should be
personalised, translated, adjusted according to
the topic they are involved in, asking for
their input and suggestions, inviting for
dialogue and the information days, offering to
subscribe to the newsletter. It should be
signed by CONCORD and the national
platform. - information day on development o 2,5
hours event in the EP in Brussels, in order to
position CONCORD as a proactive ally for
development issues o target group are the new
MEPs and their assistants, especially from the
above mentionned committees o The programme
includes a debate with speakers from different
countries, parties and organisations, a lunch
for invited MEPs, a info stand. - fair trade
lunches o once a month meetings with MEPs and
assistants to exchange on specific issues (e.g.
PCD, development education, climate change..)
23Campaign elements
Track 5 follow-up with elected MEPs
Action points (4) - champions for
development o identify five MEPs who will act
as champions for the manifesto issues during
the legilation period. The MEPs should have
influence (regionally and in their groups and
committees), known personality and come from
different party backgrounds and
countries - Newsletter o a newsletter
specifically produced for the MEPs should monthly
(before committee meeting) treat topics on the
EP agenda and update on CONCORD positions and
contributions. It should provide added value
information to the MEPs Evaluation - identify
lessons learnt to feed into ongoing advocacy
work o from January to April 2010, the campaign
should undergo a in-depth analysis o
qualitative and quantitative indicators for each
activity will provide instruments to analyse
the campaign
24Detailed timeline
European elections
EU and me to end poverty
Dialogue for development - D4D
form campaign steering group (SG) internal
mapping of new MEPs (database)
CONCORD GA - formal decision - training day
national training days
campaign toolkit
strengthen relations with DEVE secreteriat
fair trade lunches (once a month
monitor commitments assist process on
nationalEuropean level (SG)
post-election letter to all outgoing MEPs, invite
to become ambassadors
personalised letter to MEPs in relevant committees
infoday on dev. pol. in EP
create fun tool movie website
launch website euandme.eu viral marketing (fun
improve, promote, monitor moderate website
Global Justice Campionship
finals of Global Justice Chamionships
EU-Day against poverty
relaunch of euandme.eu as versatile platform on
dev. pol. issues
post-election letter to all new elected MEPs
improve, promote, monitor moderate website
EU-Day against poverty
finals of GJC
establish media partnerships (nat.EU)
release press pack
produce news use events to link to elections
(surveys, website competition, aid watch, int.
identify and engage with five special MEPs
(champions for development)
EU level influence party programmes engage
with key persons
EU-Day against poverty
finals of GJC
launch continuously publish MEP newsletter
national level influence party programmes
engage with key persons,
national level organise theme events
local level engage with key persons build
continuous relationships
local level organise theme events
EU level clarify MEPs going to re-election
EU level engage with MEPs going to re-election
(manifesto), offer visibility (website, events)
national level clarify new candidates
national level engage with new cnadidates
(manifesto), offer visibility (website, events)
December 09
July 08
June 09
November 08
January 09
March 09
Track 1 CONCORD members
Track 3 media
Track 5 elected MEPs
Track 2 public
Track 4 parties candidates
25more information
elaborated by the European level working
group DEEEP Summer School 2008 Facilitator Lara
Paoletti Candide Jan Murk Participants Arvo
Anton, Ruth Duggan, Eva Eckermann, Leah Gatt,
Emilie Goller, Yusuf Guled, Laure Heinrich, Mekki
Karlsson, Ioannis Karpathis, Thanuja Navaratne,
Anna Sofia Pollari, Beatrice Ray, Katherine
Ronderos, Annalisa Stagni, Laura Sullivan, Eliane
Torres, Chiara Tripepi, Tobias Troll, Lourdes
Villamil Salcedo questions, suggestions,
information advocacy_at_deeep.org www.deeep.org