Title: Laura Brewer, Ph.D.
1Academic/Non-academic Use of Social Networking
Software and Identity Crisis
Paper presented at NET_at_EDU 2009
- Laura Brewer, Ph.D.
- Chong Ho Yu, Ph.D.
- Samuel DiGangi, Ph.D.
- Angel Jannasch-Pennell, Ph.D.
2Applied Learning Technologies Institute (altI)
- We are dedicated to the advancement of higher
education through research, collaboration, and
action - We are comprised of six core areas
- Research and Community Outreach
- Learning Technologies
- New Media Studio
- Distributed Learning
- Technology Integration
- Media Distribution Systems
- Research Question
- Brief Review of the Literature
- Project Methodology
- Findings
- Implications
- Future Research
- Q/A
4Research Questions
- Identity theft or IDM is NOT the focus of this
study rather, our focus is about
self-identification or self-profiling. - How are todays undergraduate students using
social networking software (SNS) applications as
part of their campus lives in both academic and
non-academic ways? Is there profile segmentation?
- Social Network vs. Social Networking
- danah boyd and Nicole Ellison differentiate and
prefer Social Network, as the emphasis is on
the ability to articulate and communicate ones
social network rather than on the process of
initiating relationships (2007) - We use the term Social Networking in this study
because it was the most commonly term used by our
student population
6History of Social Networking Sites
- 1995 Classmates.com founded
- 1997 Six Degrees of Separation founded
- 2002 Friendster.com founded (dating ? playful)
- 2003 MySpace.com founded
- 2004 Orkut.com founded
- 2004 Facebook.com founded
- (Wikipedia.org)
7Social Networking Education
- The Horizon Projects Call for Scholarship
identified social networking tools as possible
educational tools for building learning
communities (October 2007) - Other research has focused on student use of
social networking applications, and other
technology, for social, out-of-school learning
(Hsi, 2007) - No mention of presentation or self-profiling.
8SNS as Walled Garden
- Nishant Kaushik SNS are popular only because
there is no internet-wide identity management
scheme. - Bex Huff SNS is a walled garden.
- Really?
- It doesnt need identity theft to make SNS a
potentially dangerous place self-identification
is dangerous enough.
9Self-identification in a Virtual world
- Communications in a virtual world like Facebook
or MySpace is de-contextualized. - Friendster motivated people to grapple with
explicit presentations of self, creatively build
playful networks. - Users are in a loose mode.
- Users have no control of multiple disconnected
10An example of out of control
- A 26-year old teacher in San Francisco created
her profile when all of her SNS friends joined
the service. After a group of her students joined
the service, they questioned her about her drug
habits and her friendship with a pedophile.
Although her profile had no reference to drugs,
many of her friends had both. Furthermore, one of
her friends had crafted a profile that contained
an image of him in a Catholic schoolgirl uniform
with testimonials referencing his love of small
girls. While his friends knew this to be a joke,
the teachers students did not (boyd Heer, 2006)
11Head Hunters
- Users were not aware that headhunters were
actively lurking on SNS in order to document
candidates extracurricular life. - Nevy Valentine was horrified when she opened the
San Francisco Chronicle to discover that her
profile was featured, including her occupation of
corporate time bomb.
12Access to SNS by strangers
13IBM study
- Joan Morris DiMicco, David R. Millen
- The impact of SNS on graduates
- Three types of SNS users in IBM
- College days
- Dressed to impress
- Living in the business world
14Example of college-day mentality
- Mr. X is an active Facebook user, beginning in
2005, checking every day, multiple times a day.
He primarily uses the site for maintaining
friendships with close, but geographically
distant, friends. He has over 200 friends on the
site, 35 of which are employees he met at new
hire events. When he joined the company, he did
not change anything about his profile or the
pictures of himself. His current profile links to
many photos of him drinking alcohol (including
directly out of a beer keg) and attending
numerous college parties. He feels that Facebook
is for fun and relates only to personal life
and hopes that if his manager ever did see this
page would understand that it has nothing to do
with his professional life.
15Example of dress to impressed
- Before starting his job, Mr. Y purposefully
cleansed all information about himself on the
internet from Facebook, his blog, and his
personal website. In particular, he removed all
photos of himself involving drinking alcohol. - Actually after things are posted on the Internet,
they stay there forever! People have a way to
reveal deleted information. - Like a political campaign, the candidate checks
his/her own past over the Internet to see if any
negative things might be used by his/her
opponents. But usually it is too late (e.g. sex
jokes in email).
16Example of Living in the Business World
- Ms. A joined Facebook at the urging of her
coworkers. Since joining, she has posted dozens
of photos of herself and has received dozens of
wall posts from her coworkers. Most of her
Facebook friends are coworkers whom she started
with at the same time. These are people she goes
to lunch with and socializes with after work. She
works closely with some, but others could be
considered as part of her extended work network. - Conservative strategy Stay away from strangers
and people that you dont know enough. But this
type of conservative SNS users are mostly found
in the business world. College kids love to reach
out to strangers.
17Project Methodology
- Partnered with the Office of Residential Life for
this project - Online survey
- Open and closed ended items
- Designed to gather data about student use of
social networking applications - Estimated completion time - 10 to 12 minutes
- Data Collection Sept. 2008
18Project Methodology - Continued
- Recruitment Sept. 2008
- Email to all 5346 undergraduate students
- 11 day data collection period
- Initial invitation and two reminders to those who
had not responded - Under 18 years were required to opt-out
19Project Methodology - Continued
- We did not use leading questions such as
- Rate the importance of the following statement
It is important for me to present myself on SNS
in a positive fashion to impress my professor and
future employer. - Have you ever posted any photos of yourself on
SNS that may affect your image (e.g. drinking)? - Rather, we use open-ended questions to see
whether the themes of self-identification,
image building etc. emerge.
20Project Methodology - Continued
- Descriptive statistics we avoid prematurely test
pre-determined hypotheses rather, we want to
understand the phenomenon first. - Text mining for extracting common themes from
open-ended responses. - It is NOT counting the frequency of words.
- Computational Linguistics Use AI algorithms to
analyze the context of text, to find common
patterns. - E.g. I use Facebook to organize study groups,
To hold study sessions ? Study groups.
21Response Rate
- 21 (N1140 respondents)
- To examine the representativeness, we compared
respondents to the population on 5 demographic
variables - Gender
- Residency
- Citizenship
- Race
- Age
22Population/RespondentsFemale-AZ Res-US Citizen
25Social Networking Site Use
- Students are less able to articulate value of
Academic SNS use (serious) than of non-Academic
SNS use (for fun). - Self-identification/presentation or imaging
building is not an expressed concern by students.
27First Used a SNS
- Age first used any SNS
- 32.8 respondents were 14 years or younger
- 58.8 were 15-17 years
- 18.4 were 18 or older
- Which SNS did you use first?
- 84.2 MySpace
- 13.0 Facebook
- Others lt 3
28Preferred - Why
- 75.8 Facebook
- New friends use Facebook
- For college students
- Design simple, structured
- Safer
- 23.9 MySpace
- Old friends use MySpace
- Most familiar
- Design ability to customize/create
- Fun/music
29Frequency of SNS Login
30Measuring Social Networking Experiences
- Friends
- Hours per Week Spent on SNS
31 Friends on All SNS by Preferred SNS
?2 3.702E1 Plt.001
32 Friends on Preferred SNS by Preferred SNS
?2 2.258E1 Plt.001
33 Hrs Per Week on All SNS by Preferred SNS
?2 3.544 n.s.
34Importance Preferred SNS - Non Campus
35Importance Preferred SNS - Campus Friends/Contacts
36Does Your Preferred SNS Improve or Enrich Your
- Academic life at ASU?
- 37.4 Facebook Users say Yes
- 15.3 of MySpace Users say Yes
- Non-Academic life at ASU?
- 70.3 Facebook Users say Yes
- 44.2 of MySpace Users say Yes
37Current Use of Preferred SNS to Improve/Enrich
38- Concept map yielded from text mining
- Bigger circles higher frequency Bolder lines
Stronger connections. - No one mentions image, presentation,
identification, profile, career, job,
professional etc.
39Possible Use of Preferred SNS to Improve/Enrich
40Preferred SNS as an Obstacle to Enriching
Academic Life
- Cheating/Perceived Cheating This will stay on
the record. - Plagiarism and cheating. You think you are
helping someone but you are just setting them
further back. - The only potential issue I could see is if I
was getting help from a classmate online, and
they were giving me advice on how to solve an
equation, or what to put in a paper. If another
classmate saw that message, they could possibly
use it and write something similar as me, and I
could possibly get accused of cheating or
41Preferred SNS as an Obstacle to Enriching
Academic Life
- false information, biased opinions, non-credible
sources - These will stay in the record, too.
42Use of Preferred SNS to Improve/Enrich
Non-Academic Life
- Current Use (N523) and Could Use (N684)
43- Concept maps yielded from text mining
- Again, no one mentions image, presentation,
identification, profile, career, job,
professional etc.
- Academic use is limited SNS is still a playful
thing. - Despite posting personal information on public
websites, student responses seem to suggest an
illusion of privacy and that SNS are used
primarily for communication. - Campus SNS program initiatives, whether academic
or non-academic, should be mindful of SNS as a
presentation or image building tool that may
affect their future.
45Our Future Research
- This is an initial project - exploratoryand we
have more exploring to do - Follow-up focus groups could be helpful
- Would like to examine specific user patterns
within identified academic and non-academic
campus SNS groups or networked contacts
46Share Findings
- Contact us _at_ alti.asu.edu
- Laura Brewer - lbrewer_at_asu.edu
- Chong Ho (Alex) Yu - alex.yu_at_asu.edu
- Sam DiGangi - sam_at_asu.edu
- Angel Jannasch-Pennell - angel_at_asu.edu