Title: Introducing the PDSI Team
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- Commissioning
- Disability Equality Duty
- LTC(N)
- New deal for carers
- Prison health and social care
- Personalisation
- Sensory awareness
- Third sector activity
- Transforming CES
- Transition for children
- Life Chances for Disabled People
- Telecare
- Improved Health Emotional Well-being
- Improved Quality of Life
- Making a positive contribution
- Increased choice and control
- Freedom from discrimination
- Economic well-being
- Maintaining personal dignity (and respect)
4Improve efficiency-using time more effectively
- Helping you to identify cross cutting themes
5Supporting regional delivery as part of a
regional DH presence and through
negotiation/agreement with regional partners.
6Facilitating regional events
Encouraging service users, statutory and
voluntary organisations to play an active role in
local planning
Local Area Agreements
Strategic Planning
7Helping to attract specific funding in policy
8Reduce the effort and time it takes to create
synergy across the programmes
9New relationships on both strategic and
implementation fronts
- Develop links with current regional public health
staff. - Develop links with the regional ADSS.
- Map local social care services against
reconfigured PCTs. - Use previously identified CES leads to find
current PDSI organisational leads. - Map current PDSI agenda developments over the
region. - Map existing CES delivery arrangements for the
10Developing local networks to meet the key roles
identified for the additional capacity
- Inform and guide cross government policy
- Communicate DH policy objectives
- Share information to support regional
communication and marketing strategies - Enable effective implementation of lead
Government programmes - Secure improved outcomes in health and well-being
- Manage a targeted regional programme of review,
audit and implementation - Provide developmental support
- Act as a catalyst and facilitator for effective
joint commissioning for health and well-being - Work with regional colleagues to supplement,
develop and monitor a set of system productivity
11Tracey Bond
For further information contact Tracey on 0161
237 2279 or email her on Tracey.bond_at_csip.org.uk