Title: Grandparent Caregivers
1Grandparent Caregivers
Presentation at the Kids at Risk in Rural
America Conference
Richard Rathge, Ph.D.
North Dakota State Data Center
Sept. 8, 2003
2Survey Results to be Discussed
- Methodology
- Characteristics of Caregiving
- Caregiving Difficulties/Concerns
- Demographics
3Methodological Design
- Random Survey of Households
- - to calculate prevalence rates
- stratified random sample (N10,000)
- 6.5 of households (HH) had informal caregiver
- 257,152 HH in ND, thus est. 16,715 caregiver HH
- -grandparents (18 of informal est. 3,018)
- census 2,547
- 2. Non-probability Sample of Caregivers
- Non-reservation - informal (N732)
- - grandparent (N90)
- Reservation - informal (N116)
- - grandparent (N90)
- Total surveys 1,198 or 7 of all est. caregiver
A grandparent caregiver is a relative caregiver
who lives with their grandchild (18 years of age
or younger), is the primary caregiver, and has
either a legal or an informal relationship with
the child.
5Distribution of Caregiver Survey Data
6Survey Results to be Discussed
- Methodology
- Characteristics of Caregiving
- Caregiving Difficulties/Concerns
- Demographics
7Number of Grandchildren for which Grandparent
Provides Primary Care
8Grandchilds Race or Ethnic Background
9Whether Grandparent Currently has Legal
Guardianship of Grandchildren
10Which of the Grandchilds Parents is the
Offspring of the Grandparent
11Reasons Grandparent is Caring for Grandchildren
12Status between the Grandparent and the
Grandchilds Parents
13Length of Time Grandparent has Spent Providing
Care for Grandchildren
14Amount of Care Required
15Monetary Compensation Received by Grandparents
for Caregiving
16Monetary Compensation Received by Grandchildren
17Assistance Received by Household for Caregiving
18Special Needs of Grandchildren
19Survey Results to be Discussed
- Methodology
- Characteristics of Caregiving
- Caregiving Difficulties/Concerns
- Demographics
20Rating of Difficulties Experienced by Grandparent
when Providing Care
1not at all serious 5 very serious
21Concerns Associated with Caregiving
1strongly disagree 5 strongly agree
22Presence of Other Family Members within Household
who Provided Care to Grandchildren
23Presence of Family Members Outside the Household
who Provided Care to Grandchildren
24Reasons Why Others Did Not Provide Care to
25Survey Results to be Discussed
- Methodology
- Characteristics of Caregiving
- Caregiving Difficulties/Concerns
- Demographics
26Grandparents Age
27Grandparents Marital Status
28Other Children that Resided in Grandparents
29Highest Level of Education Completed by
30Grandparents Employment Status
31Grandparents Annual Household Income in 2001
Before Taxes
32Grandparents Race or Ethnic Background
33Gender of Primary Grandparent Caregiver
34Grandparents Place of Residence
35NDSU IACC 424 Fargo, ND 58105