Reforms and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reforms and


No direct interaction between Soviet enterprise and a foreign entity ... rolling ball pens, pantyhose. Major exports in 1980s: Oil and oil-related products ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reforms and

Reforms and Collapse of Central Planning
Foreign Trade in USSR
  • 60 foreign trade organizations (FTO)
  • No direct interaction between Soviet enterprise
    and a foreign entity
  • FTOs specialized by group of products
  • Soyuzneftexport - worlds largest oil exporter
  • Ministry of foreign trade
  • Purchased commodities from producers at domestic
  • Sold at world prices
  • Vice-versa for imports
  • Little incentive for enterprises to produce for
    export even when
    world prices were high
  • Major imports in 1980s
  • Agricultural products (grain, fertilizer)
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Chemicals, metals, fuels
  • Medicine, computers, furniture,
  • rolling ball pens, pantyhose
  • Major exports in 1980s
  • Oil and oil-related products
  • Natural gas
  • Military hardware

COMECON or CMEA, 1949 1991
  • Trade with COMECON members
  • 60 - 75 of trade
  • Trade with capitalist countries
  • 10-25 of trade in Comecon
  • West Germany, Italy, France
  • Low volume of trade
  • Relationship with hostile capitalists limited
  • Unwillingness to become dependent on technology
  • Countries did not fully specialize according to
    comparative advantage
  • In absence of objective prices, difficult to
    determine comparative advantage
  • Block isolation
  • USSR subsidized ECE countries with cheap fuels
  • 1960s USSR tried to create supra-national
    planning agency
  • did not want to produce according to the needs of
    the Soviet Union

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
Eastern Europe socialism imposed
  • Behind the rest of Europe economically
  • serfdom and reactionary autocratic governments
  • agricultural economies, impoverished peasants
  • hyperinflation in 1920s
  • unemployment in 1930s
  • Socialist movement supported from Moscow
  • More homogeneous
  • ethnically, culturally, religiously
  • More industrialized than USSR when socialism
  • Small, resource poor, not self-sufficient
  • trade aversion not as strong
  • Central planning based on 5-year plans
  • emphasis on machinery, heavy industry
  • Experienced socialism for shorter time
  • memory of market forces much stronger
  • More open for trade with the West
  • susceptible to world market conditions
  • world recession of late 70s/early 80s
  • Stronger information flows from outside

USSR after Stalin (1960s)
  • 1956 Khruschev condemned Stalin's personality
  • Soviet Union as a world power
  • Aid to developing socialist countries
  • space technology and weaponry research
  • launched first artificial earth satellite Sputnik
  • first manned orbital flight
  • Industrial growth slowed
  • Reforms
  • Publications on western innovations
  • Decentralization ? disruption, inefficiency
  • Agricultural reform
  • State procurement prices raised
  • Farms given more control over production
  • decisions - decentralization
  • Increase investment in agriculture
  • Virgin Lands Campaign to develop new
  • fields in Kazakhstan
  • Output increased, agriculture still inefficient

Nikita Khrushchev General Secretary, 1953-64 We
will bury you!
  • USSR in 1960-70s
  • Economy grew more complex planning complicated
  • Oversized, inefficient bureaucratic apparatus
  • USSR GDP 40-70 of US economy
  • world's largest producer of oil and steel
  • parity with US on strategic nuclear weapons
  • 6.4 times ahead of US in manufacture of tractors
  • 16 times ahead of US in manufacture of grain
  • agriculture used 3 times more capital per unit of
    output, but had 6 of US labor productivity

Growth Rates of Output
Soviet Growth Model (B.Ickes)
  • 1928-70 USSR grew 5-6 per year
  • 1970-85 2 per year
  • Extensive growth
  • Increasing capital inputs
  • Public postpones consumption to finance
  • system borrows from the future
  • Mobilization of labor
  • Shifting labor from countryside, women in labor
  • Limit population growth
  • Intensive growth
  • making resources more productive
  • working more efficiently
  • Extensive growth trap
  • Capital grows faster than labor
  • Substitution between the two is low
  • Investment poorly allocated
  • No market, no price for capital
  • Lack of incentives for efficient allocation

  • 1965 Market-oriented reforms (Liberman)
  • Give enterprises more control over production mix
    and some flexibility over wages
  • Work for profit, allow enterprises to put a
    proportion of profit into their own funds
  • Resistance from planners started issuing more
    detailed instructions for enterprises
  • Resistance from workers reforms aimed at
    increasing productivity by pushing aside surplus
  • 1960s-80s best period for ordinary citizens
  • Rising wages, living standards, stability, peace
  • Administratively-set prices kept low
  • Building millions of one-family apartments
  • Manufacturing more consumer goods, appliances
  • Social and political reforms stopped
  • Crime and soaring alcohol and drug abuse
  • Dissidents began to surface

Brezhnev (1964 -1983)
Declining Standards of Living
Arms Race
  • Militarization in 1970-80s
  • Defense spending USSR 15-40 of GDP, US
  • No spillover of technology to civilian sector
  • 80 of all RD in USSR were in military
  • Military received higher quality inputs, best
  • Wall of secrecy around military RD
  • New materials, processes, mechanisms available to
    military denied to civilian uses
  • no Teflon pans or toasters, poor car industry
  • Many non-military scientific discoveries and
    inventions lie around for years without being
    introduced into practical applications

  • Income Distribution
  • socialist economies have more equal distributions
  • UK and Sweden have distributions similar to
  • money inequality omits inequality in access to
    goods and services in socialist economies
    depending on ones position in Party hierarchy

Aral Sea
  • Air pollution
  • Chernobyl
  • Disappearance of Aral Sea in Uzbekistan and
  • 1960 Aral Sea -world's 4th largest lake
  • Caused by diversion of waters for cotton

Yugoslavia (1945-89)
  • Federation of six ethnic republics
  • Extreme regional economic differences
  • Northern republics much better off
  • Result low labor immobility between regions
  • 1952 Market Socialism
  • worker management- decentralized decision-making
  • replace central planning with indicative planning
  • enterprises control profits
  • agriculture private farms
  • rapid growth
  • reduction of regional differences via investment
    in lagging regions
  • integration into world economy
  • BUT
  • Competition between firms prevented
  • Political authorities interfered in firm
  • Investment decisions made by party officials
  • Managers not responsible for losses soft budget

Tito ruled 1945-80
  • Absolute authoritarian rule
  • enforced by secret police
  • Policies
  • 1970s borrowed heavily from the West to build
    massive state-owned industrial base
  • Export food and oil to pay off his nation's debt
  • People half-starved
  • Refusing medical treatment for the elderly so
    they would die more quickly
  • Birth control and abortion illegal so that
    population would grow
  • highest abortion rate and the highest infant
    mortality rate in Europe
  • Taxes on childless women
  • Villages of ethnic minorities resettled
  • Personality cult palace, portraits of himself as
    a young man on every public building
  • 1989 refused concessions to the reformers
  • executed by revolutionaries

Nicolae Ceausescu 1965-89
Enver Hoxha, 1946-85
Over 600,000 concrete bunkers across a country of
3 million
Todor Zhivkov 1954-89
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