Title: Leadership
- By
- Eugene P. Buccini, Ph.D.
2Characteristics of a Good Leader
- Think of a person you consider a good leader.
- What characteristics come to mind?
33 Key Questions
- What is the difference between leadership and
management? - Can we evaluate leadership and management?
- How can we develop leadership and management
- Planning and Budgeting
- Organizing and Staffing
- Controlling and Problem Solving
5The Management Objective
- Establishing Direction
- Aligning People
- Motivating and Inspiring
7The Leadership Objective
8Leadership Roles
External Environment
Direction Setter
Change Agent
Internal Environment
9Changing Requirementsfor Success
Importance Leadership Skills
Managerial Skills Technical Skills
Professional Management Executive
10The Manager vs. The Leader
11Leadership / ManagementCompetencies
13Center for Creative Leadership Derailment
Studies1.Difficulty in molding a
staff2.Difficulty in making strategic
transitions3.Lack of follow through4.Poor
treatment of others5.Overdependence6.Disagreem
ent with higher management
14Key Predictors of Success
- Individual Contributors
- Results Through Motivating Others
- Low to Mid-Level Manager
- Priority Setting for Different Groups and
Projects - Mid-Level Manager to Executive
- Strategic Management
- Development of People
- Self Evaluation Only 50 Accurate
- You see your behaviors and your intention.
- Others See
- Your behaviors and impact.
163 Differences Between Those Who Stay
Successfuland Those Who Fail
- 1. Successful leaders get more feedback on
competencies necessary for success - 2. They have twice the variety in their
experience. - 3. They have a pattern of new learning.
17Developmental Remedies
- 70 Job Based Development
- Special Development Assignments
- 20 Feedback
- Coaching/Counseling/Mentoring
- 10 Self Development
- Courseware
18Developmental Actions
- 360 Assessment
- Feedback on Assessment
- Coaching/Counseling/Mentoring
- Self Development/Courseware
- Developmental Assignments
- Stretch Assignments
19Gene Buccinigenebuccini_at_bucciniassociates.combu