Title: Waterfront Recreation
1Waterfront Recreation
- (photo of big boat going by)
Module 61
2Recreational Areas
- A) On Shore
- Sharing the waterfront
- Beaches
- B) Crossing Over
- Paths, stairs, bridges
- Docks
- C) Making a Splash
- Boating
- Fishing
- Aquatic plants
Module 62
3A. On Shore
Module 63
4Clearing Space
- Increased runoff Poor water quality
- Shoreline erosion Loss of property
- Eliminated habitat Loss of wildlife
Module 64
5Sharing the Waterfront
Module 65
Module 66
Photo credit ontarioguide.com
7Alternatives to Creating a Beach
- Use natural beaches
- Build beaches upland
- Use coarser gravel instead of sand
- Have a single access point to the water
- Build a swimming platform
Module 67
8B. Crossing Over
Stairs bridges
Module 68
Module 69
10Stairs and Bridges
Module 610
Photo credit Wisconsin DNR
Module 611
12What Kind of Dock Do I Need?
Module 612
13Approval Process
- Agencies to consult
- Conservation Authority
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Parks Canada
- Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Module 613
14Types of Docks
- Removable
- Permanent
- Specialty
Module 614
151. Removable Docks
- Pipe docks
- Floating docks
Module 615
Photo credit Wisconsin DNR
Photo credit Dock King
16Pipe Docks
Module 616
Photo credit DFO/Cottage Life
17Floating Docks
Module 617
Photo credit DFO/Cottage Life
182. Permanent Docks
- Crib docks
- Concrete piers
Module 618
19Crib Docks
Module 619
Photo credit DFO/Cottage Life
20Concrete Piers
Module 620
Photo credit DFO/Cottage Life
213. Specialty Docks
- Cantilever docks
- Suspension docks
Module 621
Photo credit Dock King
22Cantilever Docks
Module 622
Photo credit DFO/Cottage Life
23Suspension Docks
Module 623
Photo credit DFO/Cottage Life
24C. Making a Splash
- Boating
- Fishing
- Aquatic plants
Module 624
Photo credit Carrol Henderson
25Responsible Boating
- Maintain your boat
- Watch your wake
- Reduce noise
- Respect wildlife
- Clean your boat
- between waterbodies
Module 625
26Boat Maintenance
Module 626
27Watch Your Wake
Module 627
28Reducing Noise
Module 628
Photo credit Wisconsin DNR
29Respect Wildlife
- Maintain your distance
- Bring your binoculars
Module 629
Photo credit Wisconsin DNR
30Between Waterbodies
- Check boat equipment for hitchhikers
- Drain equipment live wells
- Clean with hot water or high pressure
- Allow drying time
Module 630
31Responsible Fishing
Module 631
Photo credit Wisconsin DNR
32Hook, Line Sinker
- Retrieve hooks lures
- Unhook snags and avoid leaving line
- Use alternatives to lead sinkers
- Match the hatch
Module 632
Photo credit PETA
33Handling Fish
- Be kind
- Keep fish out of water as short as possible
- Handle as little as possible
- Release gently
Module 633
Module 634
35Aquatic Plants
Module 635
Photo credit Carrol Henderson
36Benefits of Aquatic Plants
- Prevent erosion
- Protect water quality
- Provide food habitat
- Protect nesting areas
Module 636
37The Consequences of Removal
- Increased plant growth
- Invasion by new species
- Shoreline erosion
- Decline in water quality
- Loss of habitat and food sources
Module 637
38Considerations Prior to Plant Removal
- Are the plants native or exotic species?
- Has there been a change in the diversity or the
extent of the plants? - Are there natural or artificial growing
Module 638
39Managing Aquatic Plants
- Managing nutrient inputs
- Sharing the waterfront
- Manual removal
- Mechanical removal
- Other types of removal
Module 639
40Managing Nutrient Inputs
- Use phosphate-free products
- Avoid fertilizing your lawn
- Keep grass clippings away from water
- Keep a well buffered shoreline
- Re-direct runoff away from the water
- Maintain your septic system
- Clean up after pets
Module 640
41Sharing the Waterfront
Module 641
Photo credit Wisconsin DNR
42Permits and Regulations
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Parks Canada
- Department of Fisheries and Oceans
- Ministry of the Environment (herbicides)
Module 642
43Manual Removal
- Foot traffic
- Hand pulling
- Raking cutting
Module 643
44Mechanical Removal
Photo credit Washington Department of Ecology
Handheld power tools
Motorized machines
Module 644
45Other Types of Removal
- Bottom barriers
- Herbicides
- Water drawdown
- Biological control
Module 645
Photo credit Washington Department of Ecology
46Every Little Bit Helps
Module 646