Title: Simon Stewart
1IP Convergence The Future of Satellite
Simon Stewart Satellite Gateway Technician
2What is IP Convergence?
- The transmission of different types of traffic
over a single converged network - Voice
- Video
- Data
3The Benefits of IP Convergence
- A converged IP network
- IP is an open standard
- Easily scalable
- Capable of CoS and QoS-based routing
- Fewer components in the network
- Elimination of multiple networks operating in
4IP Modem Architecture
- IP Modems Provide Efficient Bandwidth Utilization
- Differs From Basic Satellite Modems in Their
Ability to Efficiently Transport IP Data Over the
Satellite Link - Uses Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) Framing
Structure Bandwidth on a Single Carrier
5Timeline for DevelopmentTransformational
Communications Architecture (TCA)
- Legacy Design 2004 - 2005
- Phase One Limited IP 2006
- Phase Two Expanded IP 2007 - 2008
- Phase Three Full IP 2008 - 2012
6Phase One Limited IP System Overview
- Net-centric Router
- Voice Gateways
- Intrusion detection devices
- The Performance Enhancing Proxy
7Phase Two Expanded IP System Overview
- IP Modems are installed (iDirect, Linkway)
- Support 4 Wideband RF Interfaces
- Support Hub/spoke and Mesh Topology
- Utilize Dynamic Bandwidth Resource Allocation
- Upgraded Converged IP Suites
- Ensure Compatibility With various terminals
- Enhances Bandwidth availability
8Expanded IP Architecture
9Phase Two Linkway
Equipment Shelter
Terminal 6 Modem Linkway Services Voice,
Video, Data
2.25 MSPS x 4
Pre-Positioned Services
2.25 MSPS
Terminal 7 Modem Linkway Services Voice,
Video, Data
2.25 MSPS
Central Network
2.25 MSPS
2.25 MSPS
Terminal 8 Modem Linkway IP Services Voice,
Video, Data
Terminal 9 Modem Linkway IP Services Voice,
Video, Data
Network Manager
Network Controller
10Phase Two iDirect
Equipment Shelter
Terminal 1 Modem iDirect 7350 Services Voice,
Video, Data
512 Kbps
Pre-Positioned Services
Central Network
Terminal 2 Modem iDirect 7350 Services Voice,
Video, Data
2048 Kbps
512 Kbps
Terminal 3 Modem iDirect 7350 Services Voice,
Video, Data
Network Manager
Network Controller
11- Phase Three
- Full IP Implementation
- Net-Centric Enterprise Service integrated
- Future IP modem with Embedded TRANSEC
- Enhances bandwidth capability further
- Other future requirements yet to be determined
- Taking Steps Toward Realizing the
Transformational Communications Architecture
(TCA) - IP Transition Will be Incremental
- Benefits of IP Convergence
- Limited IP
- Expanded IP
- Fully Implemented IP
- Keys to Success Requirement Solidification,
Program Synchronization, and Funding