Title: Dr Sigrid McCausland
1Archival basics Key archival principles PARBICA
12 Thursday 4 October 2007
- Dr Sigrid McCausland
- Education Officer
- Australian Society of Archivists
- Office of origin of records, ie the agency,
office or person that created, received or
accumulated and used the records in the conduct
of business. In archival theory, the principle of
provenance requires that the archives of an
agency or person not be mixed with the archives
of another.
3Why does provenance matter?
- To understand what the records do, you need first
to know about who created them and why - Respect des fonds you respect the creator
4Original order
- The order in which records and archives were
kept when in active useThe principle of
original order requires that the original order
be preserved or reconstructed unless, after
detailed examination, the original order is
identified as a totally haphazard accumulation
making the records irretrievable
5Dont mess with me
Processors should keep the files in their
original order whenever possible.
aintaining records in their original order
reveals how the creator used the records.
6Working out the order
If the records are in complete disarray, you
will need to re-organize them in the simplest way
that makes sense for the records.
Pick one arrangement scheme
(here it's type) and stick with it
7Principles into practice
- Provenance and original order are the essential
principles you need to understand before you
begin work - Sometimes resources will only permit you to
establish basic control over the records you are
responsible for
8Can you recognise this?
Removing records from basement storage.
- The process of formally accepting and recording
the receipt of records into archival custody. - Accessioning is the process which documents basic
information about records.
10Records might look like this
11Or this
12Or this?
13A rough list is better than none
14Creating an accession record
- This is critical for the archivist you need to
gather information and to present it in a
standard way, even if you are only using pen and
- A body, business or institution that creates or
manages its own records in the course of its
business or activities. - Records created by an agency have the same
- Those records or archives having the same
provenance which belong together because - they are part of a discernible filing system
(alphabetical, numerical, chronological, or a
combination of these) - they have been kept together because the result
from the same activity or - they are of similar formats and relate to a
particular function.
17The finished product
- Key principles definitions and application
- See further reading
- Applying your learning after lunch