2Endemic Gov.
3Lymphatic Filariasis in Egypt
- Nocturnally periodic lymphatic filariasis
caused by W. bancrofti infection is prevalent in
rural areas of Egypt - Culex pipiens is the main mosquito vector
- The disease has focal distribution in 6 governo-
rates of the Nile Delta,Giza and Assiut governo-
rates in Upper Egypt Over 2.5 million people are
at risk
4How the program of Elimination of Lympatic
Filariasis was started in 2000
5- 1- Preparatory Phase
- 1- Detection of Villages( IUs ) By
- Collection of epidemiological data from
all previously examined area (by night blood
samples) which was done by - Dr El-Shawarby during 1955-1965 ,
- MOH P during 1976-1999 through LF Control
6- Analysis of these data to get the real
information about the endemic areas (Villages ) (
How many, Geographical Situation , Number of
inhabitant, Climatic circumstance , occupation ,
Crops Harvesting time, School Time, Level of
Health Services , Different local Occasions
7- 2- Epidemiological Analysis for each area
(Village ) i.e the - prevalence must be ? 1
- All the Villages with pr valence ?1 after
1992 be included to the program. - All the Villages with prevalence ?1 before
8- re-examined by ICT Card to
- detect its present situation to be
- included or excluded from the
- program .
- The total number of the
- villages as ( IUs )to be included
- in the program was 161 on
- 2000.
92-Implementation of the LFEP 1- National
Commitment . 2- Formation of High National
Steering Committee. 3- Design Printing of
Different forms to be used by different
program staff at 2 level
10 4- Calculation of total population to Detect
needed drugs of both types DEC
11- Albendazole.
- Detect the number of Drug Distributor Teams
- 5- Training Activities
- Training of trainers (TOT) (Schedule)
- Training of traineese.
- Preparation of Training booklets
- Preparation of Training schedules.
12- 6-Community Participation Social Mobilization
health education through - Peripheral Level (Village Leader, School
Teacher, - Agricultural Leader, Religious Leaders
13- Central Level ( TV comedies ?Video taps
(community participation ), Different - meeting through the most famous TV programs
i.e Good Morning Egypt , Good Evening Egypt and
Ministerial meeting with all Peripheral and
Central - staff to encourage them to do their best during
the program days (15 days).
147- Pre-treatment Assessment By choosing 2(IUs)
as Sentinels in each district to be evaluated
and to detect the present prevalence before
applying MDA(by using night blood samples)
8-Drug Distribution among all the inhabitants
(except Children lt 2 years, Pregnant Women,
very sick patients).
159- Post-treatment Assessment for these 2
Sentinels to be evaluated and to detect the
present prevalence 10-Impact of last 4 mass drug
administration (MDA) at the prevalence of the
disease ( 6 months after applying MDA ).