Introduction to Psychology 2 questions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Psychology 2 questions


C. Abuse of hallucinogenic drugs, such as LSD, can cause schizophrenia. ... B. abuse of hallucinogenic drugs. C. maternal obstetrical complications ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to Psychology 2 questions

Introduction to Psychology(2 questions)Schizop
hrenia(38 questions)
Introduction to Psychology(2 questions)
When you begin a diagnostic psychiatric interview
with a patient who is new to you, it is best
toA. Begin with a medical review of
systems.B. Inquire as to what difficulties or
problems the person is currently concerned
with.C. Spend a few minutes talking about the
person's hobbies or pastimes to put them at
ease.D. Tell them something about yourself in
order to build rapport.E. Ask them about the
medications they are taking.
  • The answer is B

2. It is your turn to interview for
SBS/Psychopathology. Your group leader and you
pick up an interviewee in one of the
VAconference rooms, and you go to your group,
meeting in the VA. You ask the interviewee how
long they have been a patient inthe VA. The
interviewee responds they have never been a VA
patient. Later you determine this is a volunteer
who attends aself-help group for phobia in the
community. Your error is best characterized as an
example ofA. your naivetéB. contextual
biasC. appearance biasD. lack of empathyE.
identification bias
  • The answer is B

Schizophrenia(38 questions)
The unique therapeutic actions of clozapine are
ascribed to its activity at which receptor
site?A. M1B. Alpha 1C. D1D. 5HT2E. D4
  • The answer is D

2. The least likely side effect of risperidone
isA. dry mouthB. tremorC. dystoniaD.
restlessnessE. tardive dyskinesia
  • The answer is A

3. Simultaneously blocks D2 and 5HT2
receptorsA. fluphenazineB. risperidoneC.
haloperidolD. chlorpromazineE. none of the above
  • The answer is B

4. Much better than other neuroleptics at
improving positive symptoms of schizophreniaA.
fluphenazineB. risperidoneC. haloperidolD.
chlorpromazineE. none of the above
  • The answer is E

5. There are several dopamine pathways in the
central nervous system. The one thought to
mediate negative symptoms, andperhaps the
cognitive side effects of neuroleptics isA.
nigrostriatalB. mesolimbicC. mesocorticalD.
tuberoinfundibularE. retinal
  • The answer is C

6. Which of the following is not a correct
statement regarding schizophreniaA. Children
of schizophrenic mothers adopted away at birth
have increased risk of schizophrenia compared to
adoptees fromnon-schizophrenic mothers.B.
Severe life stresses can influence the timing of
onset of psychotic symptoms.C. Abuse of
hallucinogenic drugs, such as LSD, can cause
schizophrenia.D. History of intrauterine and
perinatal insult is associated with higher risk
for schizophrenia.E. Gender is irrelevant in
explaining prevalence of schizophrenia.
  • The answer is C

7. The mechanism of antipsychotic action is
believed to involve simultaneous blockade of
dopamine D2 and serotonin 5HT2receptorsA.
fluphenazineB. chlorpromazineC. haloperidolD.
risperidoneE. paroxetine
  • The answer is D

8. Which of the following classes of neuroleptics
is most likely to produce postural hypotension,
sedation and constipation asside-effects?A.
piperazine phenothiazinesB. butyrophenonesC.
"novel" neurolepticsD. thioxanthenesE.
aliphatic phenothiazines
  • The answer is E

9. Which of the following symptoms of
schizophrenia is least likely to respond to
neuroleptic treatment?A. social withdrawalB.
visual hallucinationsC. agitated behaviorD.
paranoid delusionsE. auditory hallucinations
  • The answer is A

10. The personality disorder most often
considered as part of the schizophrenic spectrum
isA. borderlineB. paranoidC. schizoidD.
  • The answer is D

11. A 33-year-old woman, who has never met the
President, says she can get him to say what she
wants him to say because of atelepathic
connection with him. This experience is most
precisely termedA. a grandiose delusionB. a
delusion of influenceC. a delusion of
referenceD. thought insertionE. an obsession
  • The answer is B

12. Neurologic-induced parkinsonism, which
clinically resembles Parkinson's disease has been
proposed to have the followingmechanism of
actionA. blockade of serotonin receptors in
the raphe nucleiB. blockade of dopamine
receptors in the hippocampusC. blockade of
dopamine receptors in the corpus striatumD.
destruction of the substantia nigraE. decrease
in cortical excitatory input to the substantia
  • The answer is C

13. All of the following are important
considerations in the treatment of schizophrenia
exceptA. psychopharmacological treatmentB.
psychoanalytic treatmentC. family treatmentD.
day treatmentE. therapeutic milieu
  • The answer is B

14. Which of the following is least likely to be
a risk factor for schizophrenia?A. family
history of schizophreniaB. abuse of
hallucinogenic drugsC. maternal obstetrical
complicationsD. maternal exposure to viral
infectionsE. prematurity
  • The answer is B

15. The schizoid personality disorder is best
characterized byA. shynessB. paranoid
delusionsC. visual hallucinationsD. temper
  • The answer is A

16. In reviewing evidence for and against the
dopamine hypothesis, which of the following
statements is falseA. Novel neuroleptics have
stronger affinity for D2 receptors, and tend to
work better.B. Agents that enhance DA
transmission can make schizophrenic symptoms
worse.C. Studies using PET do not always find
evidence for increased numbers of D2 receptors in
the brains of schizophrenics.D. There is
evidence that 5HT2 and other receptors may be
involved in generation of schizophrenic symptoms.
  • The answer is A

17. Which of the following is associated with
better prognosis in schizophrenia?A. gradual
onsetB. female genderC. absence of severe
stresses at time of symptom onsetD. early onset
(i.e., age less than 30)E. presence of paranoid
  • The answer is E

18. Which of the following is not a correct
statement concerning low potency
neuroleptics?A. They are less effective than
other neuroleptics.B. Chlorpromazine is an
example.C. Sedation is a common side effect.D.
They block dopamine D2 receptors.E. Overdose can
result in neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
  • The answer is A

19. Which of the following signs or symptoms is
most likely to respond to neuroleptic treatment
of a person with schizophrenia?A. social
isolationB. poverty of ideationC. flat
affectD. bizarre behaviorE. anhedonia
  • The answer is D

20. Which of the following best describes the
relationship between the concepts of psychosis
and schizophrenia?A. A psychotic period is
necessary to making the diagnosis of
schizophrenia.B. The terms schizophrenia and
psychosis are synonymous.C. Once a person
suffers a schizophrenic episode he/she is
considered psychotic from that time forward.D.
The antipsychotic (neuroleptic) drugs ameliorate
some of the behavioral problems in schizophrenia,
but are less helpful inmanaging the psychotic
  • The answer is A

21. Simultaneously blocks D2 and 5HT2
receptors?A. fluphenazineB. risperidoneC.
haloperidolD. chlorpromazineE. none of the above
  • The answer is B

22. Much better than other neuroleptics at
improving positive symptoms of schizophrenia?A.
fluphenazineB. risperidoneC. haloperidolD.
chlorpromazineE. none of the above
  • The answer is E

23. Prominent muscarinic (M1) receptor
blockade?A. fluphenazineB. risperidoneC.
haloperidolD. chlorpromazineE. none of the above
  • The answer is D

24. An example of a high potency
phenothiazine?A. fluphenazineB. risperidoneC.
haloperidolD. chlorpromazineE. none of the above
  • The answer is A

25. Delusion that the President is in love with
you?A. maniaB. schizophreniaC. bothD. neither
  • The answer is C

26. Auditory hallucinations involving continuous
commentary on the person's own behavior, his/her
thoughts sometimes severalvoices chatting with
each other?A. maniaB. schizophreniaC. bothD.
  • The answer is B

27. Treatment with a tricyclic antidepressant may
trigger onset in a susceptible person?A.
maniaB. schizophreniaC. bothD. neither
  • The answer is A

28. On neuropsychological testing, has difficulty
learning a set of geometric figures, and rapidly
forgets those that were learned?A. maniaB.
schizophreniaC. bothD. neither
  • The answer is D

29. Blocks dopamine-2 and 5HT2 receptors.A.
mirtazapine (Remeron)B. bupropion
(Wellbutrin)C. nefazodone (Serzone)D.
olanzapine (Zyprexa)E. paroxetine (Paxil)
  • The answer is D

30. Select the appropriate answer from the list
below for the following statement "I feel a
burning inside - like red hot coals in mybowels
my insides feel like they are burning up."A.
distortionB. illusionC. hallucinationD.
derealizationE. delusion
  • The answer is C

31. Select the appropriate answer from the list
below for the following statement "I walked into
the Vons store though I had beenthere many
times it seemed odd, changed in some way."A.
distortionB. illusionC. hallucinationD.
derealizationE. delusion
  • The answer is D

32. Select the appropriate answer from the list
below for the following statement "It was the
summer of 1984, I was driving to LA,and the
campgrounds were all full I knew that the CIA
and FBI were all there, and they were testing
me.A. distortionB. illusionC.
hallucinationD. derealizationE. delusion
  • The answer is E

33. Select the appropriate answer from the list
below for the following statement "When I woke
up there was a coffin in my room Iwas scared
then my husband turned on the light it was the
sofa."A. distortionB. illusionC.
hallucinationD. derealizationE. delusion
  • The answer is B

34. The mechanism of antipsychotic action is
believed to involve simultaneous blockade of
dopamine D2 and serotonin 5HT2receptorsA.
fluphenazineB. chlorpromazineC. haloperidolD.
risperidoneE. paroxetine
  • The answer is D

35. The schizoid personality disorder is
characterized byA. a lack of close friendsB.
a lack of interest in sexC. an attitude of
indifferenceD. all of the above
  • The answer is D

36. It is currently thought that the enhanced
therapeutic effect of "novel" antipsychotics is
related to their action on the followingreceptor
combinationsA. D1 and D2B. H1 and a1C. D2
and H1D. D1 and M1E. D2 and 5HT2
  • The answer is E

37. The antipsychotic drug that has been
associated with treatment-emergent diabetesA.
fluoxetineB. olanzapineC. chlorpromazineD.
haloperidolE. risperidone
  • The answer is B

38. Common side-effects of selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors includeA. delayed
ejaculation in menB. anorgasmia in womenC.
nauseaD. all of the aboveE. none of the above
  • The answer is D
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