Title: PowerPoint bemutat
Új projekt 2005-2006
Magyarországi újkokori kerámiák
archeometriai vizsgálata és a közvetlen
környezetükben található
nyersanyaglelohelyekkel való
összehasonlításuk New project 2005-2006
Archaeometrical analysis of Neolithic
pottery and comparison to
potential sources of raw
materials in their immediate
Résztvevok Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Tübingen
Universität együttmuködo partnereink ELTE,
MTA-KFKI, MTA-GKI, BME és megyei múzeumok
(Veszprém, Eger)
Participants of the project Hungarian National
Museum with collaboration of Eötvös Loránd
University of Sciences, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, Budapest Technical University and
county museums (Veszprém, Eger)
project webpage http//www.ace.hu/daad/daad2/
Sikeresen lezárult régi közös projekt 2001-2002
Magyarországi római és
középkori márvány- és
mészkoleletek archeometriai
vizsgálata Successfully finished former joint
project 2001-2002
Archaeometrical study of Roman and
Medieval Marbles from Hungarian
Objectives of the new project Pottery production
is one of the most important crafts of
prehistoric communities. Most of the
archaeological evidence recovered from
excavations consist of sherds and different
ceramics, found on habitation sites as well as
cemeteries. Pottery therefore has served for long
as basic starting point of archaeological
analysis of a site. Recent archaeometrical
research added new dimensions to the study of
archaeological pottery by focusing on material as
well as form of vessels. So far, we are on the
level of basic research describing
petrographical characteristics, technological
types, assessing firing temperatures and making
efforts for regional fingerprinting of pottery on
the basis of its material. Material
characteristics of the ceramics may depend on
many complex factors technological, regional,
cultural and functional factors. Our proposed
project intends to deal mainly with regional
factors comparing local sediments with the
material of early ceramics all over Hungary.
Hungary is known to serve as a secondary centre
for Neolithisation in Europe, forwarding ideas
and perhaps also immigrants from the Southern
parts of Europe, bringing along, apart from the
knowledge of making ceramics, notions on food
production, agriculture, animal husbandry and
permanent settlements. These notions were quickly
adopted and forwarded towards the west and the
north. Considerable pioneering work has been
done by members of the research group already.
The present proposal could facilitate the
exchange of ideas and ensure a homogeneity of
analyses by the help of which we could make
better founded statements concerning the
provenance and technology of early pottery.
project webpage http//www.ace.hu/daad/daad1/
Objectives of the project The main objective of
the project was the study of the origin of
archaeological marble and possible sources in the
Carpathian Basin. During the archaeological
excavation of the Roman military fortress
Heténypuszta (SW Hungary) 860 marble fragments
were found, used in a secondary manner for the
construction of the Late Roman fortress.
Heténypuszta used to belong to the province
Pannonia Valeria. The marble fragments originated
most probably from memorial stones of a heathen
cemetery. The fragments are now in the collection
of the Hungarian National Museum. This study is
the first large-scale effort for the
determination of the origin of marble of Roman
period from the territory of Hungary. More than
80 samples from several Austrian, Slovenian,
Romanian and Macedonian marble quarries,
crystalline limestone of marble-like quality from
Hungary (Polgárdi Limestone) and so far 18
samples from archaeological objects were
Analythical methods applied In order to determine
the origin, mineral composition (by
petrographical thin section and X-ray
diffraction), stable isotope geochemical analysis
(? 13C and ? 18O), trace element analysis (AAS),
cathodoluminescence methods and quantitative
textural analysis were applied.
First meeting 8th of March 2005 Venue
Hungarian National Museum Programme (from
13.30-17.30) Heinrich Taubald The new DAAD-MÖB
Project 2005/2006 Archaeometrical analysis of
Neolithic pottery and comparison to potential
sources of raw materials in their immediate
environment - Application of new analytical,
non-destructive X-ray techniques and Sr isotope
measurements / Újkokori kerámiák vizsgálata és a
közvetlen környezetükben található potenciális
nyersanyaglelohelyekkel való összehasonlításuk.
Új roncsolásmentes röntgen-analitikai vizsgálatok
és Sr-izotóp mérések. Domboróczky László
Neolithic pottery from Eastern Hungary to be
investigated in the framework of the project / A
vizsgálandó kelet-magyarországi újkokori kerámia
és környezete. Regenye Judit Neolithic pottery
from Transdanubia to be investigated in the
framework of the project / A vizsgálandó
nyugat-dunántúli újkokori kerámia és
környezete. Kovács Timea Daub between pottery
and sediment / Paticsok - a kerámia és az üledék
között Pintér Farkas Az izotópgeokémia
alkalmazása az archeometriai kerámiavizsgálatokban
/ Isotope geochemistry in the archaeomertical
ceramic analysis Szilágyi Vera - Szakmány György
- Gyarmati János Inka kori kerámiák petrográfiai
vizsgálatának elozetes eredményei (Paria,
Bolivia) / Preliminary results of petrographic
investigations of Inca pottery (Paria,
Bolivia). Mustafa Kibaroglu Mineralogische und
Geochemische Untersuchungen zur
Herkunftsbestimmung von Keramikwaren aus
Ostgeorgien, Ostanatolien und Nordost-Syrien /
Mineralogical and Geochemical Investigations on
Provenance of ceramics from Eastern Georgia,
Armenia, Eastern Anatolia, Southeastern Anatolia
and Northeastern Syria. Bajnóczi Bernadett Tóth
Mária Katódlumineszcenciás vizsgálati
tapasztalatok kerámiamintákon / Experiences of
cathodoluminescent investigations on pottery
samples You are kindly invited!
Joint fieldwork
Joint publications Zöldföldi, Judit Székely,
Balázs, (2003) A case study of combining
quantitative fabric analysis (QFA) and fractal
analysis (FA) on white marbles with conventional
analytical techniques for provenance analysis.
In Snethlage, R. Meinhardt-Degen, J. (eds.)
13th Workshop, EU 496 Euromarble, München,
141-150. Zöldföldi, Judit Székely, Balázs
(2004) Kísérlet a nyugat-anatóliai tektonikai
egyégek kvantitatív textúraelemzésen alapuló
szétválasztására régészeti származásvizsgálati
szempontból (An attempt to separate Western
Anatolian tectonic units based on Quantitative
Textural Analysis for archaeological marble
provenance) p. 23-27. Zöldföldi, J., Pintér, F.,
Székely, B., Taubald, H., Biró, K.T., Mráv, Zs.,
Tóth, M., Satir, M., Kasztovszky, Zs.
Szakmány, Gy (2004), Római márványtöredékek
vizsgálata a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum gyujteményébol
(Provenance Studies on Roman Marble Fragments in
the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest) 40-46.
Presentation on national and international
conferences Archaeometry Workshop 27-03-2001.
Budapest , HNM Archaeometry Workshop 05-05-2002.
Tübingen, University Archaeometry Workshop
08-10-2002. Budapest, HNM 33th International
Symposium on Archaeometry, 2002,
Amsterdam Euromarble Meeting, 2002, München 34th
International Symposium on Archaeometry, 2004