Title: NHS Yorkshire and the Humber
1NHS Yorkshire and the Humber
- Dental PH Background
- National dental health picture
- Commissioning for Health
- Needs assessment
- Health Equity Audit
- Where are we now?
- Local Examples?
- Expectations of today?
2Dental health of 12-year old children (average
number of Decayed, Missing and Filled teeth),
European comparisons (as at 2004) WHO Global
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
5Dental Caries Experience 5 Year old children
6Dental decay experience 5 year olds 2005/06 and
No. of dentists per 100,000 population by SHA
711 year old children - Decayed, Missing and
Filled teeth (DMFT) by PCT, 2004/05
- Blue better oral health
- Red poorer oral health
- Black no data !!
811 year-old mean DMFT
UDAs per dentist
9What is commissioning for health?
- The process by which the health needs of a
population are assessed responsibility is taken
for ensuring that appropriate services are
available which meet these needs and the
accountability for the associated health outcomes
is established - c.f. contracting for services
10- An Oral Health Plan for
- England
- Department of Health 2005
11Choosing Better Oral Health-overarching
- Enabling people to make healthy choices for
themselves - At the heart of the plan is the need to integrate
oral health into general public health
12How are we going to improve oral health and
reduce inequalities?
- Key elements of the Oral Health Plan
- Common Risk Factor approach
- Reducing sugar intake in food drink
- Community fluoridation programmes
- Fluoride toothpaste
- Tobacco control and sensible alcohol use
- Reducing dento-facial injuries
13Supplementary Strategies
- Smokefree and smiling helping dental patients
to quit tobacco published May 2007 - Evidence based preventive toolkit September
2007 -
- Improving Oral Health for Children and Adults
with Impairment and Disability November
2007 -
- Improving oral health in ethnic minority
populations - Spring 2008
14The Preventive Toolkit
- An evidence based toolkit for the dental team
- For every dental practice and primary care dental
clinic - Its useconfirmation for PCTs of a preventive
15Our NHS our future The Darzi Review
- A world class NHS that is-
- Fair
- Personalised
- Effective
- Safe
16Our NHS our future The Darzi Review
- Dental members of Darzi Groups in YatH
- Children Stephen Fayle LDI
- Urgent care Lee Worthington
Sheffield OoH Contractor - Long term conditions Gill Heyes SPDCS
- Staying Healthy Nigel Thomas CDPH BDR PCTs
- Planned Care John Beal CDPH - SHA
17What should PCTs be doing to Commission for Oral
- Collect appropriate information on oral health as
required by regulations - Consider having a local Oral Health Strategy as
part of their LDP - Consider using the key elements of Choosing
Better Oral Health as a basis for this - Undertake Oral Health Needs Assessment
- Ensure that they receive appropriate advice in
meeting Dental Public Health requirements
18PCT Commissioning - 3 FUNCTIONS
Engaging with its local population to improve
health and well-being
Commissioning a comprehensive and equitable range
of high quality responsive and efficient
services, within allocated resources
Directly providing high quality responsive and
efficient services where this gives best value
19- Why is the undertaking of oral health needs
assessment critical?
20What is need?
- Normative deviation from normal
- Norm(al) professional/clinically defined ?
- Self Assessed prompt for action?
- (YatH PH Observatory 5 yr.olds 2003/4)
21What is need?
- Demand need?
- Demand without need
- Need without demand
22What is need?
- What turns need into demand?
- How is demand expressed?
- What is supply?
- Practices/ dentists/ hours/ UDAs?
23PCTs need to undertake and review OHNA to
- Understand oral health needs of their population
to shape and scope what is required, What, where
for whom? - Take stock of the current dental services
provided. What is being provided to who? - Consider the potential in primary dental care for
redesigning services to better meet need - Take a rational approach De / Commissioning
dental services - Thereby provides the basis for determining
24Resources to assist PCTs
25(No Transcript)
26Health Equity Audit
- Inequalities (unfairness) in access to services
- Measure supply?
- Measure need disease experience?
- Measure demand use of services?
- - patient/public
27HEA Criteria
- Linked to PCT priorities
- Potential to make an impact
- Measures of need and resource exist
- Measurable outcomes /changes
- Resources for making change exist
- Potential for change within 2 years
28Health Issue - Sheffield
- Large inequalities in health generally
- 14 year gap in life expectancy
- 5 times difference in oral health (5 yrs.)
- Mal-distribution of dental practices and dental
hospital - Possible inverse care law operating in dental
29What we did Health Equity Audit
- Health Equity Audit a guide for the NHS DH
(HDA) 2003 - http//www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/
138 - Public Health Analysts
30Measures of need ( and demand)
- Dental Survey data 5 yrs census/map
- DPB registration data
- Dental calls to NHS Direct
- Use of Dental Hospital walk-in
- Deprivation - on income support
31Measures of supply by ward
- Dental Practice locations
- Number of dentists
- WTE of dentists
- Number of UDAs commissioned
32Dental decay (dmf) by Ward
33Deprivation and dental decay
34Mapping dental decay the impact of water
35Registrations by ward
36Deprivation and NHS D calls
37Deprivation and dental services
38Summary analysis - extract
39The Future
- Patient attendances by postcode
- Enhanced data set treatment level within bands
- Case-mix gender/age/treatment need
- Cross-PCT attendances ( orthodontics)
- Patient Public input to planning
40Where are we now?
- Health Needs Assessments?
- Health Equity Audits?
- (Health Impact Assessments)
- Orthodontic needs assessments?
- Specialised care MOS/Endo/Domi.
- Patient Public involvement LINKs?
41Orthodontic Needs Assessments
- South Yorkshire
- Cross boundary issue network role
- Mismatch between funding and fast growing
practices - Managing public/GDP expectations
- Managing MPs concerns historic flows
- Funding the backlog
- Emerging from transition
- 18 weeks !!
42Local Examples
- Assessing Need
- Evaluating Service capacity
- Local commissioning ( specialist?)
- Expectations of today?