Title: Appleworks Paint
1Appleworks Paint
2With Appleworks Paint, you can create
- Objects produced by changing pixels (or bits)
- Only one layer - like a painter's canvas
- Only one layer - only one object
- Can edit graphic one pixel or bit at a time
- Requires large amounts of memory
3Appleworks Paint
- In this program, you only have one layer which
means that every part of the screen is tracked by
the computer. - If you draw a red circle, the computer doesn't
know you drew a circle - all it knows is that
some pixels are red, the others are white.
4Menu Bar
- This is the menu bar and will be used quite
frequently in these programs. - This can always be found at the top of your
5Page View
- This controls your drawing and painting windows.
Located at the bottom of your page, this controls
your zoom and tool bar for editing. You can
either click on the icons or change the number.
6Starting at the top, the tools available are
- Arrow pointer
- this selects objects and frames
- The line tool
- this is used to draw lines
- to keep at vertical horizontal or constrained
angles, hold down the shift key - The rectangle tool
- to draw a rectangle click and drag the pointer
- to draw perfect squares hold down shift
7Using the line and rectangle tools
- I teach lessons involving
- One and two point perspective cities
- One and two point perspective interior spaces
- Graphic Name designs
8Perspective Drawings
9Name Designs
- Lets try making one of these on our own using
the line tool. - Go to FilegtNew
- Save this as NameDesign.cwk onto your desktop (we
will be using this again later) - Challenge yourself by overlapping the letters and
only using straight lines.
10- The Rounded Rectangle Tool
- click and drag to create the rectangle
- to set the radius of the corners double click on
this tool - The Oval Tool
- click and drag
- hold shift to create a perfect circle
11- The Arc Tool
- click and drag pointer diagonally
- to create a circular arc, hold down shift as you
drag - The Polygon Tool
- this is used to draw irregular polygons click
to set a starting point then draw and click and
each angle of the polygon - double-click to end the polygon
12- The Freehand Tool
- use this to draw curving or irregular lines
- Appleworks automatically smoothes the lines
sharp edges - The Bezier Tool
- used to draw Bezier curves
- double click to end the curves this one takes
some getting used to!
13- The Regular Polygon Tool
- double click this tool to set the number of sides
- The Eyedropper Tool
- this picks up an objects pen and fill attributes
- in plain English it picks up the colors and
applies them to your toolbar
14- The Selection Rectangle Tool and the Lasso Tool
are used to select certain areas of your image - To leave out the white space when using the
Rectangle Selection Tool, hold down the apple key
as you drag over the image
15- The Magic Wand Tool
- this selects everything of a chosen color in one
area - The Paintbrush Tool
- works like a real brush
- use for thicker lines
- The Pencil Tool
- draws thin lines
- The Paint Bucket Tool
- fills all of any particular closed areas
16- The Spray Can Tool
- this paints a flow of dots in the current fill
color - double click to edit spray size
- The Eraser Tool well erases!
- Double clicking clears the entire document
17Almost anything can be done using the tools we
know so far
- This is a lesson that involved students drawing a
self portrait. She only used the paintbrush,
fill, pencil, and spray can tools. - Can you think of any ways to use these tools in
your subject area to reinforce something you have
recently taught?
18Lets try using these new tools we have learned
- Create a drawing of something you plan to do this
summer. - Dont worry about how it looks, this is not about
the art it is more about trying out the tools and
getting more familiar with this program!
19Dont get frustrated!! If my kids can do this in
Appleworks, you can try it too!
20- This is your color palette in order to have
more access to this area go to the Window Menu
and choose Show Accents this will separate your
palette from the toolbar
21Inside the Show Accents Toolbox
- This allows you MUCH more freedom in your fills.
- This will help you to make a simple drawing look
much more realistic.
22Color Picker
- The first option is just a color picker. This
has many hidden choices also. - If you are making items to be used on a webpage,
you can choose web safe colors by choosing 16-bit
color from the palette drop down menu. - This also has many other options, one I use
frequently is the earth tones to get great skin
- This allows you to use patterns to fill rather
than a color. - You can choose a pattern and then select a color
and the pattern will adopt that new color.
- This can be used to add textures to anything.
These can be modified but the effect is not as
satisfying as you would like it to be. - This is used by choosing a texture and filling
using the paint bucket into a closed space on
your painting.
25Gradient Fills
- Inside the Show Accents toolbox you can click
on the gradient tab and double click on any of
the gradients to change the color, type,
direction, and number of colors.
26Gradients continued
- This gives you much more control over the use of
gradients - When using a gradient fill, make sure you want it
there because it is very hard to undo. - Each layer of color is saved in rows and to try
to paint it back to white (or any color) is very
time consuming.
27Line Widths
- In the Show Accents toolbox you can click on
the last tab and control line width (this only
changes the LINE TOOL) - This will also allow you to change the line to an
arrow for easy diagrams
28Accents in use
- Lets go back to the name design we started and
fill in the spaces using the paint bucket. - Try using
- Colors
- Textures
- Patterns
- Gradients
29Options Menu
- Using the options menu, you can edit
- brush size
- spray can sizes
- Patterns
- Wallpaper
- Gradients
- This is a great way to get more control over what
you are trying to accomplish with Appleworks
Painting Program
30Transform MenuThis menu has all sorts of neat
tricks that can be used.. Here are a few
- Using the selection tool (rectangle or lasso),
select and area of your artwork. - Using the transform menu you can
- Slant, Stretch, Resize, Rotate, Flip, Invert,
Blend, Tint, Lighten, and Darken
31Lighten and Darken tools
- This image would be much flatter and more boring
without the extensive use of the lighten and
darken tools.
32Good use of Gradients
- This image gets its attitude using the gradient
tools along with the lighten and darken
attributes. - The trick is NOT TO OVERUSE a gradient tool. (In
my opinion) these should be used very selectively.
33These are some of the best tricks in Appleworks
and I use these most frequently with my Computer
Art classes.
- Lets take a moment to go through the Transform
menu and try each option.
34Now we will break into groups and discuss lesson
- I would like you to be group into 4 people
- Today you will come up with at least two lesson
ideas with examples of ways you will incorporate
the Appleworks Painting Program into your
curriculum. - I will be moving around the classroom to assist
you in this process. - Save your work and be prepared to share your
information at the end of class.