Title: Life Cycles and Biological Change
1Life Cycles and Biological Change
24.4.1 Distinguish offspring from the parent.
- Lets take a look at animals and their babies
- http//members.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/anim
34.4.1 Distinguish offspring from the parent.
- Lets play a game Match each animal with its
baby - http//www.manythings.org/wbg/animal_babies-jw.htm
44.4.2 Recognize the relationship between
reproduction and the survival of a species.
- Lets look at some Turtles in Trouble
- http//www.nationalgeographic.com/ngkids/9911/turt
54.4.3 Select the illustration that depicts the
life cycle of a specific organism.
- The butterfly's life cycle goes through four
stages of life, but they only look like
butterflies in the final stage. - Birds, frogs, snakes and insects also change as
they grow.
6Life Cycle of a Butterfly
- 1. An adult butterfly lays an egg.
- 2. The egg hatches into a caterpillar or larva.
- 3. The caterpillar forms the chrysalis or pupa.
- 4. The chrysalis matures into a butterfly.
74.4.3 Select the illustration that depicts the
life cycle of a specific organism.
- Lets look at the life cycle of a salmon
8Lets do a WEBQUEST about life cycles!!
- To begin, go to
- http//warrensburg.k12.mo.us/webquest/cycles/
94.6.1 Match fossil evidence with organisms that
are alive today.
- What is a FOSSIL?
- the remains or trace of a plant or animal that
lived in the past.
104.6.1 Match fossil evidence with organisms that
are alive today.
- Life Has a History
- http//www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/education/exploration
114.6.2 Identify animal and plant populations as
thriving, threatened, endangered, or extinct.
- THRIVINGalive reproducing
- THREATENEDat risk of becoming endangered
- ENDANGEREDalmost extinct
- EXTINCTno longer alive on earth
124.6.2 Identify animal and plant populations as
thriving, threatened, endangered, or extinct.
- Lets take a look at some endangered species
- http//www.endangeredspecie.com/map.htm
134.6.3 Infer possible causes of extinction.
- EXTINCTION the dying out of a species
144.6.3 Infer possible causes of extinction.
- Possible causes
- an increase in the number of predator species
- a failure to compete successfully with other
species in the same habitat - rapid climatic or other environmental changes
- natural catastrophes which wipe out habitats
- new diseases to which the species has no immunity
- impact of man
154.6.3 Infer possible causes of extinction.
- Lets find out more about extinction
- http//www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/biology/