- Linda. S. Birnbaum, PhD, DABT
- National Health and Environmental Effects
Research Laboratory, US Environmental Protection
Agency - Research Triangle Park, NC
- Midland, MI July 12, 2005
2What is Environmental Risk?
- The likelihood of injury, disease, or death
resulting from human exposure to a potential
environmental hazard - Human Health Risk Assessment
- The process by which we evaluate the likelihood
and nature of public health effects of
environmental pollution
3Risk Assessment Scientific Basis for Standard
- Exposure Assessment
- Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
- Hazard Identification
- Potential for a problem
- Dose/Response Assessment
- Relationship between amount of exposure and
observed effects - Risk Characterization
- Critical evaluation of all the data and
4Bases for Standard Setting
- Science Risk Assessment
- Economic
- Legal
- Social
- Political
- Technological
5What Are Dioxins?
- A family of structurally related chemicals which
have a common mechanism of action and induce a
common spectrum of biological responses - Never produced intentionally
- Unwanted byproducts of industrial and combustion
62,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxinThe Most
Toxic Man-Made Compound
- Prototype for family of structurally related
compounds - Common mechanism of action
- Common spectrum of biological responses
- Environmentally and biologically persistent
- (Basis for TEQ approach)
7Why the Interest in Dioxins???
- 1899 Chloracne Characterized
- 1929 PCBs produced commercially
- 1947 X Disease in cattle
- 1949 Nitro, West Virginia
- 1957 Chick Edema Disease TCDD identified in
TCPs - 1962-1970 Agent Orange use in Southeast Asia
- 1968 Yusho oil disease
- 1971 Times Beach TCDD causes birth defects in
- 1973 PBB contamination in Michigan
- 1976 Seveso, Italy
- 1978 Kociba rat cancer study
- 1979 Yucheng oil dieases
- 1981 Capacitor fire in Binghamton, NY
- 1985 1st US EPA health assessment of TCDD
- 1991 NIOSH cancer mortality study of US workers
- 1999 Belgium dioxin poisoning Viennese
poisoning - 2004 Viktor Yushenko
- Polyhalogenated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans
- Never produced intentionally
- Unwanted byproducts of industrial and combustion
processes - Polyhalogenated Biphenyls, Naphthalenes,
Azo/azoxybenzenes - Commercially produced
- Major industrial chemicals
- Only a few chemicals from these large classes
have dioxin-like toxicity!
- Large Family of Chemicals
- 209 Possible Congeners
- Small Subset Are Dioxins
- NEVER have PCBS without Dioxin-like PCBs
- Majority Have Own, Inherent, Toxicities
- Multiple, Overlapping, Structural Classes
- Can Interact Additively, Synergistically, and/or
Antagonistically With Dioxins and With Other PCB
10TCDD is NEVER Found Alone
- Complex Mixtures Exist both Environmentally and
in Animal and Human Tissues - TCDD is only a Small Part of Total Chemical Mass
- We have the Most Toxicological Information about
11Problem Many Chemicals with Unknown Toxicity
but with Striking Structural Similarities
- 3 Regulatory Approaches
- Treat All as Equi-toxic to TCDD
- Ignore all those lacking Definitive Toxicological
Data - Develop a Relative Potency Ranking Scheme which
utilizes Existing Data and Expert Scientific
12Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEFs)
- Relative Potency Ranking Scheme
- Developed for Risk Assessment
- Interpret Complex Database Derived from Analysis
of Samples Containing Mixtures of Dioxin-like
Chemicals - Express Quantitatively the Toxicity of a Chemical
in terms of an Equivalent concentration of TCDD
(Relative Potency)
137 Congeners Responsible for Most of TEQ
Concentration in US Serum Samples (Needham, 2005)
Congener TEFs TEQ of group of whole TEQ
2378-TCDD 1.0 14.1 7
12378-PeCDD 1.0 43.1 21
123678-HxCDD 0.1 31.6 16
23478-PeCDF 0.5 75.8 11
33445-PeCB(126) 0.1 95.0 15
23445-PeCB(118) .0001 35.7 6.5
233445-HCB(156 .0005 64.3 12
Contribution of 7 88.5
14Major Past Sources of Dioxins (20th Century
Problem Addressed by Regulations)
- Chloralkali Facilities
- Chlorinated herbicide and biocide Production
- Leaded Gasoline
- Municipal, Medical, and Hazardous Waste
Incineration - Chlorine Bleaching of Paper and Pulp Products
15Recently Identified Sources(Minor Compared to
those in 20th Century)
- Open Burning of Household Waste
- Uncontrolled Combustion
- Forest Fires and Volcanoes
- Metal Refining
- Reservoirs contaminated soils and sediments
from past releases
16Sources and Pathways to Human Exposures
Industrial Processes
Runoff Erosion
Direct Discharge
17How do Dioxins Move in the Environment
- If emitted into air, undergo atmospheric
transport and deposition on land or water - If emitted into water, bind to sediment
- Recycle in environment
- Bioaccumulate up the food chain
- Resistance to physical, chemical, and biological
18How are People Exposed?
- Dioxins are everywhere
- Majority of exposure (gt95) is via
microcontamination of food - Meat, fish, dairy
- Sensitive Subpopulations with High Exposure
- Subsistence Fishers and Hunters
- Nursing Infants
- Occupational Workers
- Oral, dermal, and inhalation exposures
- Local elevated sources fish/wildgame advisories,
other untested foods
19U.S. Adult Average Daily Intake of CDDs/CDFs/
Dioxin - Like PCBs
65 pg TEQDFP-WHO98/day
20How You are Exposed Makes Little Difference in
How Dioxins Affect You
- Dioxins are well absorbed from the GI tract and
lungs - Skin absorption is limited and slow
- Dioxins primarily build up in the liver and fat
- Dioxins are primarily eliminated after
metabolism, which is VERY slow
21Why do the Body Burdens Increase Over Time?
- Persistence
- Resistance to Biological, Chemical, and Physical
Degradation - Long Half-Lives in Animals and People
- More Body Fat-?Longer Half-Life
- Half-Life is Dose-Dependent
- Bioaccumulation
- Due to Persistence in Animal tissues
- Animals Higher in Food Chain have Higher
Concentrations - Older Organisms have Higher Body Burdens than
22Mean and Range of TEQs By Age Group
12-19 20-39 40-59 60 Age Group
(years) (Needham, 2005)
23National Dioxin/PCB Exposure Trends
- Environmental Levels
- Peaked in late 60s/early 70s decline since
confirmed by sediment data - Decline also supported by Emissions Inventory
shows significant decrease from 87 to 95
(80) - Human tissue data suggest mid-90s levels
approximately half of 1980 - 55 ? 25 ppt TEQ lipid (5ng/kg ww)
- Decrease continues
- Success of Regulatory Agenda
24Effects of Dioxins
- Molecular/ Biochemical
- Metabolic/ Cellular
- Tissue/Organ
- Growth/ Differentiation
- Wasting/Death
- Multiple Effects
- Multiple Tissues
- Both Sexes
- Multiple Species
- Throughout Vertebrata
25Dioxin Effects Require the Dioxin Receptor
- Dioxin Receptor Lock Dioxin Key
- Highly conserved protein
- throughout Vertebrates
- Related Proteins in Invertebrates
- Member of Growing Family of Key Regulatory
Proteins - Development, Aging, Hypoxia, Daily Rhythms
- Necessary, but Not Sufficient, for All of the
Effects of Dioxins
26Adverse Effects in Animals
Effects Endocrine/Multiple Organ-System Effects
- Wildlife and Domestic Animals
- Great Lakes fish, birds, mammals
- Baltic seals, Dolphins
- (Effects observed at environmental levels)
- Cows, Horses, Sheep, Chickens
- (Effects observed during poisoning episodes)
- Laboratory Animals
- Fish
- Amphibians
- Turtles
- Birds
- Rats
- Mice
- Guinea Pigs
- Hamsters
- Rabbits
- Dogs
- Non-human primates
27 Nearly All Vertebrate Animals Examined Respond
to Dioxins What about People?
- People have the Ah Receptor and the other members
of its signaling complex. - Human cells and organs in culture respond to
Dioxins. - Biochemical Responses have been Measured in
Exposed People. - Subtle effects have been detected in the General
Population. - Adverse Effects have been seen in highly exposed
28Unfortunate Poisoning Episodes
- Japan (Yusho)
- Taiwan (Yucheng)
- Michigan
- Seveso, Italy
- Vienna, Austria
- Ukraine
- Clear Evidence of Adverse Health Effects
29Viktor Yushchenko(Before and After)
30Dioxins Effects in People
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Porphyria
- Endometriosis
- Decreased Testosterone
- Chloracne
- Biochemical
- Enzyme Induction
- Receptor Changes
- Developmental
- Thyroid Status
- Immune Status
- Neurobehavior
- Cognition
- Dentition
- Reproductive Effects
- Altered Sex Ratio
- Delayed Breast Development
31Chloracne Classic Toxic Effect
- Hallmark of Dioxin Toxicity
- High-Dose Response
- Genetic Susceptibility
- Occurs in People, Monkeys, Cows, Rabbits, and
Mice - Associated with multiple problems with skin,
teeth, hair and nails following prenatal exposure
- Exposures Are Not As High As We Once
Thought10-100X Background (Ambient) - Occupational Populations
- Chloracne, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, ...
- Poisoning Episodes
- Chloracne. Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes,
Reproductive, Developmental, Hormonal and Immune
- Type II Diabetes
- Decreased Glucose Tolerance
- Hyperinsulinemia
- Mechanistic Plausibility
- Endometriosis
- Hormone Disruption and Immune Suppression
- Animal Models
- Cancer????
- Human Epidemiology and Rodent Studies show
similar Body Burdens and Cancer Potency Values
- Studies in the US (Michigan, North Carolina, Lake
Oswego) Japan the Netherlands Sweden Finland - Low Birthweight
- Cognitive and Behavioral Impairment
- Immune System Effects
- Hormonal Changes (Thyroid Effects)
- Altered Dentition
35Dioxin Effects of Greatest Concern
- Developmental Alterations Occurring at High End
of Background Population - Decreased neuro-optimality and IQ
- Altered Behavior
- Altered Immune System
- Altered Hormone Systems
- Altered Growth
- Subclinical Effects are Hard to Measure
36Are Health Effects Occurring in the General
- What Effects?
- Are they Adverse?
- Who are most Susceptible?
- Can we Predict the Future?
37What You See Depends on How and Where you Look!
- Subclinical Effects Can have Population Impacts
- Think of the LEAD Example
- Second Generation Effects of Dioxins
- Exposed Mothers Can Result in Developmental
Neurological, Reproductive and Immune Effects in
Children - Exposed Fathers Can Result in Fewer Boys
38Benefits of Nursing Outweigh the Risks!
- Majority, if not all, of the effects are
associated with in utero exposure. - Nursing infants do better than those who are
bottle-fed (Given the same level of prenatal
exposure). - Nursing leads to greater infantile exposure, but
this does not have long term effects on the adult
body burden.
39Key to Epidemiology Studies on Dioxins
- Multiple chemicals
- EVERYONE has Some Exposure
- Approach to Consider
- Distribution of Populations
- Altered Sensitivity/Susceptibility
40Dose/Response Relationships
- Biochemical Effects Occur in Animals Within the
Range of General Population Body Burdens - Adverse Effects Occur in Animals Within 10X of
Current National Average Body Burdens - Endometriosis and Immune Suppression in Adults
- Developmental Problems learning, immune,
reproductive, teeth - Adverse Effects Occur Within 100X of National
Average Body Burdens - Porphyrin Accumulation
- Cancer
- Dioxins affect multiple tissues and organ systems
- The embryo/fetus may be especially susceptible
- Dioxins result in a many different non-cancer
effects - Dioxins are human carcinogens
- Dose/Response Assessments, both empirical and
modeling, demonstrate that effects may be
occurring in the high end of the general
42Whats the Good News Nationally?
- Regulations have had the desired results
- Levels are coming down in the environment
- Levels are coming down in people
- Bad News Still need to Reduce Reservoir Sources
- Current Levels in the Environment Are Associated
With Body Burdens in the High End of the General
Population Which Are at or Near the Point Where
Effects May Be Occurring. - Continue to Reduce Sources and Environmental
Levels ? Decreased Exposure
- To all of my students and to my colleagues,