ChargedParticle Interactions in Matter I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ChargedParticle Interactions in Matter I


Charged particles lose their energy in a manner that is distinctly different ... channel is available only to antimatter (i.e., positrons): in-flight annihilation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ChargedParticle Interactions in Matter I

Charged-Particle Interactions in Matter I
  • Types of Charged-Particle Coulomb-Force
  • Stopping Power

  • Charged particles lose their energy in a manner
    that is distinctly different from that of
    uncharged radiations (x- or ?-rays and neutrons)
  • An individual photon or neutron incident upon a
    slab of matter may pass through it with no
    interactions at all, and consequently no loss of
  • Or it may interact and thus lose its energy in
    one or a few catastrophic events

Introduction (cont.)
  • By contrast, a charged particle, being surrounded
    by its Coulomb electric force field, interacts
    with one or more electrons or with the nucleus of
    practically every atom it passes
  • Most of these interactions individually transfer
    only minute fractions of the incident particles
    kinetic energy, and it is convenient to think of
    the particle as losing its kinetic energy
    gradually in a frictionlike process, often
    referred to as the continuous slowing-down
    approximation (CSDA)

Introduction (cont.)
  • Charged particles can be roughly characterized by
    a common pathlength, traced out by most such
    particles of a given type and energy in a
    specific medium
  • Because of the multitude of interactions
    undergone by each charged particle in slowing
    down, its pathlength tends to approach the
    expectation value that would be observed as a
    mean for a very large population of identical

Introduction (cont.)
  • That expectation value, called the range, will be
    discussed in a later lecture
  • Note that because of scattering, all identical
    charged particles do not follow the same path,
    nor are the paths straight, especially those of
    electrons because of their small mass

Types of Charged-Particle Coulomb-Force
  • Charged-particle Coulomb-force interactions can
    be simply characterized in terms of the relative
    size of the classical impact parameter b vs. the
    atomic radius a, as shown in the following figure
  • The following three types of interactions become
    dominant for b gtgt a, b a, and b ltlt a,
  • Soft collisions
  • Hard (or knock-on) collisions
  • Coulomb-force interactions with the external
    nuclear field

Important parameters in charged-particle
collisions with atoms a is the classical atomic
radius b is the classical impact parameter
Soft Collisions (b gtgt a)
  • When a charged particle passes an atom at a
    considerable distance, the influence of the
    particles Coulomb force field affects the atom
    as a whole, thereby distorting it, exciting it to
    a higher energy level, and sometimes ionizing it
    by ejecting a valence electron
  • The net effect is the transfer of a very small
    amount of energy (a few eV) to an atom of the
    absorbing medium

Soft Collisions (cont.)
  • Because large values of b are clearly more
    probable than are near hits on individual atoms,
    soft collisions are by far the most numerous
    type of charged-particle interaction, and they
    account for roughly half of the energy
    transferred to the absorbing medium
  • In condensed media (liquids and solids) the
    atomic distortion mentioned above also gives rise
    to the polarization (or density) effect, which
    will be discussed later

Hard (or Knock-On) Collisions (b a)
  • When the impact parameter b is of the order of
    the atomic dimensions, it becomes more likely
    that the incident particle will interact
    primarily with a single atomic electron, which is
    then ejected from the atom with considerable
    kinetic energy and is called a delta (?) ray
  • In the theoretical treatment of the knock-on
    process, atomic binding energies have been
    neglected and the atomic electrons treated as

Hard Collisions (cont.)
  • ?-rays are of course energetic enough to undergo
    additional Coulomb-force interactions on their
  • Thus a ?-ray dissipates its kinetic energy along
    a separate track (called a spur) from that of
    the primary charged particle

Hard Collisions (cont.)
  • The probability for hard collisions depends upon
    quantum-mechanical spin and exchange effects,
    thus involving the nature of the incident
  • Hence, as will be seen, the form of
    stopping-power equations that include the effect
    of hard collisions depend on the particle type,
    being different especially for electrons vs.
    heavy particles
  • Although hard collisions are few in number
    compared to soft collisions, the fractions of the
    primary particles energy that are spent by these
    two processes are generally comparable

Hard Collisions (cont.)
  • It should be noted that whenever an inner-shell
    electron is ejected from an atom by a hard
    collision, characteristic x rays and/or Auger
    electrons will be emitted just as if the same
    electron had been removed by a photon interaction
  • Thus some of the energy transferred to the medium
    may be transported some distance away from the
    primary particle track by these carriers as well
    as by the ?-rays

Coulomb-Force Interactions with the External
Nuclear Field (b ltlt a)
  • When the impact parameter of a charged particle
    is much smaller than the atomic radius, the
    Coulomb-force interaction takes place mainly with
    the nucleus
  • This kind of interaction is most important for
    electrons (either or -) in the present context,
    so the discussion here will be limited to that

Interactions with the External Nuclear Field
  • In all but 2 3 of such encounters, the
    electron is scattered elastically and does not
    emit an x-ray photon or excite the nucleus
  • It loses just the insignificant amount of kinetic
    energy necessary to satisfy conservation of
    momentum for the collision
  • Hence this is not a mechanism for the transfer of
    energy to the absorbing medium, but it is an
    important means of deflecting electrons

Interactions with the External Nuclear Field
  • It is the principle reason why electrons follow
    very tortuous paths, especially in high-Z media,
    and why electron backscattering increases with Z
  • In doing Monte Carlo calculations of electron
    transport through matter, it is often assumed for
    simplicity that the energy-loss interactions may
    be treated separately from the scattering (i.e.,
    change-of-direction) interactions

Interactions with the External Nuclear Field
  • The differential elastic-scattering cross section
    per atom is proportional to Z²
  • This means that a thin foil of high-Z material
    may be used as a scatterer to spread out an
    electron beam while minimizing the energy lost by
    the transmitted electrons in traversing a given
    mass thickness of foil

Interactions with the External Nuclear Field
  • In the other 2 3 of the cases in which the
    electron passes near the nucleus, an inelastic
    radiative interaction occurs in which an x-ray
    photon is emitted
  • The electron is not only deflected in this
    process, but gives a significant fraction (up to
    100) of its kinetic energy to the photon,
    slowing down in the process
  • Such x-rays are referred to as bremsstrahlung,
    the German word for braking radiation

Interactions with the External Nuclear Field
  • This interaction also has a differential atomic
    cross section proportional to Z², as was the case
    for nuclear elastic scattering
  • Moreover, it depends on the inverse square of the
    mass of the particle, for a given particle
  • Thus bremsstrahlung generation by charged
    particles other than electrons is totally

Interactions with the External Nuclear Field
  • Although bremsstrahlung production is an
    important means of energy dissipation by
    energetic electrons in high-Z media, it is
    relatively insignificant in low-Z (tissue-like)
    materials for electrons below 10 MeV
  • Not only is the production cross section low in
    that case, but the resulting photons are
    penetrating enough so that most of them can
    escape from objects several centimeters in size
  • Thus they usually carry away their quantum energy
    rather than expending it in the medium through a
    further interaction

Interactions with the External Nuclear Field
  • In addition to the foregoing three modes of
    kinetic energy dissipation (soft, hard, and
    bremsstrahlung interactions), a fourth channel is
    available only to antimatter (i.e., positrons)
    in-flight annihilation
  • The average fraction of a positrons kinetic
    energy that is spent in this type of radiative
    loss is said to be comparable to the fraction
    going into bremsstrahlung production

Nuclear Interactions by Heavy Charged Particles
  • A heavy charged particle having sufficiently high
    kinetic energy ( 100 MeV) and an impact
    parameter less than the nuclear radius may
    interact inelastically with the nucleus
  • When one or more individual nucleons (protons or
    neutrons) are struck, they may be driven out of
    the nucleus in an intranuclear cascade process,
    collimated strongly in the forward direction

Nuclear Interactions by Heavy Charged Particles
  • The highly excited nucleus decays from its
    excited state by emission of so-called
    evaporation particles (mostly nucleons of
    relatively low energy) and ?-rays
  • Thus the spatial distribution of absorbed dose is
    changed when nuclear interactions are present,
    since some of the kinetic energy that would
    otherwise be deposited as local excitation and
    ionization is carried away by neutrons and ?-rays

Nuclear Interactions by Heavy Charged Particles
  • One special case where nuclear interactions by
    heavy charged particles attain first-order
    importance relative to Coulomb-force interactions
    is that of ?- mesons (negative pions)
  • These particles have a mass 273 times that of the
    electron, or 15 of the proton mass
  • They interact by Coulomb forces to produce
    excitation and ionization along their track in
    the same way as any other charged particle, but
    they also display some special characteristics

Nuclear Interactions by Heavy Charged Particles
  • The effect of nuclear interactions is
    conventionally not included in defining the
    stopping power or range of charged particles
  • Nuclear interactions by heavy charged particles
    are usually ignored in the context of
    radiological physics and dosimetry
  • Internal nuclear interactions by electrons are
    negligible in comparison with the production of

Stopping Power
  • The expectation value of the rate of energy loss
    per unit of path length x by a charged particle
    of type Y and kinetic energy T, in a medium of
    atomic number Z, is called its stopping power,
  • The subscripts need not be explicitly stated
    where that information is clear from the context
  • Stopping power is typically given in units of
    MeV/cm or J/m
  • Dividing the stopping power by the density ? of
    the absorbing medium results in a quantity called
    the mass stopping power (dT/? dx), typically in
    MeV cm2/g or J m2/kg

Stopping Power (cont.)
  • When one is interested in the fate of the energy
    lost by the charged particle, stopping power may
    be subdivided into collision stopping power and
    radiative stopping power
  • The former is the rate of energy loss resulting
    from the sum of the soft and hard collisions,
    which are conventionally referred to as
    collision interactions
  • Radiative stopping power is that owing to
    radiative interactions

Stopping Power (cont.)
  • Unless otherwise specified, radiative stopping
    power may be assumed to be based on
    bremsstrahlung alone
  • The effect of in-flight annihilation, which is
    only relevant for positrons, is accounted for
  • Energy spend in radiative collisions is carried
    away from the charged particle track by the
    photons, while that spent in collision
    interactions produces ionization and excitation
    contributing to the dose near the track

Stopping Power (cont.)
  • The mass collision stopping power can be written
  • where subscripts c indicate collision
    interactions, s being soft and h hard
  • The terms on the right can be rewritten as

Stopping Power (cont.)
  • T is the energy transferred to the atom or
    electron in the interaction
  • H is the somewhat arbitrary energy boundary
    between soft and hard collisions, in terms of T
  • Tmax is the maximum energy that can be
    transferred in a head-on collision with an atomic
    electron, assumed unbound

Stopping Power (cont.)
  • For a heavy particle with kinetic energy less
    than its rest-mass energy M0c2,
  • which for protons equals 20 keV for T 10
    MeV, or 0.2 MeV for T 100 MeV
  • For positrons incident, Tmax T if annihilation
    does not occur
  • For electrons, Tmax ? T/2

Stopping Power (cont.)
  • Tmax is related to Tmin by
  • in which I is the mean excitation potential
    of the struck atom, to be discussed later
  • Qsc and Qhc are the respective differential mass
    collision coefficients for soft and hard
    collisions, typically in units of cm2/g MeV or
    m2/kg J

The Soft-Collision Term
  • The soft-collision term was derived by Bethe, for
    either electrons or heavy charged particles with
    z elementary charges, on the basis of the Born
    approximation which assumes that the particle
    velocity (v ?c) is much greater than the
    maximum Bohr-orbit velocity (u) of the atomic
  • The fractional error in the assumption is of the
    order of (u/v)2, and Bethes formula is valid for
    (u/v)2 (Z/137?)2 ltlt 1
  • This appears to be a rather severe restriction,
    but the formula is found to be practically
    applicable even where this inequality is not well

The Soft-Collision Term (cont.)
  • The Bethe soft-collision formula can be written
  • where C ? ?(NAZ/A)r02 0.150Z/A cm2/g, in
    which NAZ/A is the number of electrons per gram
    of the stopping medium, and r0 e2/m0c2 2.818
    ? 10-13 cm is the classical electron radius

The Soft-Collision Term (cont.)
  • We can further simplify the factor outside the
    bracket by defining it as
  • where m0c2 0.511 MeV, the rest-mass energy
    of an electron
  • The bracket factor is dimensionless, thus
    requiring the quantities m0c2, H, and I occurring
    within it to be expressed in the same energy
    units, usually eV

The Soft-Collision Term (cont.)
  • The mean excitation potential I is the
    geometric-mean value of all the ionization and
    excitation potentials of an atom of the absorbing
  • In general I for elements cannot be calculated
    from atomic theory with useful accuracy, but must
    instead be derived from stopping-power or range
  • Appendices B.1 and B.2 list some I-values
    according to Berger and Seltzer

The Soft-Collision Term (cont.)
  • Since I only depends on the stopping medium, but
    not on the type of charged particle, experimental
    determinations have been done preferentially with
    cyclotron-accelerated protons, because of their
    availability with high ?-values and the
    relatively small effect of scattering as they
    pass through layers of material
  • The paths of electrons are too crooked to allow
    their use in accurate stopping power

The Hard-Collision Term for Heavy Particles
  • The form of the hard-collision term depends on
    whether the charged particle is an electron,
    positron, or heavy particle
  • We will treat the case of heavy particles first,
    having masses much greater than that of an
    electron, and will assume that H ltlt Tmax
  • The hard-collision term may be written as

The Hard-Collision Term for Heavy Particles
  • The mass collision stopping power for combined
    soft and hard collisions by heavy particles
  • which can be simplified further by
    substituting for Tmax

Dependence on the Stopping Medium
  • There are two expressions influencing this
    dependence, and both decrease the mass collision
    stopping power as Z is increased
  • The first is the factor Z/A outside the bracket,
    which makes the formula proportional to the
    number of electrons per unit mass of the medium
  • The second is the term ln I in the bracket,
    which further decreases the stopping power as Z
    is increased

Dependence on the Stopping Medium (cont.)
  • The term ln I provides the stronger variation
    with Z
  • The combined effect of the two Z-dependent
    expressions is to make (dT/?dx)c for Pb less than
    that for C by ?40-60 within the ?-range
    0.85-0.1, respectively

Dependence on Particle Velocity
  • The strongest dependence on velocity comes from
    the inverse ?2 (outside of the bracket), which
    rapidly decreases the stopping power as ?
  • That term loses its influence as ? approaches a
    constant value at unity, while the sum of the ?2
    terms in the bracket continues to increase
  • The stopping power gradually flattens to a broad
    minimum of 1-2 MeV cm2/g at T/M0c2 ? 3, and then
    slowly rises again with further increasing T

Mass collision stopping power for singly charged
heavy particles, as a function of ? or of their
kinetic energy T
Dependence on Particle Velocity (cont.)
  • The factor 1/?2 implies that the stopping power
    increases in proportion to 1/T without limit as
    particles slow down and approach zero velocity
  • Actually the validity of the stopping-power
    formula breaks down for small ?
  • However, the steep rise in stopping power that
    does occur accounts for the Bragg peak observed
    in the energy-loss density near the end of the
    charged particles path

Dependence on Particle Charge
  • The factor z2 means that a doubly charged
    particle of a given velocity has 4 times the
    collision stopping power as a singly charged
    particle of the same velocity in the same medium
  • For example, an ?-particle with ? 0.141 would
    have a mass collision stopping power of 200 MeV
    cm2/g, compared with the 50 MeV cm2/g shown in
    the figure for a singly charged heavy particle in

Dependence on Particle Mass
  • There is none
  • All heavy charged particles of a given velocity
    and z will have the same collision stopping power

Relativistic Scaling Considerations
  • For any particle, ? v/c is related to the
    kinetic energy T by
  • The kinetic energy required by any particle to
    reach a given velocity is proportional to its
    rest energy, M0c2
  • The rest energies of some heavy particles are
    listed in the following table

(No Transcript)
Shell Correction
  • The Born approximation assumption, which
    underlies the stopping-power equation, is not
    well satisfied when the velocity of the passing
    particle ceases to be much greater than that of
    the atomic electrons in the stopping medium
  • Since K-shell electrons have the highest
    velocities, they are the first to be affected by
    insufficient particle velocity, the slower
    L-shell electrons are next, and so on
  • The so-called shell correction is intended to
    account for the resulting error in the
    stopping-power equation

Shell Correction (cont.)
  • As the particle velocity is decreased toward that
    of the K-shell electrons, those electrons
    gradually decrease their participation in the
    collision process, and the stopping power is
    thereby decreased below the value given by the
  • When the particle velocity falls below that of
    the K-shell electrons, they cease participating
    in the collision stopping-power process
  • The equation underestimates the stopping power
    because it contains too large an I-value
  • The proper I-value would ignore the K-shell

Shell Correction (cont.)
  • Bichsel estimated the combined effect of all i
    shells into a single approximate correction C/Z,
    to be subtracted from the bracketed terms
  • The corrected formula for the mass collision
    stopping power for heavy particles then becomes

Shell Correction (cont.)
  • The correction term C/Z is the same for all
    charged particles of the same velocity ?,
    including electrons, and its size is a function
    of the medium as well as the particle velocity
  • C/Z is shown in the following figure for protons
    in several elements
  • A second correction term, ?, to account for the
    polarization or density effect in condensed
    media, is sometimes included also
  • It is negligible for all heavy particles within
    the energy range of interest in radiological

Semiempirical shell corrections of Bichsel for
selected elements, as a function of proton energy
Mass Collision Stopping Power for Electrons and
  • The formulae for the mass collision stopping
    power for electrons and positrons are gotten by
    combining Bethes soft collision formula with a
    hard-collision relation based on the Møller cross
    section for electrons or the Bhabha cross section
    for positrons
  • The resulting formula, common to both particles,
    in terms of ? ? T/m0c2, is

Mass Collision Stopping Power for Electrons and
Positrons (cont.)
  • For electrons,
  • and for positrons,
  • Here C/Z is the previously discussed shell
    correction and ? is the correction term for the
    polarization or density effect
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