Title: College Enrollment US African American Students, 1967
1College Enrollment (US) African American
Students, 1967
Ivy League 2.3
Other Prestigious Institutions 1.7
Univ. of California, Berkeley 2.7
David Karen, "The Politics of Class, Race, and
Gender Access to Higher Education in the United
States, 1960-1986," American Journal of
Education, 99, (2), February, 1991, pp 208-237.
2College Enrollment (US) African American Students
By 1975 -- Doubled 1965 figure, 9.8-- and for
first time, majority not in TBC
U. of California, Berkeley 7.5 (1980)
Ivy League 5.8 (1980)
David Karen, "The Politics of Class, Race, and
Gender Access to Higher Education in the United
States, 1960-1986," American Journal of
Education, 99, (2), February, 1991, pp 208-237.
Undergraduates by Ethnicity, 1971-1995
4Five Stages of Diversity/Responses
1) Intolerance
- Bosnia Rwanda/Burundi Hutu-Tutsi War
5Five Stages of Diversity/Responses
2) Tolerance
- Switzerland and 3 sectors
- South African Truth Commission
6Five Stages of Diversity/Responses
3) Acceptance
- Car-Pool / Backyard Barbecue
- Fraternities/Sororities permit entry of the
other in 1970s
7Five Stages of Diversity/Responses
4) Appreciation
- Typically, Sensual Pleasures
8Five Stages of Diversity/Responses
5) Mutual Enhancement
- Complement/Supplement Problem-solving
Greater than sum of the parts
9Relationship to Constitutive Ethnic
Greogrian Chants, Palestrina, Bach, Mozart,
Chopin, Brahms, Berg, Bartok, etc.
Ethnomusicology, 1959 (UCLA)
Koto of Japan, Sitar of India, Gamelan of
Indonesia, Didgeridoo of Australian Aborigines,
etc., etc.
10Relationship to Constitutive Ethnic
Art (Rembrandt, Van Gogh, etc.)
In relationship to Ethnic Art (Eskimo, Zuni,
African, Aboriginal, etc.)
In relationship to Ethnic Dance
11Relationship to Constitutive Ethnic
Food (meat and potatoes, etc.)
In relationship to Ethnic Food (Chinese, Greek,
Indian, Korean, Hungarian, Japanese, Burmese,
Studies (English, History, Medicine, Law)
In relationship to Ethnic Studies
12Theory of Diversity
Mutual Enhancement
13Diversity and Social Theory
Israel Zangwill, The Melting Pot, 1908
- Celebration of the Shedding of Difference
Horace Kallen, The Nation, 1915
- Democracy vs. The Melting Pot Pluralism
14Diversity and Social Theory
Assimilation Theory
- Anglo Conformity (M. Gordon)
- Adopt the Language, Religion, etc
15Hierarchy of Cultures in Late 19th Century
Oxbridge, Heidelberg, Sorbonne
Civilizations (Toynbee, Spencer, etc.)
City Cultures
Sedentary, (Accumulative - Surplus Agriculture)
Sedentary, (Hunters, Gatherers, Fishers)
Nomadic Peoples (Lapps, Arabian Nomads, etc.)
Hottentots (capable of annual primitives
- Aborigines (only capable of seasonal thought)
Herbert Spencer, Sociology, 1882
University of Capetown, NYU, University of Natal
To address AIDS/HIV pandemic via
University/Community Collaboration
Humanities, Biological Sciences, Epidemiology,
Social Sciences
17Ratio of Population to Primary Care Providers
Source Office of Statewide Health and Planning
DevelopmentTestimony, California State Senate
Committee on Health and Human ServicesSacramento,
CA March 31, 1997 (Ed Mendoza)
18Top Five Higher Ed Institutions producing highest
number of medical school students fromPreviously
under-represented groups
2 University of California, Berkeley
3 University of California, Los Angeles
4 Howard University
5 University of Texas, Austin
Three-thousand by two-thousand, Assoc of American
Medical Colleges, April, 1996. P. 24
19Voting for Proposition 209Race, Ethnicity,
Gender, Religion
source Voter News Service N3010
20New York Firefighters and Race/Ethnicity
Like many city fire departments, New York's is
predominantly white, even though the city is
predominantly black and Latino. A majority in the
city, blacks and Latinos make up 2.7 percent of
its 11,000 firefighters.
San Francisco Chronicle, January 21, 2002 -- B7
21UNESCO Revised Statement on Race, 1995
the same scientific groups that developed
thebiological concept over the last century have
nowconcluded that its use for characterizing
humanpopulations is so flawed that it is no
longer a scientifically valid concept. In fact,
the statementmakes clear that the biological
concept of race asapplied to humans has no
legitimate place inbiological science. (Katz
Katz, S. H., "Is Race a Legitimate Concept for
Science?" The AAPA Revised Statement on Race A
Brief Analysis and Commentary, University of
Pennsylvania, February 1995
22California Racial Privacy Initiative
Proposed amendment to the California State
Constitution Sec. 32. (a) The state shall not
classify any individual by race, ethnicity, color
or national origin in the operation of public
education, public contracting or public
employment. (b) The state shall not classify any
individual by race, ethnicity, color or national
origin in the operation of any other state
operations, unless the legislature specifically
determines that said classification serves a
compelling state interest and approves said
classification by a 2/3 majority in both houses
of the legislature, and said classification is
subsequently approved by the governor.
23Minority Health Act of 2000
Minority Health and Health Disparities Research
and Education Act of 2000 106-525
- Directs the National Institutes of Health to
support research on health disparities between
racial and ethnic groups
- With the ultimate goal of eliminating such